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Brother got jumped


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So, my brother goes to school in Columbus. He was off high street at some "Cluck U Chicken" shop waiting for his food with some friends. Four big black men walk in and start knocking people out, throwing punches, bows, whatever, then just left. They walk out, one of my old friends sees a cop passing by and jumps in front to stop him. Explains what just happened and points to the guys walking away, the cop justs says "Can't do anything, didn't see it happen.". Apparently according to my brother they were on something.


Now WTF!! :doh: <--CPD How worthless could you possibly be?

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"Didn't see it happen"...


Should have asked for badge numbers. That is what witnesses are for.


Very true. The thing that nerves me the most is the cop just drove off. Didn't bother to ask if everyone was alright. This is why people lose respect for law enforcement, because of a few bad people.

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Relax it was a joke. Obviously your brother didnt instigate the situation hense the humor in saying that he did.... I never said it was a good joke.


Got it. Sarcasm is hard to detect on teh internetz. ;)


There is much more to this story, both my roommates were involved. Mikey didn't do anything, he just got caught between the mess. His black eye was probably the biggest, though haha.


Coty. I should be in Columbus this weekend. You up for some possible beers tommorrow at Allans? I only talked to Mikey over the phone, but I know he'd never actually run his mouth to four big black men. It'd be nice to know what actually happened.

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Alright then. There was a decent sized group of them, including my roommates, some freinds of one of theirs, and Chris's brother Mike. They were at a bar and left to get some food at Cluck U. One of the dumbasses that my one roommate likes to hang out with used a racial slur while a group of black men were in the restaurant. Apparently he used it more then once and the guys decided to confront them. I dunno what words were exchanged thereafter, but it led to punches being thrown by the black guys. Mikey caught an errant elbow while my one roommate came from behind to try and help but got knocked up side the head and into some tables. Cops were called and the two attackers left but their buddies stayed. Cops got there and asked what happened, they explained and everyone pretty much left.


This was the story told to me by the roommate the witnessed the incident from outside.

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Dude... your brother totally had it coming what are you bitching for?



this is starting to sound about right.


honestly, when you hang out and drink, and you or your friends are careless with the way they behave (using racial slurs), these things will happen. cougar, tell your brother to chalk it up to experience, and count his blessings that he wasn't shot.

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1. Your first post could be considered as a racial slur, as the inclusion of the term "black guys" was not pertinent to the way in which you were relating the story.


2. You bash the Columbus PD and law enforcement when, with the correct information, they are absolved of any wrongdoing.


3. Your fourth post makes the inclusion of the race of the assaulting party pertinent, yet does not legitimize it in the original post. It also includes the 'whole' story which paints an entirely different light as the assault was provoked by racial slurs.


4. Lesson: You should always gather as much information possible about a situation before rushing to judgment. You ended up making yourself look racist, and somewhat silly, by posting a rant against everyone but the idiot who provoked it all.


5. Summation: The gentleman who was spewing hate should be taken out to a field, by his friends, and have his ass kicked for putting his friends in a truly dangerous situation.

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