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I found these within 1000ft of 270.



















Not to sound like a dick, but don't bother asking where they are. :) These are close to something else of interest, and I'm going to run this info by some folks at OSU and other places to see if they've been explored yet. I definitely don't want their location all over the internet. If you know where they are, PM me, would like to ask you what you know about them.

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I once read a story based on pictures of a cave. Then bad shit happened then the story ended with a stupid twist after i read it for a hour.


Those didnt look like they had much recent traffic. None of the moss no major signs of scraping going in or out. I couldnt see animal traffic either. Cool find good luck and be careful.

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If you want someone to go down with you, I don't know you, but I would totally be game.



I spend a day every other week doing nothing but exlporing for places like this. I would gladly strangle the answer... I mean, too bad you won't tell me where. :( Why did you have to post it? Now, I'm gonna have "Where In The World is Carmen Sandiego" that shit. :mad:


Sweet find, nonetheless, man. ;)

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So you're saying I won't have to hold my farts?


If you think you know where it is, PM me and we can chat. I don't want to say where it's not, because people will narrow it down.


The first trip in (assuming no one has explored them yet) will likely be in October. We're receptive to people joining in, but we're going to need you to have caving experience. Don't want to have to explain anything to some one on-the-fly, and don't want anyone finding out that they're claustrophobic. :lol: Also will need rope experience.

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Those look like the caves off and and parkway if in fact they are those caves you are about 1200 years behind on the discovery...

Thanks Dbag! :p I'm not wanting any discoveries, I just don't want the location all over tha webs. Look what happened to Hayden Falls after the Dispatch found out about it: It's going to be paved and have a bloody gift shop if the Dublin chamber has their way.


Some hoons will get themselves killed there, and it'll all get fenced.


Clip the street names out of your post, plz. ;)


Good call on the 1200 yrs, I'm sure the residents either used them for something or stayed the hell away from them for fear of whatever was in them. Been there? How'd you find out of them?

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So any history on them? Anything interesting like graffiti modern or ancient?


I know how you feel about keeping it quiet. We do the same thing with most of our 4x4 trails even though they are township roads. Try to find them on the internet and you won't because no clubs gonna talk. The few that got talked about ended up having 200 trucks there and dumb shits damage their trucks and try to claim it and cause a shit storm.



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So any history on them? Anything interesting like graffiti modern or ancient?

Dunno yet, I haven't been in there too deep yet. I'm scribbling up an email to send to Prof Dancey at OSU. Fom what I've read he seems to be the guy to ask.

Right now,I'm focusing on the 24hr of Lemons next week.

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-Don't touch anything but the floor, watch your head. That's where rock-fall begins, and the area rock is unstable.

-Don't speak loudly, If I were bats, I'd be in there. Can also effect rockfall. See: resonance.

-Don't move close together: If something happens to one of you, you don't want it happening to both of you.

-3 people is ideal, one to stay outside and run if needed.

-These are prone to flash flooding, mind the weather. I've seen signs of wicked water movement from last weekends showers. This weekend looks worse. One of the reasons I plan to wait for autumn.

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Thanks Dbag! :p I'm not wanting any discoveries, I just don't want the location all over tha webs. Look what happened to Hayden Falls after the Dispatch found out about it: It's going to be paved and have a bloody gift shop if the Dublin chamber has their way.


Some hoons will get themselves killed there, and it'll all get fenced.


Clip the street names out of your post, plz. ;)


Good call on the 1200 yrs, I'm sure the residents either used them for something or stayed the hell away from them for fear of whatever was in them. Been there? How'd you find out of them?


Really? Everyone has known about Hayden Falls forever man. Its funny because they put the steps and walkway end years after the falls stopped falling.

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Really? Everyone has known about Hayden Falls forever man. Its funny because they put the steps and walkway end years after the falls stopped falling.

Define "everyone"? It wasn't a secret, but it also wasn't rare to be the only person there on a Saturday. I observed a sharp spike in activity, because I'd go rock climbing and rappelling there. One weekend, it was nice a quiet. The next weekend (after the article) it was hard to find a parking space.

The best rappelling spot has an "overlook" paved on top of it, and the best n00b rock route has one at the top, as well. Not to mention the litter. Old-man bitching: And it's Fkn noisy down there now. :p


I've seen photo's of the falls from the 1800's, it's not uncommon for it to spend most of summer dry. Most of the scioto watershed is flash-flood territory. I've seen absolutely massive amounts of water roaring over it. ;)


Is this a new show on the food channel about citrus fruits?

Never hear of the 24hrs of LeMons!? Google it! Most awesome race evur.

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