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Racism in America


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Dude.. it wouldnt go over even AT THE SAME TIME OF THAT CONTEST.


Im getting seriously SICK and TIRED of racism bullshit myself.

It hits me quite often at work.. Ill stop someone and they'll say "you stopped me because Im black" I get so pissed off. I then always mention "I lived with a black guy for a year and one of my best friends is black, so you can stop the racism remarks rite now" I always get the "Im stupid for saying that now" look.


I just want to know when will white AND black people quit saying that shit already. You cant even limit it to white and black.. Ive gotten the same responses from Asians and Koreans too.

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Guest hotrodmama024
Dude.. it wouldnt go over even AT THE SAME TIME OF THAT CONTEST.


Im getting seriously SICK and TIRED of racism bullshit myself.

It hits me quite often at work.. Ill stop someone and they'll say "you stopped me because Im black" I get so pissed off. I then always mention "I lived with a black guy for a year and one of my best friends is black, so you can stop the racism remarks rite now" I always get the "Im stupid for saying that now" look.


I just want to know when will white AND black people quit saying that shit already. You cant even limit it to white and black.. Ive gotten the same responses from Asians and Koreans too.




Cant we all just get along? ;)

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Dude.. it wouldnt go over even AT THE SAME TIME OF THAT CONTEST.


Im getting seriously SICK and TIRED of racism bullshit myself.

It hits me quite often at work.. Ill stop someone and they'll say "you stopped me because Im black" I get so pissed off. I then always mention "I lived with a black guy for a year and one of my best friends is black, so you can stop the racism remarks rite now" I always get the "Im stupid for saying that now" look.


I just want to know when will white AND black people quit saying that shit already. You cant even limit it to white and black.. Ive gotten the same responses from Asians and Koreans too.




fucking inmates would point to their skin when i'd write them a ticket when i worked at the joint. it drove me nuts. after a while, i'd say yeah you're probably right.. just because it wasnt worth getting pissed off about. it just made my day worse.

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Now what about a "WET" tv channel.. White Entertainment... THAT would be racism even know there is a BET.

I think its all bullshit.


You clearly overlooked FOX News...


I keed, I keed. But seriously, what stings the most is that cable co's won't sell channels a la carte, in which case the 'niche' (channels that no one watches) would go away in favor of a free market decision on what channels get funded. But I digress.


There were some 'token white folks' in the pics they show on the web site, doesn't that mean they are being 'multicultural'? If you answered no, think about what a political convention looks like (on either side) and ask yourself if they are multicultural or even a fair representation of the population. My point is, there are probably more important things on which to argue the racial divide, this is just a 'biggest loser' contest. Now that you mention it...


As a skinny person, I am subjugated and ostracized by this event and feel that it's a mockery of freedom to have a contest that only fat people can enter! Cue the "That's Weightist!" kid.

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See, here's the problem with the first post. While yes it seems "racist" that it's an all African American contest, this by no means is racist. Fact of the matter is that African Americans are "fatter" when compared to other races/cultures. Maybe its a lifestyle thing, maybe its a genetics thing, who knows. No where does it state that ONLY African Americans can be a part of this contest. Whites, Asians, Mexicans, Indians are not forbidden from this.


Now, yes I would venture a guess that if someone threw together an "American weight loss contest" (read White contest) Jesse Jackson and the NAACP would be down their necks and the Media's venting about how racist it is that it's "for the whites." Pure political bullshit is all it is. Same reason any time a black person is beat up by anyone other than their own race it's a hate crime. I have good friends that are black. I have good friends that are Mexican, etc etc. I can hate or like the next black, white, mexican, indian guy just the same. But if I were to bash in the skull of a white guy and black guy both for the same thing, it becomes a hate crime to the black guy because he/she is a minority. Give me a fucking break already. Go to the ghetto of any major city and tell me who is predominantly in "gangs". Then tell me what it's classified as when any gang attacks a single person and beats/mugs/kills that person. Sorry to say, but if it isn't a group of Majorities beating a Minority, it never gets called a hate crime. And the press coverage is not as high.



no, we cant.
Are you joking? It's hard to venture a guess to your tone over the internet, so I'll write two question/comments to your post.

A) You are probably right, there will always be a division of ideologies, feelings, and interactions between different races. It's the nature of animals.

B) Why boldly state that we can't? There will always be two extreme groups that keep a seperation, but why state that? Are you one who can't get along with "white" people, or any other race for that matter? Do you just put on a front with your white friends so as to avoid any historical confrontations? Are you using your race as a clutch to justify "not getting along"?


If you truly have no racist feelings towards other races, and can get along with others, then why can't everyone?


"No we can't" is a little post with a huge meaning. Posts like that should be said carefully, especially in a thread that walks a very thin line. And, maybe you didn't mean anything by that remark and intended it as a joke.


that is called the KKK
Ku Klux Klan is not government funded though.


It's called Fox
Cleveland from Family Guy is black. In fact, there is always some minority in all their shows. How many other races do you really find in BET sitcoms, or other race directed tv shows? There are MULTIPLE shows where white actors are non present. Or shows that have only one race present. Though this may go both ways as I think about it. FRIENDS... did they ever have black actors? They did have guest actors that were of different races from time to time though which excludes them from being "racist".





Everything should be a level playing field this day and age. But it's not, the government stepped in years ago with Affirmative Action and other programs to help minorities (mainly African Americans) to better integrate them into society. The problem is, these programs are being used and abused now way beyond what their prior intentions were.




Did we indenture Africans to be slaves? Yes, there is no denying that. They were inslaved to citizens of the United States from 1776 to 1865. (I use 1776 as its the start of the USA, not as the start of slavery itself). That's 89 years. We have been "giving back" to the one inslaved, and their families, and their families and their families for 142 years. That's way beyond our nations need to "repay" for anything. Yes blacks were still segregated until the 1960's, but guess what, so were women, they had just as little rights. You don't here as much hooplah from them. They fought for their rights, they achieved them, then went on their merry way's. Why are we as a nation still treating any other races differently?

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Now what about a "WET" tv channel.. White Entertainment... THAT would be racism even know there is a BET.

I think its all bullshit.


I say the exact same thing when people bring up crap like this. Even as much as we want everyone to get along, it will never happen. It never has in the past and it is foolish to think it will ever happen in the future. There will always be people that will not like someone just because of the color of their skin or where they come from.

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They have the same goals... oppress blacks into believing they are helpless.


To say the NAACP and KKK are in ANYway similar is the absolute dumbest thing I have ever read online.....seriously. Whether you agree with what they do/preach or not is one thing, but to compare to an organization that has pushed hate and violence since existence is ridiculous!

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This is a thin line and someones opinion could turn them into a "racist" in others eyes. Though they may not be. I see bens point exactly and I dont think other are seeing it...


Just like stated above...you have to question


why is there no dedicated "White Entertainment Television"

why dont you see signs for "Bettering Caucasian Americans"


I could go on just two good points.


The reason why is because then they would be labeled racist by another race.


In my opinion if you want to help tame the black and white race war, take the topic of slavery out of school education. Its already being done in other states out west and I highly support it. I know from personal experience that what we are educated with can sometimes lead to people "142" years from now saying that we owe them something.


As a Caucasian Male I can say I dont own an African American or any other race a damn thing. I grew up in a time where my family had nothing to do with anything that happened over 100 years ago and I live my life freely as others should also.


I grew up with a quote always in my mind... "Forget the Past, The Future is all that Matters" more people should carry it with them.

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See, here's the problem with the first post. While yes it seems "racist" that it's an all African American contest, this by no means is racist. Fact of the matter is that African Americans are "fatter" when compared to other races/cultures. Maybe its a lifestyle thing, maybe its a genetics thing, who knows. No where does it state that ONLY African Americans can be a part of this contest. Whites, Asians, Mexicans, Indians are not forbidden from this.


Now, yes I would venture a guess that if someone threw together an "American weight loss contest" (read White contest) Jesse Jackson and the NAACP would be down their necks and the Media's venting about how racist it is that it's "for the whites." Pure political bullshit is all it is. Same reason any time a black person is beat up by anyone other than their own race it's a hate crime. I have good friends that are black. I have good friends that are Mexican, etc etc. I can hate or like the next black, white, mexican, indian guy just the same. But if I were to bash in the skull of a white guy and black guy both for the same thing, it becomes a hate crime to the black guy because he/she is a minority. Give me a fucking break already. Go to the ghetto of any major city and tell me who is predominantly in "gangs". Then tell me what it's classified as when any gang attacks a single person and beats/mugs/kills that person. Sorry to say, but if it isn't a group of Majorities beating a Minority, it never gets called a hate crime. And the press coverage is not as high.


I agree with a lot of what you said, but I have to disagree with the fact that if you have a black friend and kicked his ass, it would become classified as a hate crime. Blacks and whites (friends) fight everyday for issues/matters on a personal basis. Most times when "It was a hate crime" is thrown out there is when there are multiple whites/blacks beating the shit out of one or a complete uneven number of either, against the other. Usually in this case, there has been history of racial bickering or taunting. Very seldom is there just a beating that causes Jesse/Al and their henchman to come out unless there has been known tension in the matter.....hence Jena 6, where it's been going on for a while and it finally came to a head. Anywho, a "hate crime" to me, can be committed by any race.

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To say the NAACP and KKK are in ANYway similar is the absolute dumbest thing I have ever read online.....seriously. Whether you agree with what they do/preach or not is one thing, but to compare to an organization that has pushed hate and violence since existence is ridiculous!


The methods of each group are different but the end goal is the same. The NAACP has a history of turning a blind eye to violence against whites by blacks while at the same time coming down hard against anyone who commits a crime against blacks.


There is a double standard in the US... it is ok to hate on whites but don't say anything negative against blacks. Otherwise Jesse and Al will be at your front door. Speaking of Jesse and Al where are they when The Nation of Islam comes spouting the anti white crap? They are sitting at home!

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Here is what I think:


I think a Job should go to the most qualified.

I think if you don't have the grades to go to schools dont cry about it.. work harder.

I think that in America if you can succeed here, you will fail everywhere.

I think if you get fired from a job, don't cry about it... do a better job next time!

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