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Fuck You...

Guest Hal

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unlike you, i didnt gloss myself. ive not been retired, just untested.


i do remember that time, and i remember that regardless of his game, he was still the hottest thing in town. the analogy isnt complete though, because unlike the nba at the time, this league is missing any allen iversons to cross me up. all weve got is some dude who lets his grilfriend do all the talking (probably a good thing), tweedle dee and tweedle dum, a de-frocked mod who has just recently decided to test the waters of non-bitchdom (and cant even handle bro rape, from the looks of it), and some guy who looks like, and wishes he was as funny as, strongbad.




On the other hand we have to deal with some one whos kitchen ego has set us up to see greatness that has yet to deliver. When you put yourself on a pedistal your replies should be followed by people screaming and yelling to prove your greatness. Im at work and after hours I am right below you. Im not one of those little unarmed retards thats blinded by what you think is witty. Your thought process leaves much to be desired and I find myself upset at your inability to deliver greatness. Please show me what makes you great. I have heard all of these stories and to be honest I'm only posting out of curiosity. I know you have nothing to prove to me, but you stepped off the bench so why not hit a shot?

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DJ... I give. Phil swooped in like a plane with two broken wings and gave you all the reason you needed to never post in here again. I was waiting for the big hammer from DJ.... but instead Phil raised the gay flag of defeat :(
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DJ... I give. Phil swooped in like a plane with two broken wings and gave you all the reason you needed to never post in here again. I was waiting for the big hammer from DJ.... but instead Phil raised the gay flag of defeat :(



its only gay if your balls touch. :gay: . so tuck those bad boys between your legs and lets party!!!

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its only gay if your balls touch. :gay: . so tuck those bad boys between your legs and lets party!!!



dude seriously, sometimes you just have to sit out and watch the epic battle that was on the verge of happening.......way to fuck it up :asshole:

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dude seriously, sometimes you just have to sit out and watch the epic battle that was on the verge of happening.......way to fuck it up :asshole:



I saw something like 2 pgs back and didn't quote it sorry didn't mean to break up the battle. ill go jump off the top of my house now.

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I saw something like 2 pgs back and didn't quote it sorry didn't mean to break up the battle. ill go jump off the top of my house now.

Remember, gravity is your friend. If you try to land on your feet you're doing it wrong.


BTW.. I mean this in the nicest way possible :p



The horns hold up my halo

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in general, that how it goes. id have thought youd have known that at this point. here hoping that youre just "playing" dumb. (call me an optimist)


as the "away team" for this event,well go with your choice of weapons as "how best to kill oneself". may i suggest that if you continue to chew on that blasting cap, its going to keep the length of this thread down. i really can only speculate as to why you find the flavor of gunpowder to your liking, perhaps it reminds you of the times you were pistol whipped by your father as a child for saying things like "gee paw, no food for dinner again!? why hasnt ma come home in the past week? when is the power company gonna come fix our lights, and how come billy's lights next door are still on?"...etc. its amazing the things that make some people wax maudlin.

Yes, that was sarcasm for sure.


I would suggest you try to make your suicide as easy as possible. Can you imagine trying to fail, and then failing? Gotta be depressing. May I suggest first injecting yourself with HIV (this may come in handy later)? Following that nice injection, you'll need a small .22 revolver and a spool of barbed wire. You'll need to start by tying the barbed wire loosely around your neck, chest, and arms. You will then need to tie the other end to an immovable (or very heavy) object so that the wire is above you to the point that if you fall, you will not be able to rest against the ground. To finish things off, you need to fire a plinker round directly into the side of your head.


When you pull the trigger, the round will bounce around inside your skull without exiting. This will cause you to fall with all your weight against the barbed wire. If you don't die at first, your struggling should cut you enough that you bleed out. If by chance you make it through everything, you will be an HIV infected vegetable. What better way to die?

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I am confused Orion, why are we battling? I usually fight with people I just dislike, there's actually sport there.


I would rather team up with you to abuse others. Being a bully can be fun. Old school thug teamed with new school ass.


If you would rather, we can continue trying to come up with the best way to commit suicide. It's up to you.

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I am confused Orion, why are we battling? I usually fight with people I just dislike, there's actually sport there.


I would rather team up with you to abuse others. Being a bully can be fun. Old school thug teamed with new school ass.


If you would rather, we can continue trying to come up with the best way to commit suicide. It's up to you.


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phil did definitely fuck up the rotation of this one. it would have been one thing if his pictures were, i dont know, relevant(?), but somehow a guy who glossed himself "bro rape" got loose in a shit talking thread and all of us get to see his girlfriends in their not quite fully monty'd glory. it seems that all phil is into is slumpbusters, and thats ok, because if phil is hitting all the fat/ugly/retarded chicks, then they arent calling me. please though, if you are trying to prove your manhood to us, just tell us. we believe you, no need for pictures (for the love of god). i do definitely need to get phils number, though, because hes my first choice as a wingman. no telling what kinda chicks i could pull with phil jumping on epic grenades for me....
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phil did definitely fuck up the rotation of this one. it would have been one thing if his pictures were, i dont know, relevant(?), but somehow a guy who glossed himself "bro rape" got loose in a shit talking thread and all of us get to see his girlfriends in their not quite fully monty'd glory. it seems that all phil is into is slumpbusters, and thats ok, because if phil is hitting all the fat/ugly/retarded chicks, then they arent calling me. please though, if you are trying to prove your manhood to us, just tell us. we believe you, no need for pictures (for the love of god). i do definitely need to get phils number, though, because hes my first choice as a wingman. no telling what kinda chicks i could pull with phil jumping on epic grenades for me....




The cool guy: Oh no! That hot girl is surrounded by her fat, ugly, stupid friends. How will I ever get those digits?!?!

Wing man Phil: Have no fear, the fat girl poker is here!!!!!

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phil did definitely fuck up the rotation of this one. it would have been one thing if his pictures were, i dont know, relevant(?), but somehow a guy who glossed himself "bro rape" got loose in a shit talking thread and all of us get to see his girlfriends in their not quite fully monty'd glory. it seems that all phil is into is slumpbusters, and thats ok, because if phil is hitting all the fat/ugly/retarded chicks, then they arent calling me. please though, if you are trying to prove your manhood to us, just tell us. we believe you, no need for pictures (for the love of god). i do definitely need to get phils number, though, because hes my first choice as a wingman. no telling what kinda chicks i could pull with phil jumping on epic grenades for me....




whoa whoa whoa, first and for most, i didnt post the pics, i was actually out making money, being of cr for 2-3 hrs of my life. i did leave my sn on and got attacked by friends of mine whose name i wont mention.


as of my selction of women, i do pride myself on the ones that i actually spend time with. (women- plural meaning) i have quite the number of sexy girls on a leash. granted i had a few bad moments that have been well documented here. as for the bro rape thing, its just the funniest thing that i have ever seen, and since everyone kept calling me bro, i figured it fit. as for you, you are no more than a worthless, fecies particle whose only job in life is to come up with the most creative way to tell someone to kill themself. granted the way you do it is top notch. but for the most part, you are useless you the world . as a matter of fact i think i could listen to 3 george bush rants before i listend to you. al gore is funnier than you. i like thorne more than i care to hear from you. so please inform me how to kill myself somemore. but while your doing that , think about getting some vagina cause from the looks of it, you dont get ANY.

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whoa whoa whoa, first and for most, i didnt post the pics, i was actually out making money, being of cr for 2-3 hrs of my life. i did leave my sn on and got attacked by friends of mine whose name i wont mention.


as of my selction of women, i do pride myself on the ones that i actually spend time with. (women- plural meaning) i have quite the number of sexy girls on a leash. granted i had a few bad moments that have been well documented here. as for the bro rape thing, its just the funniest thing that i have ever seen, and since everyone kept calling me bro, i figured it fit. as for you, you are no more than a worthless, fecies particle whose only job in life is to come up with the most creative way to tell someone to kill themself. granted the way you do it is top notch. but for the most part, you are useless you the world . as a matter of fact i think i could listen to 3 george bush rants before i listend to you. al gore is funnier than you. i like thorne more than i care to hear from you. so please inform me how to kill myself somemore. but while your doing that , think about getting some vagina cause from the looks of it, you dont get ANY.


you ALMOST lost me when you said you were out making money. then it hit me, perhaps those women pay to be with you. if so, i gotta give you some props, cause even if its rhinoceros, pussy is pussy and getting paid to hit it is awesome...kinda.


while i appreciate and thank you most humbly for your explanation of the word "women" for me as the plural form, could you also go back and help me hash out selction, fecies, and listend? im all for skipping punctuation, but at least spell your stuff correctly. thanks in advance.


as far as the "bad moments" and them being "well documented here", just remember, it was you that posted those pics, "bro". i cant remember asking you who youd tagged, what they looked like, wether it was man or beast, and especially to prove it to me. i really dont care who it is you try to grow crotch fruit with, but it wouldnt suprise me if it was someone from ashville.


more than likely, none of this is going to be humorous to anyone who claims "bro rape" as one of the funniest things hes ever seen. makes me wonder what your home life must have been like. well, ok, no it doesnt. it actually just helps to drive home the fact that you are a sick fuck who likes to brag about boning a hippo every now and then (how the hell does one keep a pachyderm on a leash, much less "several"?) and relishing the thought of being in "pound me in the ass" prison.


al gore is retarded. every retarded person in this world is funnier than i am. why? cause theyre fucking retarded, thats why! if you would rather chat with thorne than me, its probably because hes retarded (and therefore funny) and he doesnt point out that the picture of the chick in your wallet is actually too big to fit in your wallet.


youre right. sadly, it HAS been a minute since i got some. as homage to my old school roots, and in dedication to all my elementary school trash talkers out there, "tell your mom ill call her later."


finally, id just like to point out that i havent said anything about killing yourself, and in fact, im strongly against it. you are the best thing thats happened to this board since "cam'ron", and i welcome you to the feeding frenzy that is columbusracing.

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fuck you too Hal, I'm drunk and E-bateling.. How gangster does that make me!?



Mother Fucker

It just makes you a failure. Are you going to be another Phil?

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