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Has anyone bought a car or bike...


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...using ebay, or off of craigslist but using the ebay protection thing or whatever. i have been talking to people who are selling bikes, but they all want to use ebay "for our protection". i dont know much about this. any info would help.


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not a bike or car, but have sold some big stuff on Craigs List. I sell on there all the time. I find it's way better as it's cash in hand face to face.


...using ebay, or off of craigslist but using the ebay protection thing or whatever. i have been talking to people who are selling bikes, but they all want to use ebay "for our protection". i dont know much about this. any info would help.


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I sold my bike on ebay. Difference with my sale was that I sold it to a guy I knew from another forum who lives in Indy and he wanted to use his credit card to buy it, so it was the easiest way. I just set up a buy it now and he went right to the auction and purchased it. Buying a car or bike on ebay would probably be something I wouldn't feel very comfortable doing. I'd probably get the seller's info and talk to them on the side.
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I've bought a Turbo Van, Suzuki Samurai, and a neon on ebay. I would prefer not to go through ebay just a cash deal cash and face to face. Id have to really really trust the seller. I bought a 92 Achieva SCX W41 on ebay in New york and flew to pick it up I would not have done that if I didnt see many pictures beforehand and a video of it running and driving, but If somthing would have went wrong I wouldnt expect ebay to do a thing. Basically ebay is just an added hassle to the buying/selling process.
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