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I didn't want to crap in someone's thread so....


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There are cars you wouldn't ever catch me driving.


There are cars you wouldn't ever catch me sitting in.


There are cars you wouldn't ever catch me looking at....or being near



There are cars...that I feel bad for others that drive/sit in/look at



and then, far far, FAR beneath all of the above...there is this...

It's like a fat woman at a bar, who's showing too much skin.

You feel bad for her - her friends - the clothes she's wearing - anyone sitting at the tables around her and anyone that happens to look in the 30 degree spectrum that she consumes

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I think with out the hood and the bleacher on the back it "could" be a tasteful car. Now from my stand point with out those two things I think the car looks great. And I respect it. Only because I know what went into the paint job thats on it. I guess what Im saying it the paint job is great, the car well thats another story.
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I think with out the hood and the bleacher on the back it "could" be a tasteful car. Now from my stand point with out those two things I think the car looks great.


Well said sir. I was going to say something to the same effect. Not something I would rock either way, but there are just a few things on this car that don't 'match' or look well (hood and wing).

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