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Holy shit, how can people do this stuff?


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Quoted for the truth. In fact if I ever got a hold of someone who did something like this....regardless of who the kid was, I'd be in hell buring for life as a result of what I would have done to him.


I won't climb onto my soap box about what I think of criminals. Everyone who's read my recent and past threads about the matter is likely aware.


Waste of air to let him take one more breath. Should be put down like a dog within 24hrs of being taken in and not one more sentence should be spoken about him /period /end of story with regards to him.


If it was my daughter, I would have been on trial for murder he never would have made it to trial, and I would be fine with whatever verdict/sentencing was handed down to me.
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Im not really sure where to start with this. I feel for the girl and the family, that is terrible. That man should rott. Forget the death penalty. He will die in prison Im sure. Let the lifers take care of him.


As for some of the post I have read that have compassion for what they guy did. I will come back to that. I need a minute.

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Ohh the drugs made him do it. That makes it all better now. Weak minded individual one way or another, and the drug bit is a cop out. I could care less if his mind was in it, he made the choice. It's like me blaming PTSD if I went out and gunned down people. Either way he deserves to fucking die.


OMG weak minded indvidual ..


Your a fucking tool take your stupid ass and kill yourself now because your a waste of human life to not understand or even empthise with someone with a pyschological issue.



Edited. My point was expressed if he still can't see it there is no IQ Test needed to show is lack of understanding.



I hate people like you You fucking stand up for the christian shit when that thread was going on yet you talk about drinkin and partiing . Yet when someone had issue he had a mental problem that needed treatment and he was on a medication that fucked him up you can't even bring your idiot fucking self out of you dear hunter 2004 game to realize there could have been a undelying problem.



Wanna debate with me I'm so weak minded....

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Thorne, for the sake of all of CR's sanity.....consider picking up that gun again. God damn you need to do some proof reading. Trying to filter through your babble is making me want to put a gun to my head.


And you're an idiot for blaming it on drugs. I do believe one of the first things a psychiatrist will tell you when prescribing psych meds is that a possible side affect is suicidal thoughts. If you start having them.........why on earth would you continue to take it? Same goes for this guy. You know if your mind is going a direction it shouldn't. If it is, consult your doc. How hard is that?



Do you think he relized he was out of his gord? I'm sorry for the proof reading as this really got my fired up in a week thats been complete shit.

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Mod check right now: Stop with telling people to kill themselves attacks/threats.


Calm yourselves down before writing or sending your posts...Please


Edit for Ben:D : I'm not talking about parents defending or killing for their kids, I'm talking about people making attacks because of opinions.


Thank you



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Thorne, medicated or not if you or anyone else in existence harm my daughter I will end you/them quickly. There is an action and then there is an equal reaction. A=B. I am not a violent person, never have been, but whenever this subject is brought up I know how I will react, I'm emotional just reading that article let alone "living" it. Bill when you have a child you will fully understand, there is no love greater than that for your own children. I would choose her life over my own in a nanosecond. I love my Wife and Mother, but neither can compare to my child.


Disclaimer: there is no threat here, just a hypothetical statement. I don't want to "Kill Bill". kekeke :D

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You people are what's wrong with the world. Have you never heard of forgiveness? What he did is wrong, but he is still a person. He clearly needs help not to be killed. Did any of you think why would a person do something like that? No, you smiple hear that he made a horrible mis-judgement and want to kill him. You people are no better than him. It's called compassion which is something you both lack.


Where was his compassion?? Wether on drugs or not he was clearly aware of what he was doing and "chose" to act on his impulses. Even from a religious perspective what he did is a deadly sin and unforgivable.


If that had been my kid I would have done far worse to him.

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Thorne, medicated or not if you or anyone else in existence harm my daughter I will end you/them quickly. There is an action and then there is an equal reaction. A=B. I am not a violent person, never have been, but whenever this subject it brought up I know how I will react, I'm emotional just reading that article let alone "living" it. Bill when you have a child you will fully understand, there is no love greater than that for your own children. I would choose her life over my own in a nanosecond. I love my Wife and Mother, but neither can compare to my child.


Disclaimer: there is no threat here, just a hypothetical statement. I don't want to "Kill Bill". kekeke :D


omg A threat.



Actually I stated I would kill said person also.





Let me state This is more of a empathy and a displeasure with the current system and it by no means he should not be fried. I say hang him. Fry him Kill him.

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"...you can't even bring your idiot fucking self out of you dear hunter 2004 game to realize there could have been a undelying problem..."


Made me giggle. And Scott, your ignorance and self sustained stubborness to support said ignorance is only making you appear more the fool.


I don't believe Thorne ever supported this guy or ever disagreed with anyone here on what should happen to the guy. He just believes the entire situation is fucked up, which it is. /Argument


For shit's sake, you'd think this was a religion thread. :rolleyes::p

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Thorne... This is why people shouldn't air out ALL of their personal history. Because things get said and something is written that is suppose to be taken a certain way but doesnt translate when read on the other end and people get pissed.


Im not THAT much of an asshole to say "your weak if you take anti-depressants" but at the same time, thats a bit too much information to be sharing with the world. Not that you have to hide it, but none of your personal emotions would've gotten involved in this thread had you simply kept it to yourself.


To reiterate, I feel for you I really do. I have a close family member who should be on similar medication. Ive had friends that were aswell. Just be a bit more wise who you share you personal info with thats all.

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OMG weak minded indvidual ..


Your a fucking tool take your stupid ass and kill yourself now because your a waste of human life to not understand or even empthise with someone with a pyschological issue.


Lets try something lets both get a clinical IQ Test. Then lets talk about weak mind. Yet I went threw a incdident were I admited to being out of my gord. Amazling I take a medication now that helps me and I live a normal life and have respectable job.


BTW My last IQ test was beyond 150. So Whos Weak minded?


I hate people like you You fucking stand up for the christian shit when that thread was going on yet you talk about drinkin and partiing . Yet when someone had issue he had a mental problem that needed treatment and he was on a medication that fucked him up you can't even bring your idiot fucking self out of you dear hunter 2004 game to realize there could have been a undelying problem.



Wanna debate with me I'm so weak minded....

Yes, weak minded individual will blame something besides themselves. My religion isn't on the debating table. Ohhh I have depression this and that, who fucking cares. He killed someone, and you bring your bullshit into it. Ohh, medication is the root of all evil, and the man was not to blame for HIS actions. I care less to debate with you, you never make any sence worth reading, it's mindless jibberish. He murdered a young innocent girl, so yeah the guy was fucked up. But, he still had the mental capacity to KILL. And yes weak minded people like that need medication, it's all in the fucking head. Medication is a crutch. I like my life and am proud of all I've done, no reason I need to kill myself. I'm not that weak minded.

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Made me giggle. And Scott, your ignorance and self sustained stubborness to support said ignorance is only making you appear more the fool.


I don't believe Thorne ever supported this guy or ever disagreed with anyone here on what should happen to the guy. He just believes the entire situation is fucked up, which it is. /Argument


For shit's sake, you'd think this was a religion thread. :rolleyes::p

I'm not being ignorant, putting a blame on drugs and not the man is bullshit. Guy had the mental capacity to kill, and knew so.

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The dude is whack...completely fucked up and not worth the poisen in the needle let along any sympathy at all. He's not insane, he's just plain evil and messed up. Some animals are born fucked up and he is one of them.


This scum called a 10yr old girl in trust over to his home, whacked her on the head, listen to her plea in horror, smothered her, fucked her dead body and then proceeded to cut her head off and consume her.


Dude, if my dog bit a kid they'd put him down. This guy should litterall be given to the gorillas at the zoo to tear apart and then fed, hopefully still paritally alive, to the tigers in the San Fran Zoo.


I hope the Jeffery Dahmer his ass in jail. :mad:


There is one thing countries in the middle east do right and that is deal with this shit and other types of criminals.


One last FUCK!!!!

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you can't even bring your idiot fucking self out of you dear hunter 2004 game to realize there could have been a undelying problem.





150 IQ huh? lol, just trying to stir the pot. :asshole:


anywho, i agree, prison justice is far better than him sitting in isolation for a year to be lethally injected. he'll most likely get shanked and be handed a similar death to his victim.

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Thorne... This is why people shouldn't air out ALL of their personal history. Because things get said and something is written that is suppose to be taken a certain way but doesnt translate when read on the other end and people get pissed.


Im not THAT much of an asshole to say "your weak if you take anti-depressants" but at the same time, thats a bit too much information to be sharing with the world. Not that you have to hide it, but none of your personal emotions would've gotten involved in this thread had you simply kept it to yourself.


To reiterate, I feel for you I really do. I have a close family member who should be on similar medication. Ive had friends that were aswell. Just be a bit more wise who you share you personal info with thats all.


I agree, I was super pissed off to read that someone could not open there mind to another point of view. I guesse it's to be expected. I've just been in the position and felt I could speak on some authority. I was also have a really bad day at work. Until I got my Bonus check ;)


I will edit out that part as those who gave a shit know and I dont hide it so fuck it. Anyone who was on CR when I got banned could easly tell I had issues out the ass. I took stupid risks and I had obvious issues.

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Yes, weak minded individual will blame something besides themselves. My religion isn't on the debating table. Ohhh I have depression this and that, who fucking cares. He killed someone, and you bring your bullshit into it. Ohh, medication is the root of all evil, and the man was not to blame for HIS actions. I care less to debate with you, you never make any sence worth reading, it's mindless jibberish. He murdered a young innocent girl, so yeah the guy was fucked up. But, he still had the mental capacity to KILL. And yes weak minded people like that need medication, it's all in the fucking head. Medication is a crutch. I like my life and am proud of all I've done, no reason I need to kill myself. I'm not that weak minded.


Wow I don't even have to insult you, Your statements alone take care of most of it. Address my earlier statement about roofies. Ohh wait thats Valid argument, Lets call that thorne gibberish. It's so easy to take the quick out and insult my grammar. But I bet even with my lack of grammar I obviously have the higher adaptitiude here. Would you like to post your ASFAB Numbers. Because everyday you see IT guys going to the military, No you don't WHY? Because we make killer money in the private sector. Wait idiots can't do that.


Do me a favor don't respond to this because all your going to spew is your bull shit. I will read the earlier part of this thread and take that as your response.



If you want to address my previous argument regarding roofies go ahead.

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150 IQ huh? lol, just trying to stir the pot. :asshole:


anywho, i agree, prison justice is far better than him sitting in isolation for a year to be lethally injected. he'll most likely get shanked and be handed a similar death to his victim.


Yeah as a child I well failed to do work and shit, So they wanted to test me to see if I was "SLOW" I did not get to know the results for quite a while .


Just my communication skills.

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I'm not being ignorant, putting a blame on drugs and not the man is bullshit. Guy had the mental capacity to kill, and knew so.


I'm saying the drugs added to it. Wanna test my theory? Go tell your doctor your depressed about how bad your life sucks I mean you won't have to lie right and how you KNOW there were WMD and to trust you. Lets see what you get prescribed.



Take said pills for 3 weeks. Eather your going to see what I'm talking about or your going to open your eyes and you would become less of a dick.


Wow Super replys

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if he doesnt go straight to protective custody he will be killed, almost garaunteed. As weird as it seems, most criminals have no tolerance for rape on women/children or for people who kill women/children.



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