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bike stand


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Kinda new to this and I want to get a street bike stand. I just want somethin that holds it up to take off the rear tire. Ive seen all different kinds of styles of stands. Does anyone have one they want to get rid of or know where I can get a good deal on one? Ive seen them at Iron Pony but they were kinda pricey.
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Pit-Bull is the best IMO and can be found new for $150 or less....


Fuck Pitbull. Overpriced bullshit.


It's a god damn piece of metal that holds up your bike, $150 for that? Sheit.


+1 to what Ben said. Spools ftw.

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Fuck Pitbull. Overpriced bullshit.


It's a god damn piece of metal that holds up your bike, $150 for that? Sheit.


+1 to what Ben said. Spools ftw.




Okay dude, it's only $150 retail (less if you shop). When you actually use them on a regular basis, not just to clean your wheels you'll see how great the other stands are.... :rolleyes:


Spools are useless without a stand.... :p

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I got spools and I got the front stand that lifts by my steering head so I can remove the front wheel while its on the stand.


I have vortex racing and I have used them countless times and had no issues. I think I paid something like 220 for both.

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Okay dude, it's only $150 retail (less if you shop). When you actually use them on a regular basis, not just to clean your wheels you'll see how great the other stands are.... :rolleyes:


Spools are useless without a stand.... :p


Or you could buy any other for $50 or less. Hey, if you like throwing hundreds away throw a few my way.


Spare me on the use bullshit. I'm sure I use my stand far more often than you do yours. Hell, I bet my bike gets ridden more as well.

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Or you could buy any other for $50 or less. Hey, if you like throwing hundreds away throw a few my way.


Spare me on the use bullshit. I'm sure I use my stand far more often than you do yours. Hell, I bet my bike gets ridden more as well.





Now you are talking out your ass.... :gtfo:

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Now you are talking out your ass.... :gtfo:


Mine is sitting on the stand right now waiting on me to take the coils out.


19k miles and they finally failed (factory recall).


It isn't a $150 Pitbull though, so it might fall over.

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I should have gone into the bike stand business.


Market some bullshit to retards and slap a high price on it and they'll tell other retards on the internet that their stand is superior due to the name.


I'm quite jealous of whoever owns Pitbull, honestly.

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There are a bunch of stand manufacturers out there, IMO the pit bull stands are the most sturdy but I wouldn't pay $150, check out Redline Stands I've had these and they've been great so far. Handy Industries has a deal for both stands for $89... Handy Industries I've had these as well, they were ok, kinda flimsy but hell, for the price...i guess it all depends on how much you wanna spend...
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Mine is sitting on the stand right now waiting on me to take the coils out.


19k miles and they finally failed (factory recall).


It isn't a $150 Pitbull though, so it might fall over.


Oh my, it's on the stand now... :eek:


19k-miles oh my goodness, call Guinness. Are you going to tell us it's your first streetbike next.... :lol:


I should have gone into the bike stand business.


Market some bullshit to retards and slap a high price on it and they'll tell other retards on the internet that their stand is superior due to the name.


I'm quite jealous of whoever owns Pitbull, honestly.


Where did I say it's superior ANYWHERE because of the name....? Now you are just acting like a CHILD but then again you are crying about a $150 stand so go figure... :nono:


If $200 for a front and rear stand with the brand name PITBULL on it breaks your bank, you may have more problems than you can handle since you've made such a big deal over nothing really... :thumbup:


Good day... ;)

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Please, go into detail about what makes a Pitbull stand better than any other stand. I need a good laugh.



I'm with ya Kenny what makes them SO much better? Because I have seen them and I don't see any thicker metal than my Vortex stands use nor are they easier to use....So what gives?

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I'm with ya Kenny what makes them SO much better? Because I have seen them and I don't see any thicker metal than my Vortex stands use nor are they easier to use....So what gives?


He probably chromed it so it matches his swingarm.

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Still no reply. Shocking.


You think they're the best because some asshat on a forum said so and you took his word for it. Good show.




Where do you get this crap...?


You have no clue what you are even talking about and continue to show how much of a bone head you are. I should have known by your other posts you were going to reply with some lame shit and get bent out of shape about a measly $200 set of stands.


Everything you post is negative, grow the hell up... :gtfo:

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Now I'm a squid...go ahead and enlighten me with your riding skills.... :rolleyes:


I'm sure your $50 stand will work just fine on a 250-Ninja... :thumbup:


Again, nothing saying what makes a Pitbull better.


They're your words, not mine. What makes it better?

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