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Cooper Stadium Sold!!

Dr. Apex

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I know we've talked about this before somewhat but today Cooper was finally sold today. Looks like the plans we've heard about the bike park and such are coming true, my hope is the SCCA will still be able to race there.

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AJ, nothing should change this year, Clippers are still there yet.


The only limiting factor will be noise they said, I especially see issues with a drag strip when it comes to noise so it will be interesting to see how they do it.

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haha.. some of the readers responses:


Posted May 01, 2008 @ 06:56 PM by clymWhy do we need another race track? There is already one here, Columbus Motor Speedway. It has great racing already. Besides, a track near downtown is not a good idea for various reasons already mentioned by others.




Posted May 01, 2008 @ 06:52 PM by BubbaYee-haw! 'Bout time we got us some culture in this burg.




Posted May 01, 2008 @ 06:51 PM by bigfishi think its a great idea. its not like there would be racing 24/7 for the noise, just on most evenings. the reward highly out weighs risk. sure, race tracks are noisy, but just imagine the job prospects, and the money that would be flooding into columbus because of something like this, it could even draw in the big three nascar divisions. its a great idea, i can't wait to see it happen.




Posted May 01, 2008 @ 05:33 PM by llbNO car racing! Greenlawn cemetery is right next to the stadium and lots of people go there for peace and quiet. Tear down stadium, save the old parts, and plant trees, develop a nice GREEN park. Your station just mentioned research saying more trees lead to less asthma in kids, cars only produce air, noise, water(runoff fuel) and ground pollution(garbage all over the place). I vote NO for car (ugh) racing and yes for green plants!




Posted May 01, 2008 @ 05:27 PM by llbCAR RACING!? Are you serious? Bad idea - 1)the noise factor alone is a primary reason for NOT having car racing, 2)we already have way too much NOISE to deal with, barking dogs, motorcycles, drag racing on the streets, youth gangs roaming neighborhoods... 3)just another place for jerks to hang out drink beer, do drugs,make MORE noise and generally destroy the area, 4)gas is soooo expensive already how can one justify wasting it on racing, 5)the air pollution, noise pollution, garbage pollution,




Posted May 01, 2008 @ 05:22 PM by race fanIam a big nascar fan. I feel that a race track in Columbus would be a wonderful addition to the sports network in central Ohio.I hope that this comes to be a reality. This would create jobs for many people. I know many people that would attend races if they did not have to travel out of state to do so.

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Posted May 01, 2008 @ 05:27 PM by llbCAR RACING!? Are you serious? Bad idea - 1)the noise factor alone is a primary reason for NOT having car racing, 2)we already have way too much NOISE to deal with, barking dogs, motorcycles, drag racing on the streets, youth gangs roaming neighborhoods... 3)just another place for jerks to hang out drink beer, do drugs,make MORE noise and generally destroy the area, 4)gas is soooo expensive already how can one justify wasting it on racing, 5)the air pollution, noise pollution, garbage pollution,




what a fuckin idiot. ok so you dont want me to race at the track? would you rather people do it on the highway? :rolleyes:

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Maybe I'm missing something here, but why is having any sort of race track on the West Side a good thing? Picture National Trails on a friday night Test & Tune. Now add 2x's as many POS rice/ flat out confused cars and take the stupidity level up about 1,000 times! If they did make it into a public 1/4mile track, I think I would still drive out to trails or up to Norwalk in hopes that all the W T would get stuck at the new track. But hey, that's just my .02.
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I think its a great idea. It would probably clean that area up some. The city has had plans to do a major clean up of run down areas. In the next year they will be buying a good portion of west broad.


Several business' are in the middle of building directly across the street from the stadium. Mid ohio food bank has a new kitchen going in right there and a large construction company is also moving thier offices there as well.

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That's a crappy neighborhood anyway, so who cares about the noise...not like it is going to make a difference in property value. And it is right next to I-70, so there is constant noise 24/7 there anyway.


Plus the plant-a-tree person that was quoted - there are parks all over around there. I could see if there wasn't anything like a park nearby, but that's not the case at all.

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I'm for the idea of having a place to race closer to home, but I sympathize with the people that live there regardless of their economic situation. If they do build it, expect to be required to run mufflers and for racing to end earlier in the evening. You would probably never see a national event there unless someone bought up a bunch of adjoining property to support parking lots. Race tracks nowadays typically don't get built in the city limits because of these things and ingress/egress issues. Ever been to the Brickyard? Takes forever to get in and out.
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