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Science Abuse

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The problem I see with his anylogy is he assumes that the goverment can fix all of those things.


Education for example:

A private school can educate a student for about 1/2 of what the public schools can. His idea is to throw more money at a problem. Government will never do education as good as the private sector can. Too much bureaucracy.


Children's Health Care:

Why is it my responsibility to pay for someone else's kid? You want health insurance for you kids? Go buy it yourself. Having the government foot the bill is nothing more than a back door redistribution of wealth. Fabian Socialism.


World Hunger:

When was the last time that giving money to a third world country helped. The money goes into the pockets of the two bit dictators pockets. Many times they manufacture famines by socializing farming and other industries. That will lead to a downfall nearly every time. Socialism does not work.


Jerry sounds like a typical socialist to me.





Russia is NOT our friend. We just moderately get along right now.

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