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ohio laws on restroom breaks


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In Ohio an employeer can do nearly anything they want. I can certainly see why some employeers would make an employee clock out for restroom breaks, if they were getting abused by the staff.


Fact is 80% of the polices a company has are for 20% of the employees.

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if you work 8 hours a day, typically you get 1 hour unpaid for lunch and 2, 15 minute paid breaks a day. if your friend cannot do it during their alloted time and they are hourly, then they should clock out... especially if they've mad a habbit of going multiple times a day and taking long restroom breaks on the clock.
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if you work 8 hours a day, typically you get 1 hour unpaid for lunch and 2, 15 minute paid breaks a day. if your friend cannot do it during their alloted time and they are hourly, then they should clock out... especially if they've mad a habbit of going multiple times a day and taking long restroom breaks on the clock.


I'm pretty sure it's not even a law that they have to give you any paid breaks.

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In Ohio, the state law only regulates the meal breaks for employees under the age of 18. State law mandates that minors under age 18 be given a 30 minute meal break if they have worked five hours or more. This may be an unpaid break.


While Ohio law does not have any lunch and break provisions for workers 16 and over, residents of the state should know that they are covered by several federal regulations.


Federal law does not mandate any specific meal or rest breaks. It does, however, give guidance as to whether or not an employee should be paid during these times. Short breaks (usually 20 minutes or less) should be counted as hours worked. True “meal periods” are usually 30 minutes or more, and do not need to be paid as work time. During an unpaid meal break, a worker must be completely free of his or her work duties. If the employee is still required to do any duties (even minor duties such as answering a phone), it can’t be considered a meal or lunch period and must be paid.

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US Department of Labor says.....





Rest and Meal Periods: Rest periods of short duration, usually 20 minutes or less, are common in industry

(and promote the efficiency of the employee) and are customarily paid for as working time. These short periods

must be counted as hours worked. Unauthorized extensions of authorized work breaks need not be counted as

hours worked when the employer has expressly and unambiguously communicated to the employee that the

authorized break may only last for a specific length of time, that any extension of the break is contrary to the

employer's rules, and any extension of the break will be punished. Bona fide meal periods (typically 30 minutes

or more) generally need not be compensated as work time. The employee must be completely relieved from

duty for the purpose of eating regular meals. The employee is not relieved if he/she is required to perform any

duties, whether active or inactive, while eating.

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I'm pretty sure it's not even a law that they have to give you any paid breaks.


There are for minors. For every 5 hours of work, a minor is required a 30min un-paid break. However, if you interrupt the break, and ask the employee to clock back in before the 30min are up, the eniter break is required to be paid, and ANOTHER 30min un-paid break is required to be given withing 30min of the employee clocking back in prematurely.


Yea there are no REQUIRED breaks for adults, no matter how long the work day. If there was, all the 17hour days ive been working have been in violation of law, and id be a rich man from the law suit. :D

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I think for an 8 hour day all an employer has to give is a 30 minute lunch break.


That is all.



I never got an "official" break when i worked in the penetentiary, even if i had to pull a 16, (which was 2-3 times a week on avg) i never got a break between first and second 8 hour shift.

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