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OFFICIAL NFL Week 9 Flame Thread

El Karacho1647545492

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  El Borracho said:
Pats are only giving up 4.5 in my football pool, i've picked them every week and will continue to do so until they stop raping the spreads.


Yeah 16 last week was extreme and everyone hyped how it was the largest spread ever blah blah 80+% of the public pounded the skins lol which in turned -16 got great odds. I added -1 to increase my odds ontop of -16 @ +105 so I layed a pretty penny on -17 @ +120.


El Borracho, do you have someone local out in Boston or are you online?

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my roommate runs a 60 person pool, combining both regular picks 10-1 (each pick has the corresponding point value) and includes an over/under pick every week, and the other pool which is included in the $50 buyin is a survivor pool for $500. He's been running it for 7 years and every year we get more people, we're going to try to get 100 people in for $100 next year.
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  Just2Sweet said:
The Patriots are unbelievably good and it pisses me off because I can't stand them. I still think Tom Brady is overrated and I always will. He has the best line, the best receivers, and the best offensive system. I mean he has all fucking day to throw the ball, his receivers always get open, and they get some serious yards-after-catch. Even Akili Smith could do well in that offense. Brady's amazing numbers this year are just a product of the system. Yes he is good, but he isn't THAT good. Put him on a shitty team like the Raiders or Chiefs and lets see how well he does.


I just wish my 49ers could score some fucking points. Another sad year to be a Niners fan :(


WHAT!!!!!.....im a not a Pats fan but no way can you call him overrated. He def has better recievers this year then past but he is always been really good. Name their top recievers from last year.....??? its hard because they werent that good. They still got to the AFC championship game and barley lost. DONT EVER BRING UP AKILI SMITH or it should be instant ban! lol....but seriously I think Brady is incredible this year its actually fun to watch just how effortless it is. Who would have thought and how many people did count randy moss out. A hasbeen lost a step couldnt hang with the best DBs and he has and killed them. I almost would say Wes Welker is as valuable as Moss because he is killing the middle of the field for the Pats. If you dont go long to moss Welker will be open underneath and he jukes about everyone. im a Falcons fan so this isnt bias but its still fun to see this happen in my lifetime. Bill Bellacheat is still a bitch but they have one hell of a team.

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  El Borracho said:
The thing I take issue with is you saying he doesn't have an arm. The guy's got a fucking cannon! Every receiver that has ever played for the Pats has commented on how much of a rocket he throws. Granted, he's not a Brett Favre or a Kerry Collins (the guy has an insane arm and no respect), but watch him and you'll very rarely see anything less than a really tight spiral and a solid throw. He's got an insane completion percentage, and a lot of that is due to receivers like Welker and Moss with amazing hands, but you've still got to have surgical accuracy to throw the kind of balls they can catch. Remember against the Jets when Moss outran 3 DBs and just kinda had the ball float into his hands in the end zone? That's not all Brady, but he damn sure better get the ball in the right spot in triple coverage.


I agree he is a very accurate passer most of the time, but he doesn't have the arm strength to throw a laser into double coverage 15+ yards down the field. He can't make throws that Brett Favre or Drew Bledsoe can make. He relies on his accuracy and his receiver's ability to get open so he can just float it in there. When his line doesn't block and the pass rush gets to him, he suddenly loses his ability to throw accurate passes. Manning has the arm to make completions that many QB's (like Brady) can't.


I've seen numerous occasions, like the TD pass he threw to Moss a couple weeks ago (I think against Miami) when it was badly underthrown into double coverage, yet Moss uses his size and talent to go up and grab it for the TD. I don't mean to sound like a hater, but Brady honestly doesn't do much. He basically just lets the rest of his offense do all the work, and he executes it like the QB should. But him being the QB, he gets all the credit. Props to him for not making many mistakes though. Remember Trent Dilfer's role the year Baltimore won the Super Bowl? Until this season, that was basically how Tom Brady was. He constantly threw a shitload of screens and passes under 10 yards. He didn't have to play great, as long as he didn't make big mistakes they would win. Now that he has the best receivers in the league he is like a kid in a candy store. He is a good QB, one of the best in the league, but he just isn't the playmaker everybody makes him out to be and he definitely isn't Dan Marino.


Tony Romo, for example, is a playmaker. Romo has much more talent than Brady IMO. He makes a lot of stupid mistakes, but he has the skills. Just watch him play and see what he does. The only difference is that Brady is a hell of a lot smarter and a much better QB overall due to his awareness, composure, vision, etc. Go ahead and compare Brady to Montana all you want. Montana was overrated too, and this coming from a lifelong 49ers fan. I know I'm not going to win this argument so I might as well give up now. It's all just a matter of opinion and in this case I'm probably in the minority. If you agree or disagree with me I really don't care.


PS, Wes Welker is amazing. He is probably the most underrated receiver in the league, and now that he plays for New England everybody suddenly realizes how good he is.

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  El Borracho said:
No, I used to be a Tony Romo hater, but this year I absolutely believe he is the real deal. Not to mention that no NFC team can hold a candle to the Cowboys this year.


Agreed. Last year I thought he was a fluke and I didn't understand why everybody thought he was so great. After watching him play more I'm seeing what all the buzz was about. Yeah he makes a lot of mistakes (like the 6 turnovers in 1 game earlier this season) and I honestly don't like him or the Cowboys, but I admit he has great talent.

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Meh...The Patriots suck and Bellichek (sp...whatev) swallows. :)




PS - Since were talking quarterbacks...fuck you Big Ben haters...I do believe that his rating is only behind Brady, Manning and Garrard. Not too shaby...starting to look like his first two seasons...


Ok, enough bullshit. Being completly honest I hate the Patriots. But, they will win the Superbowl. They are looking like a 15-1 team (remember the Steelers did that 3 years ago...) and are fucking amazing. As a diehard Steeler fan I am fucking dreading watching them play each other. I am happy though that the NFC is a joke (again) and will not win the big game. :)


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I'm just glad Brady has put to rest all the fuckers who said that Brady curls up and loses when the D-line gets to him or if he throws a couple INTs. Mathis got to him a couple times, and yet he charged down the field in 3 plays on a winning drive. Not only that THEN FUCKING MANNING CURLED UP AND DIED LIKE A LITTLE BITCH WHEN THE PATS D GOT TO HIM.


All you guys who said Brady is underrated and can't lead a winning drive can suck a dick.

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Yeah I am glad I stayed away from the spread. I took Pats ML and the under. I made out better with the Lions and Vikings, Lions -2.5 Thanks for the dono, Vikings +7.5, Thanks again. It's the first time in awhile for me to do well both in NFL and NCAA in the same weekend.
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