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Beat our weekend, Do you party this hard?..


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Cliff notes for the people who do not like long posts.

The guys involed were as follows Me, Ed, Hua, Sam, Matt Webb, Neon John






Major Woodys = $2 shots, There may or may not have been 60 shots bought..


Stripper Pole dancing


Money thrown on girls



Thrift store

Eat @ Kobe

Try to get a girls #


Gambled, In a form.

Dream Girls, = We spent less than 20 dollars total.

Got card for a free visit back for unlimited drinks and VIP..




Eat @ Kobe #2

Get girls #

House Party


Picked up a girl in middle of high street, Stopped traffic

Spice 12am and on>>>


Sunday Morning early 2am

Packed my truck with 9 people. 4 guys 5 girls

Guy jumped over my hood, scratched it.

Vanity Strip Club

Shady guy paid for neon john to get a lapdance with his girl and stripper so he could watch:confused:

left @ 5am

Girl John was talkin to left her phone in my car

Mcdonalds @ 530am

HomeTown buffet @ 930

Watched Swingers the movie

Neon John took us to the Shooting range,I still cant hear. Thanks john.

Returned phone to girl john met @ 530

2 of us went to the movies later that night with ladies.

End weekend/////////////////////////


To think about it I even ran the rest of the Torco out of the VW Saturday also making some 120+ pulls...


This isnt to brag about what we did this weekend, I just wondered if others seem to throw down like this? BTW to all the ladies we hung out with danced or took a shot big thnks goes out to U, why? cause im still smiling.


Weird thing is I'm not that tired, Ive already been at work today and I'm now about to start my finals...... And after that I gotta paint my new acquired place off summit next to campus:burn:


My phone was almost never with me this weekend I just now have a full cahrge so anyone who was tryign to call I'll get at ya tonight.


If anyone would like a detailed discription of what happend I will write it up cause some of these nights there were alot of factors that went down to make it more than intresting.


Pics will be posted later tonight or tommorow.


I can only imagine whats gonna happen this upcoming weekend..

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I think most of us grew out of this stage. But sounds like a great weekend!


I totally see your point. However, I can be just as grown up as the next person but for some reason I cant stop acting like a kid every now and then.


I do need to grow up a bit, but shit I guess you only got one life to live might as well go out with a bang.


"Putty" I did not read about any sex up there, so my nights of staying home and having sex > all what you did....


How's this Kobe place anyways?


You are correct sir none of us had sex with girls this weekend. However a couple may have done other things...


Kobe is grand, I like it alot. We go once a week, So far this winter.

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Total shot bought was 55.

Wait till the videos an pictures get posted. They are priceless.

2 of us got hook up with 2 very hot hot girls with the potential of a 3rd guy and girl match coming this week.

By far the funnest weekend I have had in a long time, an to think its winter and we didnt ever do any racing with our cars except for shantons 120 pulls.

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These are good girls, not girls that you take home that night and bang the shit out of them ,even though I would not of minded that. Gotta put in some time with these ones cause I think they might be around for awhile.


I understand...I was saying "hmmmm" cause he said "we did not have sex with girls".....kinda like they did with guys....LOL!.....









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I haven't gone big weekend style for a while, but come New Years weekend, I'll see if I can top that. Weekends are the most fun when you wake up in strange places. My weekend was boring, Crown lounge til close Friday wake up, Go to On Tap too crowded, go to UA cafe, then stop by Auzura, close down go to sleep. End weekend :(
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This isnt to brag about what we did this weekend, I just wondered if others seem to throw down like this? BTW to all the ladies we hung out with danced or took a shot big thnks goes out to U, why? cause im still smiling.


If it wasn't to brag or to show off, why'd you post it? Don't kid yourself.


I'm not saying its not impressive, I'm just saying self-delusion is pointless :D.



Anyways my weekend started out with 5 gallons of liquid cocaine, 2.5 kegs (1 Natty light, 1 Coors light, 1/2 Sam Adams Winter Lager), a case of King Cobra 40's, a case of Steel Reserve 40's, 1.75L bottles of the following: Absolut, Captain Morgan, Jager, Bacardi, Cuervo Gold, Sailor Jerry, Smirnoff something, bottles of Baileys and Kahlua (for Conquistadors), and a few 30 racks that people brought that didn't realize we bought stuff.


The next couple days were spent recovering, but apparently more than a few people got lucky on our sofas. The details of the night are a bit fuzzy.

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I understand...I was saying "hmmmm" cause he said "we did not have sex with girls".....kinda like they did with guys....LOL!.....











Come on now, you know how we roll. Listen, I am goin to call you this weekend and you guys should meet us out somewhere. I am goin to see if I cant get Jonny blaze to come as well.

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