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NCAA Football thread....


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in all honesty i'm not trying to ride OSU's nuts...but this season has been hella fun. no dominant powerhouse like USC in the past years....almost every game has been a nail-biter and a lot of fun to watch. it's been so unpredictable.
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OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sending Dave Pornstache a christmas card!!!!!!!!! Did the ref's not give WVU enough chances to pull off a victory or what?


OU is beating on MIzzou, this is truely a great day.


Georgia is playing as good as anyone but how put a team in that didn't even win their conference?? I like our chances against LSU b/c of their run game which I think we can hold.

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in all honesty i'm not trying to ride OSU's nuts...but this season has been hella fun. no dominant powerhouse like USC in the past years....almost every game has been a nail-biter and a lot of fun to watch. it's been so unpredictable.



+1 this season has been simply nuts.

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Let's kick Les Miles' ass now......and when he "mysteriously" signs a contract with scUM.


He was quoted on both ESPN and CBS Sports to say "im the coach of LSU now and in the future.... and that includes next season"


Then again LSU admits to have drawn up a contract that both sides agreed to, but has yet to be signed.




Isnt it true that winning your conference has no mathmatical bearing on whether or not you make it to the Championship game? Then again it will still be dictated by 2 polls, which could still be swayed. I personally think Georgia will get it, YES they didnt win the SEC but they are #4. We'll see.

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I don't know how people can bitch about OSU being in the game, they did what they were supposed to do, win. LSU had 2 shots this year at #1 and blew them both, how is that deserving at a shot at being the best team in the nation? Whoever is in the big game vs OSU you can bet your ass that Tressel will have them ready to kick ass and take names to avenge last years humiliating loss to Florida. That loss has driven OSU all season and they won't forget about it.
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Oh I'm sure you want OSU to Play Hawaii. :lol:

Truthfully, LSU and USC would be the best game, with Booty back, those two are the best in the nation. Sorry Buck fans. Sucks that it will never happen. 8 team Play-off is needed.....

USC, with their loss to unranked 4-8 Stanford and 8-4 Oregon (who may become unranked when the new rankings come out).


LSU lost to now unranked Kentuky (7-5), and unranked 8-4 Arkansas.


OSU, 1 loss to currently #15 Illinois (9-3)


So LSU and USC, with their 2 losses to unranked teams (when all is said and done) > OSU with one loss to a now ranked team. Makes sense to me.


Now you can't go the injury route; everyone has injuries, people out of games, bad calls, etc.


A OSU vs. LSU game is most likely. Kansas IMO deserves it just as much. LSU vs USC would be a good game, but NOT deserving of the title bowl.

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as i said in the other thread HAWAII needs to be in the Title game, no matter their schedule, going undefeated is HARD, and they were the only team to do it, to me that = National Title shot, maybe not if there were 2-3 OTHER teams that also went undefeated, but they were the ONLY one this year to do it.
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