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Its a neat place. I was in China for 2 weeks last year. I didn't find the McDonalds and Starbucks until two days before we left. Real chineese food sucks. It was so bad I lost almost 15lbs.


And make sure to hit the DVD stores. The ones you buy in the markets suck, and are "person in theater with a video camera" bootlegs. The ones in the stores are either directly from a DVD or with a stolen movie film reel and are great quality. Bringing them back, you want a CD case that holds 50 CD's or whatever and put it into your computer bag. When we were leaving Customs had someone who had a bag packed with only movies still in the "original" packaging. My DVD collection kicks ass.


Your plane ride will suck. Mine was from here (left at 8 am) to Chicago, and then onto Shang Hai (sp?) total time was a little over 12 hours.


The architecture is pretty cool. The neat thing is buildings under construction. Here there is metal scaffolding, there they use bamboo walk ways, with no hand rails, no safety harnesses, no helmets.


The markets are fun, but when you go, talk with a French accent, prices will DROP, as the french are known as super cheap. Still as an American, you will end up getting screwed on almost everything.


The people will keep coming upto you trying to show you brochures with bags, watches, etc on them. If you take their paper and act interested, then fold it up and pocket it, and walk away, the people get pissed. :)


Universal words- Evian (only drink bottled water, be careful even brusing with tap), a coke (euro mix, sweeter than here), and "how much?"


Make sure to at least walk through one indoor meat market.


And try as much fruit of theirs that you can. It all has a lot more flavor.


Drink the gold keg looking can of red bull.


Take pictures and have fun.

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My dads been all over to china, I've been to taiwan but not the mainland yet.

The bootleg market is incredible, not just DVDs but they can copy anything. I bought a rolex there for $20 that was one of the nicest watches.

Haha go check out the KTV's, theres a lot in china...Think karaoke and strip club, Asian style.

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I assume you are flying business or first class; that helps.


I hate flying. Nothing to do with fear (I love take-off's and landings), but being 6'3", I am packed into that freaking seat. Even even if I can get an isle seat on an exit row, it is still hard on my knees. I'm way to cheap to buy anything but the least expensive ticket!

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  • 5 weeks later...

I made it here. Let me tell you about the cool flight I had.


I was in San Jose for a week of meetings then I got up EARLY on saturday and flew to LAX


From LAX I flew to Seoul Korea. that flight was 13.5 hours. know what is fun about a 13.5 hour flight....nothing! however, the korean air stewardesses are some of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. I ran the 3 laptop batteries on my Lenovo dead and the battery on my mac. Fun times. I watched a few movies, I slept, I ate. They wake you up to move your seat up when they serve the meal so the person behind you can eat.


After the cool 13.5 hour flight I got 2 hours on the ground in Seoul, spent in the KA lounge eating something that looked like food and drinking a sprite.


Next, 3.5 hours to hong kong. Got there and had no idea what to do. Everyone kept telling me getting to Macau is simple but I arrived in Hong Kong at 11pm and everything was closed.


I finally found a kiosk that had someone working in it. She directed me to a train into the city. from there taxi to the ferry terminal, ferry to macau (hydro-foil very smooth ride). got into macau at 2am, no taxi at the ferry terminal.


Macau is basically vegas so I knew if I walked toward the light I would eventually find someone that could help. I hailed a cab from the main drag and made it to the hotel. Checked in and got the last room.


Super nice room, very friendly.


I had dim som with the team here, they cooked the squab with the head still on (a little strange) I impressed them because I ate my meal with chopsticks (thank you PF Changs).


Yesterday the breakfast buffet had an item that made me laugh. It had a little sign that said MAC Chicken. I had to look. Inside the warming dish, Chicken McNuggets, no kidding. I laughed, grabbed my dragon fruit and went on.


All in all I have been running full steam since I got here but the culture is very different and if you ever wanted to go to the orient I suggest it. You can go to McDonalds and 7-11 or you can get lost and eat in places that only have local language on the menu. It is very easy to get around and most people want to help you, even if you are an American (you don't find that is true in Europe).


Well, at the end of the week I fly HKG - ICN (Seoul) - ATL - CMH. Good times.


And yes, this is another thread about me travelling, but I gotta post something right?


BTW, half of my class has photos on their desktop of drifters and right hand drive race cars.

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Cool post and updates! Honestly, I don't miss traveling like that one bit. I will still travel with my new job of course, but no more Monday through Thursday shit thank God!


I've been home since late November and it's like I'm a whole new person. Lost weight, sleep great and have seen my kids more in 6 weeks than did in the previous 3 months.


Never been to China, but Japan was very cool. Best rail systems ever. Tokyo has 2M more people than NYC and is very, very clean.....and the women....yeah....What happens in Tokyo stays in Tokyo. :D

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