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Is It Me Or NE Columbus (161 area) Becoming The Hood???


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Ha ha.... That is my old hood!




The 1st or Livingston and Courtwright. Cause livingston has some nice houses but off courtwright you get a wonderful mix.


The first area i was describing i had to google it to remember the area its between Steltzer and E.5th avenue when you cross the bridge on right hand side. Is probally the worst area in columbus.

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The 1st or Livingston and Courtwright. Cause livingston has some nice houses but off courtwright you get a wonderful mix.


The first area i was describing i had to google it to remember the area its between Steltzer and E.5th avenue when you cross the bridge on right hand side. Is probally the worst area in columbus.


They shut that area down. Man u talking about crackhead central.

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I went on a ride along with a columbus homicide detective(friend of family). And he took me to all the worst parts of columbus....there are more than you would think. Also wait til Ice(meth) really hits hard in columbus....it will only get worse. If you think its bad now you have no Idea
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lil further south. Uzi alley, I have not heard that in awhile


My friend's husband is CPD and we were talking about me working at DSCC and it came up. He works 8th precinct (bottoms)

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We do have bad neighborhoods. However, if you took a few people from California or DC and moved them to our "bad neighborhoods" they would think they were suburbs.

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Guest 614Streets
Obviously you guys do not really know me. I use to hang over there after 11pm. Southwest yes. This city is funny. I would define it as starving neighborhoods, not ghetto's!




That I laugh at :woowoo:


The pretenders are second to worst. They have something that they are tryin to prove. The ones u have to watch out for are the ones who are hungry(wanting money bad) that have no feeling about anything they do. Lo-life trash. With the pretenders 9 times out of ten they will go the other way, but with that said they will do the cowardly deed and sneak up behind you!





I work on the corner down there , swat does operations down there busting dope dealers undercover, month ago bullets rang down two guys , in the summer , you will get flagged down to buy a rock as soon as dawn hits. Its a revolving door down there. I see it everyday down there. Lots of heavy gang and dope dudes out there..


Ive seen alot of neighbor hoods in my years in columbus I used to work on section 8 rentals with my old man from jefferson ave , 15th , 16th ave all that dumb shit theres alot of hoods in columbus and they are all suffering from the same thing , poverty , gangs , and drugs.


The reason I said I think that area off rich street is the roughest is because for all the little kids who come by riding there bikes up to the shop to get air in their tires , instead of getting a fair shot they will learn that selling drugs is a way of life and you can tell these kids are good kids.



Besides the people buying drugs drive up in nice cars and come from the suburbs lots of the time.


For an outsider there is not a huge risk of much more than a hustle , its the people living there its dangerous on.


This isnt florida where you have fresh of the boat or tire if you will dominicans , columbians and cubans that commit crimes of desperation at a high rate , such as car jacking. I definately understand what you mean when you say starving neighborhoods and not ghetto's when comparing columbus to other cities and so on, after south central florida coming back here was cake , people are so nice here , but its still good to recognize its all the same problems really and this is our community to watch over.

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The 1st or Livingston and Courtwright. Cause livingston has some nice houses but off courtwright you get a wonderful mix.


The first area i was describing i had to google it to remember the area its between Steltzer and E.5th avenue when you cross the bridge on right hand side. Is probally the worst area in columbus.


I grew up near Livingston and Yearling Rd. I went to school near Greenbriar at Eastmoor. If I go back to the old hood, I get a very short tempered with the people in the area. I cant stand it there!!! I hate drive down the street a feel that I need to keep my doors locked, in that area you better. I have had three guns pulled on me over there, lucky for me none pulled the trigger.


I cant tell you how many times in my younger years I would be minding my own business and some punk starts crap because I looked at him. After he got my fist through his front teeth he got the point I would look at who ever I wanted to. That area toughened me up as a kid and young adult.

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Also wait til Ice(meth) really hits hard in columbus....it will only get worse. If you think its bad now you have no Idea



That stuff is all over Hawaii. ICE is destroying so many people it is scary!

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I work on the corner down there , swat does operations down there busting dope dealers undercover, month ago bullets rang down two guys , in the summer , you will get flagged down to buy a rock as soon as dawn hits. Its a revolving door down there. I see it everyday down there. Lots of heavy gang and dope dudes out there..


Ive seen alot of neighbor hoods in my years in columbus I used to work on section 8 rentals with my old man from jefferson ave , 15th , 16th ave all that dumb shit theres alot of hoods in columbus and they are all suffering from the same thing , poverty , gangs , and drugs.


The reason I said I think that area off rich street is the roughest is because for all the little kids who come by riding there bikes up to the shop to get air in their tires , instead of getting a fair shot they will learn that selling drugs is a way of life and you can tell these kids are good kids.



Besides the people buying drugs drive up in nice cars and come from the suburbs lots of the time.


For an outsider there is not a huge risk of much more than a hustle , its the people living there its dangerous on.


This isnt florida where you have fresh of the boat or tire if you will dominicans , columbians and cubans that commit crimes of desperation at a high rate , such as car jacking. I definately understand what you mean when you say starving neighborhoods and not ghetto's when comparing columbus to other cities and so on, after south central florida coming back here was cake , people are so nice here , but its still good to recognize its all the same problems really and this is our community to watch over.


Oh yeah. All these I wear blue/red/black crap. That is by far the worst. I was caught up in the color wearing for some time. I have seen people I grew up with do some of the dumbest things. Like shootin a cab driver in the mouth because he wanted his props. Brian you know who I am talkin about!! Stealing cars and shooting the owner because he stuck up for his property. As soon as the younger generation realize how much time they are wasting the better. I mean I still have some of those old ways but I choose those as in a learning curve of the dumb times so my kids, nephews, etc.. will not have to go through that! Also, very true that none of the "Big Time" people live over there. You see them once every 2 weeks. You guys will be very suprised as of where they reside. Alot of them do not stay in cols. If they do they are in like for example the groveport area, upper arlington, dublin area. However I do know of alot of people who have migrated here from New Orleans and man all I can say is cut-throat.

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The best thing that could happen to the east side from James to Hamilton and Broad to Refugee is a California style fire!


As far as the Morse Rd area, it is looking like Mogadishu up there within the past 5 years. It seems that a large Somolian population has moved in to stay. I remember when I was a kid, if you lived in the Morse/161 area you seemed like you were doing well. The last time I checked the title agencies are giving away free flak jackets with each home closing

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Uzi Alley?


That's what he is refering to. Thank god they tore that place down...it was the worst part of Franklin County without a question. Hell, their security guards were as bad as the tenants.


Miller/Kelton area is a pure shit hole.


161 area has went down some (assuming we are talking between 270 and just west of I-71), but there are some nice house here and there; neighborhood off of Ponderosa on the south (read: NOT NORTH) of 161 has some nice places. There are some nicer places off of the very wooded neighborhood on the east side of Cleveland Ave. just south of where the Meijer is located...you'd never know it unless you drove back there.


I'd never want to live around there, but nothing to be frightened of. Go walk around the 43203 or 43205 area of town on a summer night...that will frighten you. :)

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yeah, i worked around the corner from uzi alley right on 5th, between stelzer/yearling. we passed by it daily on the way to bexley for lunch. what a shithole. thankfully the city tore it down


one night though, i gave a co worker a ride over there, not knowing what goes on over there...the bitch decided to tell me as we were driving in. im suprised her dyke white ass didnt get shot going in there. i made sure to GTFO of there quickly

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I grew up near Livingston and Yearling Rd. I went to school near Greenbriar at Eastmoor. If I go back to the old hood, I get a very short tempered with the people in the area. I cant stand it there!!! I hate drive down the street a feel that I need to keep my doors locked, in that area you better. I have had three guns pulled on me over there, lucky for me none pulled the trigger.


I cant tell you how many times in my younger years I would be minding my own business and some punk starts crap because I looked at him. After he got my fist through his front teeth he got the point I would look at who ever I wanted to. That area toughened me up as a kid and young adult.

Did you have more then one of those pinto station wagons and live by Ricky ellison if so I remember you because of those cars.

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Guest 614Streets
I live at Westerville Rd between Morse and 161. It is a tidy little no-crime neighborhood. It is a quaint little place.




There is a small crime ring up there too , not as much drug ring but a theft ring. That area is an unorganized theft area , an example of that area is the guys who tried to rob the rim shop near the old modena motors / carryout/ video store just before you get to morse on the left going southbound on westerville but that area is nothing like rich street and mcdowell near mount carmel west.




South of miller kelton is definately bad news also.

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Yep Uzi Alli that is it. Glad they got rid of that shit hole.


Here is a fucked up story for ya. I was in there and repo'd a set of furniture nothing big just doing my job. Next day im watching the news and right next door to the place i had taken furniture from someone had been shot. Now that didnt worry me. But the guy was dead and laying on the ground for what they estimated was about 13 hours before anyone reported it. Which would have put his time of death within a few minutes of me leaving there. Creeped me out a lil bit. But doing what i was doing if you thought about all the bullshit you would see, it would drive you crazy.



Now i just stick to repoing cars that i have keys for. Still get my adrenaline rush and dont have to worry about anyone getting in my face. Just get in drive car away get to safe place and call the cops to report the repo.

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How about this, you know them apartments behind Cooper stadium. I lived in those apartments like 7 years ago. Cananby Court. I moved out, and 3 weeks later someone was shot threw the kitchen window in my old apartment! Now that is crazy! I think they was there a day or 2! I still wonder if somebody wanted to kill me?
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Did you have more then one of those pinto station wagons and live by Ricky ellison if so I remember you because of those cars.

You remember the car when it was white! Ricky lived right behind me, we were best friends for years. From the time we were about 3 years old until high school. He started getting into drugs and I did not so we just drifted away. Do you still see him?

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