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Ok, how many of you republican fuckers did it?

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By did it, I mena went out and voted for Hillary like Rush told you to?

Cunt bitch winning the state grumble grumble, I BLAMEZ THE REPUBLICUNS!


I was dying laughing when I heard about that. Fucking hilarious.

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I blame the 5% that threw away their vote for Ron Paul. I am ashamed to live in Ohio. I voted for Obama.


It is only a throw away because people are so afraid to vote how they really feel and would rather vote for a more likely candidate. I am curious as to how many people would vote for Ron Paul if it wasn't a "throw away vote". He might actually stand a chance or at least draw some attention to what people really want. Not to mention a fair portion of the people who voted for Ron Paul would have voted Republican if Ron Paul was not a choice and would not have affected the Osama/Hitlery battle.

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I'm ashamed...and surprised



What the hell is it? The 35 + female demographic that votes for Hillary? That has to be it. I don't know a single person, outside an occasional friend's mother...that voted for Hillary



It's going to be an interesting turnout regardless of the ultimate candidates - particularly if it's Hillary


While we'll see a small/new record of females voting (they typically turnout pretty well, we'll see an INCREDIBLE record male turnout to vote for McCain



A vote for Hillary damn near locks in McCain

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I switched an voted for Hiliary. Obama is a bad choice for my values. Hilary is no better, and I will note vote for her in the presidental, but I would rather see her on the ticket.


Many of my international customers, in dubai, an the middle east, all support Hillary, the do not approve of Obama, mainly for not supporting his heritage from what I hear, but who cares... I wont have any one supported by Lewis Faracon in our office. Denouce or Reject...


And for such a spirted speaker, Obama is just an average in the debates, funny when its not scripted...He is a pretender.

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I switched an voted for Hiliary. Obama is a bad choice for my values. Hilary is no better, and I will note vote for her in the presidental, but I would rather see her on the ticket.



If one is no better than the other...Why is it you feel Hillary should be on the ticket and not Obama....or simply vote for McCain or not at all.

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I figured it to be a smart move for the Republicans to vote for Clinton since McCain had his side locked up, I think McCain has a better chance of beating her for president than Obama.


I voted for Obama, they all have things I don't like about them but I think he's the least of all evil. McCain was saying somehting like we may be in Iraq for 100 years?? Are you fucking kidding me? At some point you have to let them go on their own, it would be like spoon feeding your kid until they were 18. Wether they plunge into a kind of civil war or whatever there's always going to be that risk.

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It is only a throw away because people are so afraid to vote how they really feel and would rather vote for a more likely candidate.

Dude, everyone thinks Ron Paul is batshit crazy, seriously. People did vote how they really felt.


Look all over the state, they were running out Democratic ballots in historically republican counties. Why? Because the fuckers were voting for Hillary. That's the best strategic move one could make, I must admit. There's no way in hell that Hillary will defeat McCain.


If the Dems are smart, they'll do to Hillary what the republicunts did to McCain in 2000: They'll ignore the poles and nominate they want.


but...the Dems aren't smart when it comes to campaigns.


McCain was cool 8 years ago when he had a backbone and stood up for what HE believed in and could live through a 4 year term.

Amen. I can only hope that he's just playing ball to get int he white house, then he'll rip the mask off and say "Guess what fuckers!?........"

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Oh, I get it now. People voted for Hillary because if she is on the ticket, there is a better chance of McCain beating her than Obama. So a democratic vote is actually a GOP overall victory.....if you will. However, I think the democratic side could go either way with the two. Therefore, whichever one gets the nomination will get support from all the people who voted otherwise in the primaries...
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