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What the fuck WOW???

cptn janks

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i get this letter today, saying that a) my cable bill is going up from 67.99 a month to 78.50 a month AND that if i want to keep some of the channels i currently have, ill have to pay an additionaly 4.99 a month.


what kinda shit is that? my price goes up AND i lose channels? pretty ghey.

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tell them you want free internet and cable like me. just let them run the cable for the whole neighbor hood throught your front yard. they did it to us with out asking and we told them free internet and cable or get the shit out of our yard lol.
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Inb4 Joe.


My cable got shut off on Tuesday. Reason: I owned them $10 on last months bill. ten fucking dollars and they shut off the the cable. I called them up that second, gave them a CC and it was on in a few minutes. I paid my bill in full today, but I didn't get any notice or a call or nothing that i was short so they shut it off. Oh well.

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That weird, our rate with WOW is guaranteed through 2008 I think...

Try 2010. ;)


We have Time Warner's Digital Cable, 1 HD DVR, and RR.


Our bill is about $107 per month (including taxes and stuff).





WOW's price is better than that. I can get you the Value Internet, Digital Basic (which includes the Starz/Encore premium channels free, unlike Warner's package), standard HD DVR package, for $92 + tax. Less $$ if I downgraded it to digital value, a little more money if I upgraded to HD Pak or a higher internet speed.


i thought mine was too, but the letter says my plan expires jan 08... watch your mailbox for a letter lol.

What is your current plan; honestly we have plans now that are better than a couple of years ago, and I could probably hook you up with a better plan. That said, when you got your plan, I'm sure you were CLEARLY informed that the price was guaranteed until 2008. All television providers up their prices over the years (and the BTN has not caused a price hike BTW).

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I am currently through WOW and get the highest speed internet they provide, 1 HD DVR box, 1 HD box, something like 10 HD channels, stars and encor movie channels all for 86.99 per month. It takes me about 15min per year to threaten them that im gonna quit.
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I have WOW, HD-DVR, 2 other digital cable boxes, 6mbit internet and I pay 85 a month through WOW, gauranteed until 2010


I have the Digital DVR, 2 other Digital boxes, 6 mb net, and the phone (all of it.. Voice mail, etc) and I'm at $135.

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