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Holy shit, how can people do this stuff?


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Tell his Prison Buddies what he did.


Sick Fuck...




Meh, fuck that. Then we have to pay for him to enjoy getting fucked in the ass. Give the little girl's dad a weapon of choice. Tie that sick fuck's hands behind his back. Put them both into a small room.

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You people are what's wrong with the world. Have you never heard of forgiveness? What he did is wrong, but he is still a person. He clearly needs help not to be killed. Did any of you think why would a person do something like that? No, you smiple hear that he made a horrible mis-judgement and want to kill him. You people are no better than him. It's called compassion which is something you both lack.
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You people are what's wrong with the world. Have you never heard of forgiveness? What he did is wrong, but he is still a person. He clearly needs help not to be killed. Did any of you think why would a person do something like that? No, you smiple hear that he made a horrible mis-judgement and want to kill him. You people are no better than him. It's called compassion which is something you both lack.



I think you have it backwards....50 years ago this crap didnt happen. If it did, it was dealt with quickly. Firing squad, gallows, whatever...


But noooo, you would rather "counsel the fine young man who just made a mistake" Shoot, with all your compassion, why don't you just ask him to be your roommate? Maybe he can bunk with your daughter?



Edit: People like you make America weaker every day.

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You people are what's wrong with the world. Have you never heard of forgiveness? What he did is wrong, but he is still a person. He clearly needs help not to be killed. Did any of you think why would a person do something like that? No, you smiple hear that he made a horrible mis-judgement and want to kill him. You people are no better than him. It's called compassion which is something you both lack.


Are you fucking serious? What if it was your daughter? A mis-judgement? Your post has to be a joke or you are.


If you show "compassion" for a man who raped and dismembered a dead 10-year old girls body you are as fucked up as he is.

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Not an excuse more of a empathy. I think doctors to often don't monitor what there doing. When you dramaticly changing a chemical in someone brain the person

A. Needs to understand whats going on which I can say they never do.

B. Monitor that shit damn it. There are signs.

C. Friends/Family need to be involved.

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You people are what's wrong with the world. Have you never heard of forgiveness? What he did is wrong, but he is still a person. He clearly needs help not to be killed. Did any of you think why would a person do something like that? No, you smiple hear that he made a horrible mis-judgement and want to kill him. You people are no better than him. It's called compassion which is something you both lack.


You obviously have no children. Also you are right I have zero compassion for anyone that would harm/kill a kid. If that were my little girl he would be dead and I would be on trail, period. Also you 're wrong is is not a person he is a animal should be treated as such.

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You people are what's wrong with the world. Have you never heard of forgiveness? What he did is wrong, but he is still a person. He clearly needs help not to be killed. Did any of you think why would a person do something like that? No, you smiple hear that he made a horrible mis-judgement and want to kill him. You people are no better than him. It's called compassion which is something you both lack.


Just get the fuck out now while you can still run.

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You people are what's wrong with the world. Have you never heard of forgiveness? What he did is wrong, but he is still a person. He clearly needs help not to be killed. Did any of you think why would a person do something like that? No, you smiple hear that he made a horrible mis-judgement and want to kill him. You people are no better than him. It's called compassion which is something you both lack.


Do you have any kids in your life at all? Neice's, nephew's, children of your own? Im guessing no, but if you did I honestly think your view on this would change. Put yourself in her parents shoes, do you really think you would preach forgiveness then? Hardly. I cant imagine if anyone took one of my neice's and did those horrible things to them. I honestly think I would go crazy and Im a very composed, sedate person but jesus christ if anyone touched one of my girls I think I would go off the deep end and i wouldn't need the excuse of a drug to hide behind.


Yeah its fine to be ULTRA-LIBERAL, but your statement is a bit too much. This monster, murdered, raped, dismembered and cannibalized a 10 year old girl and you want to defend him? You know to know what makes him click? I dont, I want a monster like this destroyed as soon as possible.

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Blaming drugs is a cop out, let him fucking rott. Pulling the crazy card don't fly, because in some way, shape or form, they made a decision. Actions meet consequences.


can't pull the crazy card he knew what he was doing and knew it was wrong and had remorse while doing it. I was def aware of his actions.

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Blaming drugs is a cop out, let him fucking rott. Pulling the crazy card don't fly, because in some way, shape or form, they made a decision. Actions meet consequences.


That action was fucking scewed take your fucking head our of your god damn ass and think about what a mind altering drug does. If I give you roofies and let 20 gay guys fuck you in the mother fucking ass does that mean your gay?


I mean on roofies you would agree to do it because your mind does not fucking work right.



I FEEL HORRID FOR THE CHILD. I do not agree this guys actions are right and that its unforgiveable in my mind. But I think its fucked up this guy was altered. You have not taken that kinda shit with issues and have no fucking status to say a mother fucking thing on how it makes you act/feel. Ever felt numb to every emotion? Ever had your mind out of control to were you could no stop it. It was so bad and the pain was so bad inside that your only decision that seemed plausable was to blow your fucking brains again the wall? No ? Ohh maybe you cried urself to sleep at night in Iraq cause ur friends were dieing. How about feeling so hopeless because you can't even convey simple thoughts and feelings because shits so fucking scrambled.




If I give you Acid you might try to cut ur arm off because there is a bug on it. Does that mean you made that decision? Your fucking retarded.

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can't pull the crazy card he knew what he was doing and knew it was wrong and had remorse while doing it. I was def aware of his actions.

Wow Yup he was sane at that point. Rational people kill children every day.


Again I say let him fry but this just a prime example how americas Pysch system needs revamped because to many people don't get tthe care they need. I bet anything this Bipolar.

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Hell..... if that were my Daughter, neice or any other child I knew, I do not think HE would be the one on Trial.


And think about it... IF it were YOUR kid..... you WOULD get off easy....




If It was my child I would be on trial. Like I said I think its disgusting what happened but its sad that somethingl ike this slipped threw the cracks.

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Thorne, for the sake of all of CR's sanity.....consider picking up that gun again. God damn you need to do some proof reading. Trying to filter through your babble is making me want to put a gun to my head.


And you're an idiot for blaming it on drugs. I do believe one of the first things a psychiatrist will tell you when prescribing psych meds is that a possible side affect is suicidal thoughts. If you start having them.........why on earth would you continue to take it? Same goes for this guy. You know if your mind is going a direction it shouldn't. If it is, consult your doc. How hard is that?

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