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Roto rooter on your sinus cavities


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Has anyone had it done? I need to get this done this year. I've been fighting sinus infections for the past 5 years.. EVERY 3-4 months. I just got over one in late November and I got another one now.


So.. I know I'll be in pain, for how many days? How many days will/would I be out of work?

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PM me if you need details. I had surgery done back in 04 and it was well worth the pain.


Had a deviated septum chizzeled out on my right side and enlarged turbates cauterized on the left. Yes....red hot pokered my nose, but that doctor is now my best friend.


I used to get sinus infections every other month, constantly was stuffy and blowing my nose. I literally had roles of TP in my desk, car, etc....shit wasn't fun.


Now I can get a cold and and care less. I literally haven't been unable to breath in the past 3+ years regardless of my sickness.


Amazing....but it does fucking HURT!!

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It will fucking hurt....very bad. Not the first day, but after they removing the packing on day two....enjoy the next 3 hours as after that, the swelling will start.


I had surgury on MOnday and figured I'd be back to work on Thursday. WRONG....on Wednesday I was about to call 911 thinking something was very wrong. Called the doctor and he litterally laughed and said it was normal but I could go to the ER if I was really serious.


Best thing was cold compresses for 24-48hrs. I slept in our relciner for the next week straight.


In my case, I had a turbate cauterized....thus dead/burned tissue was pulled from my nose every week for the next few weeks. Had enough yet?....well the last week, I remember thinking when is this shit going to stop....Doc, pulled what I thought was a fucking grasshopper out of my nose with tweezers.....I shit you not....it was the biggest scab I've ever seen or felt come out of my body.


Gross, but you have to hear it. I immediately felt air rush through my sinuses like never before. All I can say is after all that...yes, it was worth it. Plan on taking a full work week off and perhaps another couple days.



So.. I know I'll be in pain, for how many days? How many days will/would I be out of work?
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