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electric razors?


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Hey does anybody use an electric razor? Mine broke and I need to get a new one. I had about a 10 year old Braun, but I have heard good things about the Norelco razors, too. I usually shave with a Gillette razor and just keep an electric around for emergencies (like when I run out of blades), so I don't want to spend too much money.
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Yeah, I was looking for some reviews on the internet and the Brauns are generally higher rated than the rotary types. I usually shave every other day (cause 1. I'm lazy and 2. kinda baby-faced, so I can get away with it) with a blade, but it's nice to have an electric around.
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Brian, you're using the wrong shaver.


I have a braun syncro. I love it. It gives me a near-gilette close shave with little or no irritation. i had a rotary norelco and it didn't even compare. It didn't shave as close and it caused me irritation.


This is the shaver i have. The old saying "you get what you pay for" applies to the electric shaver world too. I've tried Braun, Panasonic, and Norelco. Braun wins hands down.

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Braun Syncro for me too, and I get so close to the same shave as using a razor without the irritation. Plus I can grab it and shave on the way into work. Razors irritate the shit out of my neck so I dont have much of a choice. I've never used a Fusion but I hear they are kick ass.
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Braun Synchro for me as well. The only time it doesn't get me blade-smooth is if I'm in a rush. Norelco cuts the crap out of me and causes in-growns, which I then have to use a blade to expose and pull out (causing yet more bleeding).
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I have a Panasonic I bought @ the Best Buy Black Friday sale. I used it for part of my face one time, and that's how I discovered I am not an electric shaver kind of person (I'll stick with my Fusion Power).


$20 and it's yours. Used once and thoroughly cleaned; been sitting on a shelf for almost 2 months.

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I have a Panasonic I bought @ the Best Buy Black Friday sale. I used it for part of my face one time, and that's how I discovered I am not an electric shaver kind of person (I'll stick with my Fusion Power).


$20 and it's yours. Used once and thoroughly cleaned; been sitting on a shelf for almost 2 months.


You didn't read what I typed. The panasonic shavers suck. Braun>*

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Anybody else find the old Mach 3 to still work better than the Fusion? I had the Fusion for about a year, but after switching back to my M3, I realized it still does much better, atleast for me.




i tried the fusion for a while, but i found i always knicked my face while shaving. my skin was always irritated. i switched back to the m3 and it's much better now.

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i got an electric razor for xmas.... hate it.. doesnt cut nearly as close as a razor (esp. fusion) and it hurts like hell. Really the biggest issue is the closeness of shave. I shave with the electric and its just not smooth or close enough to feel like i just shaved. switched back to fusion..
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