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Monica Day is here today.....


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Post some sexy pics or else....... :p



Umm she actually dressed pretty conservative and usually does. The good thing is I could have sexy if I wanted it though. I don't even have pictures of her, the only ones I see are on her facebook and myspace.

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dude your 23... time to quit trolling high school parking lots!!


Yeah well she is 19 and is out of school. She is really good friends with a good friend of mine so thats how I met her in the first place. Anyways jealousy is a bitch though isn't it;)

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Fuck that, hit it and never forget it. Someday you'll be old, married and be able to say "when i had my chance i took it".


Dont forget to post pics :D


I also agree with this to the fullest extent. I am already starting to feel too old when it comes to certain things. Maybe getting some pics is a good idea.



Wait a second, stop the press. My first triple post. Its gonna be a good day.:cool:

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you fail....get the pics :p:p j/k


Umm she actually dressed pretty conservative and usually does. The good thing is I could have sexy if I wanted it though. I don't even have pictures of her, the only ones I see are on her facebook and myspace.
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