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Squid would be.. SQUished IDiot?


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A squid is an irresponsible motorcyclist. The term is derogatory and common among motorcyclists in North America.It is generally associated with a new or reckless motorcyclist seen riding erratically and/or beyond his or her capabilities, often without appropriate riding gear.


The origin of the word is varyingly attributed:



  • A contraction of:
    • "Squirrely" and "kid" (possibly taken from California surfing culture), or
    • "Squished" and "kid", or
    • "Squished" and "idiot"
    • Also of note: "squidly girl" or "Squirrel"

    [*]An acronym for:

    • "Stupidly Quick, Underdressed, Ignorant and Dangerous", or
    • "Stupidly Quick, Underdressed and Imminently Dead", or
    • "Super Quick Until I Die"

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I've also heard the term Squid coming from how there were a good few batch of deaths where the impact and slide would tear their abdomen open an cause the intestines to all hang out similar to a squids tentacles.
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