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NEW iPhone 2 Concepts


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I need Verizon, not that I want Verizon, I need it. Nothing else works at my house.


I have the opportunity to earn an iPhone where I work, the new one, I am not even going to try. No use.


I have a BB 8830, BES and BIS email plus it does the web via Opera, Skype and Google Talk. Not much more needed as far as communication goes.


The iPhone is very cool and you can probably tell I am a mac fan, I just don't have a use for it.


BTW, I can run OSx, Windows and Linux (three OSs) on my mac and I don't even notice it is happening. I don't think they are gimmicky at all, macs are very powerful.

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I rockin the same phone or its the 8830, but it looks the same. A camera would be nice. But then again I always have my Sony digi with me.


+1 For BB being a "Mature Buisness" phone


iPhones are cool and all, but I'll stick with my Blackberry 8800.


- Business email - check

- Personal emails - check

- MS outlook integration - check

- Voice Dialing - check

- Awesome GPS - check

- Unlockable - check

- 3rd part apps - check

- photos / video / music - check

- internet - check

- bluetooth - of course

- long battery life - check

- one hand usable - check

- full keyboard - check

- camera - I'm not 16 anymore


I'm old school and more business oriented so BB for me.



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which one? I have an 8700 too and it will last 2-3 days easily. On my 8800 which I use most often with blue-tooth I can get 1-2 days.


blackberry + long battery life = does not compute. At least I finally got a patch to make it stop rebooting constantly.
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I like Apple and all, but as many problems i have had with my Ipod i dont think i would want my cell phone from Apple. I agree they are ahead of the techno game but when an ipod cant communicate with its own program ( itunes) then i can only imagine what headache an Iphone could give me.
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which one? I have an 8700 too and it will last 2-3 days easily. On my 8800 which I use most often with blue-tooth I can get 1-2 days.


8703e. With it set to vibrate, and doing a fair amount of texting, using my work specific program for about 30 - 45 minutes, and cruising the internets for a bit, I can kill the battery in a 12 hour shift no problem. And I don't even have a voice plan on it, so none of that.

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