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A guy stabbed my tire on new years eve...


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and I saw him do it and so did like 6 other people. We confront him and he will not admit to doing it. I was so close to beating him up but I refrained since I start a new job tomorrow. Hes a broke piece of shit and has no cash on him to pay for the tire. I think I will show up at his parents and say what happened and see if they will give me money. If they will not can/should I file a police report or something? What would you do?
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There's still time.


If you can get all of those witnesses back, you might make something legal happen. It'll be a PITA though.


Agreed. I think you have like seven days to report vandalism. You'll definitely need the witnesses. File the report, take him to small claims court. Sue for the tire (and labor of course) and your time to deal with it.

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I don't believe there's a time frame limit on beating his ass, so you have options :D


Agreed. I think you have like seven days to report vandalism. You'll definitely need the witnesses. File the report, take him to small claims court. Sue for the tire (and labor of course) and your time to deal with it.
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i would go to his parents calmly first. tell them that you would really just like to get a new tire and forget about it, but you will sue him if need be. most parents dont want to see their kid get in trouble, so they will probably be more than willing to throw you the money to get you to forget about it.
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i would go to his parents calmly first. tell them that you would really just like to get a new tire and forget about it, but you will sue him if need be. most parents dont want to see their kid get in trouble, so they will probably be more than willing to throw you the money to get you to forget about it.



Do that, then sue him anyways for being a fucktard.

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lol, this seriously would've been a NO-BRAINER. I woulda beat his ass then stripped his knocked out self down to his undies and watch him walk home nekkid.



and as for one more question... why do you think he stabbed your tired besides the obvious drunken Shannanagins???

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Smart move, attack someone who has a weapon on their person. That would've been great.


Aside from the fact that you just sat there and did nothing, why did he do it in the first place? did you know him? was he drunk? is he a punk kid or an actual adult? If he's an adult why would you go to his parents? I would say you should've called the cops but Im sure a vandalism call would'nt have been a big priority that night.

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I think hes like 18 or 19, so a punk kid and I think he does coke or something like that. He was drunk. I showed up at his parents today and talked to his dad. His dad said he would take care of it. 5 min later he calls me and says he called his son and he admitted to doing it. He will bring me the money tomorrow. Hooray! Now hopefully this kid doesnt show up at my house or my friends who was my witness and fuck something up.
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get your money, then give him the old pillow case/boot treatment. Why are you the one thats afraid? oohhh he's going to get me because I told his daddy on him. Stop being a victim and turn this guy into YOUR bitch. Just the fact that you let this guy slit your tire and walk away, makes you his bitch whether his "daddy" pays you or not. You dont need money from him you need some dignity.
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get your money, then give him the old pillow case/boot treatment. Why are you the one thats afraid? oohhh he's going to get me because I told his daddy on him. Stop being a victim and turn this guy into YOUR bitch. Just the fact that you let this guy slit your tire and walk away, makes you his bitch whether his "daddy" pays you or not. You dont need money from him you need some dignity.


Are you kidding me? Is a slashed tire worth getting stabbed over? I agree with you on the point that playing the role of the victim is never good especially when you just sit there and take it. But you have to look at the big picture before doing something you will regret. Say he beat his ass for slashing his tire and just as he's stomping on the kid's face a cop pulls up. Assault charges, he spends the night (if not longer) in jail and will have a felony on his record the rest of his life... over a 80$ tire, that was smart.


Im not saying you should be victimized and be ok with it. Yes you need to stand up for yourself but that doesnt always mean you have to resort to violence. I know i hate sounding like a fucking PSA but I've been in those situation's before and have luckily gotten away without getting into any major trouble. Now that I look back on it I just cant believe how stupid I was to take it to that level. And dont get me wrong, I am in NO WAY a pacifist but there are always better options. That should be the last option if anything.

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why did he slash your tires in the first place? and i wouldnt think schwinn tires would cost much anyway. :)


No clue. I race more with my Schwinn than my truck, and I think my schwinn is faster lol.


His dad calls me today and I pick up the money. The kid is there and says he was sorry and really fucked up that nightt but he wasnt on drugs. BTW I only went to his parents because thats the only way I knew how to contact the kid, I have no idea where he lives.

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get your money, then give him the old pillow case/boot treatment. Why are you the one thats afraid? oohhh he's going to get me because I told his daddy on him. Stop being a victim and turn this guy into YOUR bitch. Just the fact that you let this guy slit your tire and walk away, makes you his bitch whether his "daddy" pays you or not. You dont need money from him you need some dignity.


+10000. Ray you think on the same level I do.

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No clue. I race more with my Schwinn than my truck, and I think my schwinn is faster lol.


His dad calls me today and I pick up the money. The kid is there and says he was sorry and really fucked up that nightt but he wasnt on drugs. BTW I only went to his parents because thats the only way I knew how to contact the kid, I have no idea where he lives.


I think that's about as good a conclusion as you could have hoped for - seriously. Post over!

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