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Question for married guys or guys with serious relationships


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Not sure but I am moving it (to the kitchen just because it was in the Speed Shop first. :p )and Yes my wife asks me to come to bed EVERY night. No shit storm but verbal communication. Technically isn't any verbal noise from a female other than moaning "bitchy"? :cool:
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depends... since the DVR is in our bedroom, typically we are up in the bedroom watching TV anyways so she just falls asleep and I turn on the history channel.


if we're downstairs watching TV, she just says she's going to bed. I typicaly follow suit shortly afterwards because I'm either A.) wanting to get some or B.) tired myself.

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i don't get a shit storm, but she usually makes similar comments.


come hold me, cuddle me until i fall asleep....bla bla bla then gets irritated when i say no thanks.


i always tell her she's a closet lesbian and she should be dating a girl or a pussy ass guy.

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she used to early on in our marriage, but we've been married a while. now she knows how to get me up there in a hurry, but I usually have to wait for the weekend :) besides, with two kids now, one of them is usually wanting to fall asleep with mom then I carry them to their room when I finally retire for the night. I'm a night owl, she's not and so far it's working for us.


Does your women bitch if you dont go to bed with them? What I mean is if you are watching tv etc and they said they are going to bed and you stay up. Do you get a shit storm? I feel so alone etc. CJ
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my wife does'nt bitch at all she say's she is going to bed gives me a kiss goodnight and says she'll see me in the morning.


Must be nice. I would pay for that. I hear constant bitching all the time. She will sometimes get so mad at me for not going to bed with her that she will just tell me to sleep in the living room.( It dont happen though)

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Must be nice. I would pay for that. I hear constant bitching all the time. She will sometimes get so mad at me for not going to bed with her that she will just tell me to sleep in the living room.( It dont happen though)


FUCK THAT. I would never put up with someone bitching at me all the time regardless of what it is about.


But, why is it such a big deal for your to actually fall asleep with her? I dont see the point. I mean its not like your sleeping with someone else?

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