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whats your take on this website??

Black ITR Guy

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That's what the guy on a Harley thought in New Albany in front of the national city this past weekend when he was sitting in the road bleeding from his head, torso, arms, and legs, profusely all over the road until a squad came. :nono: If he gets on it again I bet he is covered from head to toe.
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I hate when im driving down 270 or any other road for that matter and i see motorcyclists wearing shorts,sleeveless T's,shorts,flipflops and a bandanna..Care about your life much?? I think there should be at least a helmet law in Oh for riders


If i have restated anything im sorry i didnt want to read everything.Lazyness pwns me

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i kind of feel the same way... i mean im confident enough in my motorcycling abilities that i feel im not going to fall over, or run off the road or something like that...


but you cant control what OTHER people are doing.


that douchebag red light runner? the brain dead bitch texting and driving? the asshole who just drank 19 beers and got in his car...


they are the ones you cant control for.


the ones that really get me though are the guys with hot ass girls on the back of their bike and NO fucking gear. why would you endanger your girl like that?

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i kind of feel the same way... i mean im confident enough in my motorcycling abilities that i feel im not going to fall over, or run off the road or something like that...


but you cant control what OTHER people are doing.


that douchebag red light runner? the brain dead bitch texting and driving? the asshole who just drank 19 beers and got in his car...


they are the ones you cant control for.


the ones that really get me though are the guys with hot ass girls on the back of their bike and NO fucking gear. why would you endanger your girl like that?


Because they don't realize/reconize the risk assessment. I won't let someone on the back of my bike without closed toed shoes, jacket, gloves, and at least pants that cover the entirety of the legs. Some people ask why and I simply respond with "With allowing them on the back of my bike I have taken their lives and well being into my hands and I want them protected from unforseen circumstances as best as they can be."


I think the people who ride essentially naked are dumb, the ones that put passengers in essentially no gear I often wish to punch, though the ones that bother me the most are the parents who'll put their kid on the back of their bike with sometimes the only thing protecting them is a bicycle helmet. Those are the people who I want to rip off their bike and bitchslap them across the head and say "You fucking moron, don't you value your child's life at all?"

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A lot of people I graduated school with this year got bikes as grad presents. See them flying down residential roads without any gear on. Two or three have crashed already. Maybe they should have a look at this.
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Despite the point that yes, I do agree that a helmet law is taking away some "freedom."


At the same time, I also look at it that if someone dies from a motorcycle accident that the death could have been avoided by wearing a helmet our insurance companies would at least lose the excuse of those deaths as reasons for why the rest of our insurance premiums have to be increased. Insurance is a for profit business and unneeded deaths do not help their profits, so they're going to tag the living to help bite the cost of those who believe their head has no value.



I am also very much in favor of developing a tiered licenseing system akin to what is in Europe, even maybe modifying it so that if you really don't want to wait the years to move up the tiers you can take supplimental on the bike classes/tests that would test your ability to work with the more powerful bike. I think such would lower rider error accident rate as well as it would get the US alot of the real nice 250s that Europe and Japan get but we don't get because there is almost no market for them over here.

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