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I will be "here" next week


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I will be "here" next week



I think this is trip #10 to Hawaii. This time I am taking my office staff with me, for training. I am staying on my Uncle's boat in the Ala Wai Yacht Harbor. It should be fun. I have several days of scuba, and snorkeling scheduled.

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I have been scuba diving many times over there and have never seen a shark or a manta.

Just had a dream this morning I was stranded out in the middle of the ocean. It was dark and I remember being worried about sharks. There's more to it, but eh.


Have a good trip. Be safe. I'm jealous. ;)

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I hate this flight. I got to Honolulu yesterday. Now I am waking up at 3:30 am here. Jet lag sucks!


I have been to Maui like 12 times which is amazing BTW. I agree the plane flight takes forever. I remember going to Dallas then LA to Honolulu. Then going Chicago to Honolulu. Jet lag sucks but remember you are in Hawaii so its not too bad. lol

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I always have an interesting time in Hawaii. This trip is shaping up to be no exception. Last night I was driving down Ala Moana Blvd near the mall. I see a street bum trying to take a lady's purse. Her boy friend was wrestling with the homeless dude. I pull the car over to help out and the homeless guy lets go of the purse and stands up. The boyfriend grabs his cell phone and starts to call the police. Meanwhile the homeless guy starts walking towards me, I told him firmly not to come any closer, he stop and turn around and walked away. The husband of the lady followed the guy at a safe distance. I gave my cell number to the lady and went back to the boat. About 20 minute later the Honolulu PD calls me. They picked me up a the Ala Wai Yahct harbor and take me to were they are holding the guy. I gave a positive Id and filled out the report.


The Cop said because the guy was using force to steal the purse, it was going to be an Robbery charge. Anyone know if I will have to come back and testify in court? I hope so :)

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