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Okay, who's the a-hole on 270 today!


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this made me LOL.


This man can't bitch about people weaving but you post up about kids on a school bus flipping you off and annoying you....and we're supposed to care? Read your own advice and GET OVER IT.


damn you beat me to it

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this made me LOL.


This man can't bitch about people weaving but you post up about kids on a school bus flipping you off and annoying you....and we're supposed to care? Read your own advice and GET OVER IT.




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does this really surprise you? people in this city cant drive for shit. a) way too impatient, b) no one gives a fuck. its just a "me first" mentality... i could go on...



Makes me wish I had a dash camera too. No doubt I'd be sitting with a cop reviewing the video right now.


if you dont get their face, then nothing can be done.

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does this really surprise you? people in this city cant drive for shit. a) way too impatient, b) no one gives a fuck. its just a "me first" mentality... i could go on...




if you dont get their face, then nothing can be done.


I guy in a Civic was doing about 110 or so on 70E and was intoxicated I do believe. He almost clipped me and was moving. So I punch the goat and came up on him and called him in. They asked me if I was behind him, gave plate, location all the goodies. Lets just say the guy did not make it past hamilton road. They reacted pretty quick. Was funny the guy tried to get away from me but vtec never kicked in :D

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this made me LOL.


This man can't bitch about people weaving but you post up about kids on a school bus flipping you off and annoying you....and we're supposed to care? Read your own advice and GET OVER IT.


Um... my post was about young kids proving the colaps of civilized society, not a grown ass man being stupid in a car.


However, i can see your argument, but i respectfully disagree ;)

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