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How do you endure negativity of others?


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By nature I'm a fairly positive person, but there are some that I interact with that don't necessarily share the same mindset. One of the closest people in my life is also one of the most negative I've ever met. So much so that it causes distance and conflict on a normal basis. My question is, how do we tolerate behaviors such as negativity so that we can continue to grow relationships with those that feel a need (whether it be directly or indirectly) to bring us down?
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My wife is like that. She's the glass is half empty and we are all going to die from dehydration type. I have learned to ignore it, and she has learned that there are times that she needs to keep her thoughts to herself. She knows that if I give her the look it means I'm not in the mood to have my day ruined. 9.9 times out of 10 she will stop talking or come back with a more positive outlook.


It's mainly about working together. My positive outlook gets on her nerves at times also. If she gives me a look when I'm being positive I usually say, "your right we are doomed" and walk away.... 10 years later and we are still married.


It does get on my nerves, but I am positive that one day she will no longer be a negative person ;)

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My wife is like that. She's the glass is half empty and we are all going to die from dehydration type. I have learned to ignore it, and she has learned that there are times that she needs to keep her thoughts to herself. She knows that if I give her the look it means I'm not in the mood to have my day ruined. 9.9 times out of 10 she will stop talking or come back with a more positive outlook.


It's mainly about working together. My positive outlook gets on her nerves at times also. If she gives me a look when I'm being positive I usually say, "your right we are doomed" and walk away.... 10 years later and we are still married.


It does get on my nerves, but I am positive that one day she will no longer be a negative person ;)


Pics of said look?

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This coming from "KillJoy"???


You are the Killer of JOY! why do you hate happiness?



Oh and I also know someone that has a very negative outlook on things. Would like to see how others handle it.


I do not see the glass 1/2 full. Nor do I see the glass as 1/2 empty.


I see the glass as twice as big as it needs to be.





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Not me. I see someone else's glass and I take it.


Seriously, though, my gf and I have the same problem. Every assumption has to be the worst one. This is something we're always having to deal with and almost lead to me leaving her. I will tell you what's important. The fact that I now see her try. That I see her catch herself and change her attitude right away or just drop it all together. Sorta like what B-ry was talking about. She truly makes the effort.

And that's all any of us can ask for. Either accept them for who they are, or work together to improve. Once one or both of you stop making an effort to improve as people in a relationship, then it's time to move on.

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The person whom I'm "dealing" with is my older brother who sees nothing but the negative in situations and chastises you if you point out the contrary. It's almost as if a situation or experience you've had needs to be crappy in order for him to want to hear about it and if it isn't, you're made to feel like shit because it wasn't crappy (if that makes sense).


Very frustrating.

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My solution with people of this variety is to respond sarcastically with a similar view. Things like, "Yup, you're right. I'm screwed and worthless, I'm gonna go pound my face in with a mallet. See ya later!"
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I know someone who's so negative about every single aspect of life, anything said to them causes paranoid thinking, and its so bad that I almost wanna smack the shit out of them or ask if they'd like help in dying. No its not my wife, just a co worker. Poor dudes probably gonna be fired simply due to his extreme negativity and has no clue he does this to himself. Very sad and no clue how anyone would handle it.



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I'm a very positive person as well and can find the good in anything and when I see those pity party "half glass is empty" type of people go on and rant about negative things all the time I either tell them to stop w/ the negative bitch shit and find something positive in your life to talk about or focus on. If they continue to be a Debbie Downer then I tell them to stay the fuck away from me b/c ur not bringing me down to your level. I have no patience for people who have to express they're negativity around others on a daily occurance.
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The person whom I'm "dealing" with is my older brother who sees nothing but the negative in situations and chastises you if you point out the contrary. It's almost as if a situation or experience you've had needs to be crappy in order for him to want to hear about it and if it isn't, you're made to feel like shit because it wasn't crappy (if that makes sense).


Very frustrating.


Sounds like my brother. Now mix that with drinking every night and you have a real ball of fun on your hands.


I normally just ignore it or make fun of him about it. Eventually he shuts up. :)


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Tell them to go in the bathroom and talk to themselves. I believe that you are what you think about and in their case, if they want to be a negative loser than go right ahead but do it alone.


I'm a cautious person who prepares for all types of possibly negative shit, but have no place for negative people in my world. Sounds harsh, but the one thing I'm not is a sounding board for everyone elses shit. I deal with my own and expect the same in return. Asking for help is okay, bitching is not.


By nature I'm a fairly positive person, but there are some that I interact with that don't necessarily share the same mindset. One of the closest people in my life is also one of the most negative I've ever met. So much so that it causes distance and conflict on a normal basis. My question is, how do we tolerate behaviors such as negativity so that we can continue to grow relationships with those that feel a need (whether it be directly or indirectly) to bring us down?
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The person whom I'm "dealing" with is my older brother who sees nothing but the negative in situations and chastises you if you point out the contrary. It's almost as if a situation or experience you've had needs to be crappy in order for him to want to hear about it and if it isn't, you're made to feel like shit because it wasn't crappy (if that makes sense).


Very frustrating.


Yes, your brother is a negative bastard.

When he tries to get us down, I just tell him he's old and bald.

He cries, and then we all feel better.:cool:

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