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FUck you CR CREW

El Karacho1647545492

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You remind me of this guy....







I give up! Why cant I ever get in a battle :( I said you look like Bert... can I at least get 1 comeback response???

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So if Camaro math serves me right, your penis resides somewhere near the middle of your shoulders because you drive a lady car?

Very sweet of you to call me the proper "lady" opposed to "girl". Thanks sweetheart.








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I knew you remembered me corn syrup man.

And problem is I should be playing edward 40 hands and no one can tape me up.


I have lots of duct tape... for things and such. ;)


80 ounces for freedom is a lot of beer to drink at once. But hey if we are going to do such activities I will only tape mickey's 40's to you. Do it right or don't do it at all.


MMMMM beer

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I'll remember that when you need tires


I have other places to buy rubbers. :p


You are just proving my point man! Nothing wrong with being a dick at all. I am a big dick at times. This has nothing to do at all with my genitals. Trust me.

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