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All spots are gone, need to sell yours?


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For the first time ever, we've maxed out a track event. There are some pissed off people out there, but you snooze you lose.


The point of this thread is this; If you bought a spot and cannot go, make a post and let CR know so another member can purchase your spot from you.


Members with spots available:



If two people come to an agreement, PM me with the person selling and the person buying as well as the info for the buyer so I can update the list. The funds transaction is between the people, so leave me out of it.


It doesn't matter if you bought a SM slot or regular slot. If there's any questions, lemme know.

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I'm not going to be able to run my vehicle at this event. :(


I'm not looking to gouge anyone. I'm just asking $27 to cover the paypal fees, I hope that is ok with the Admin and Event Coord.



Paypal is accepted or cash in had if you live near Pickerington.

pm sent

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