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Take a moment for 9/11.....


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RIP to those involved in anyway!!!




Where, what were you doing when it happened?



I was on my way to work...listening to Howard Stern and he announced it...first thinking it was a Cessna or some shit...then the second one hit and it was all over the news....I got to work and watched it on TV....they sent us home.

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i was asleep after working a third shift. my pops called me and woke me up to tell me that someone had just flown a plane into the wtc. in my fogginess, i couldnt remember what the wtc was, and thought that some dumbass had just keeld over at the controls of his cessna or something. thanked him for the info and went straight back to sleep. a little while later he calls and tells me it happened again, and that the pentagon has been hit to, and then i kinda sit up. the pentagon? oh snap. dad says turn on the tv, and well...damn.
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not to be disrespectful but i was on the toilet when it happened (real mexican food will pass threw u) back when i was living in California they fell when i had gotten to school, and they would not let us watch it. they actually put us all in the gym because the military thought San Diego was next due to all the military in the area



rip to all

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I was working on some apartments down at OSU. Some of the other guys come and tell me the WTC got hit, I said quit listening to Howard Stern. We went down the street to find a tv, and sure enough there it was all over the news. We were watching it live when the other plane hit. I have never felt like that before. I remember the whole week after the world seemed quiter, people were quite, and there were no planes in the sky. A really sad time.
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I was sitting in my english class in 7th grade. Our teacher left the room and told us to keep working on our daily journals. She was gone for an unusually long time. Like a good half an hour, and our class immediately knew something was up. Then she came back and told us to go back to our homeroom, where our teacher informed us of what was going on, and we watched it on TV. Then we went over to the church and prayed a little bit. (I went to a catholic school)
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i was at work, talking to some friends online and one of them happened to work for a newspaper feed and he suddenly said he needed to go coz something hit the towers... and for about 20 minutes no one believed him or thought he was stupid. then it hit the news.... i tried calling my friend that lived in the bronx and the lines were busy with so much traffic.


i made it home at lunch in time to see the first tower fall.... it's def something i'll never forget.

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  Not Brian said:
I was on my way to a job interview. When I got there it was a female hr girl. We started talking about the job and stuff, but then I unzipped my pants and pulled out my winky. She immediately lifted up her skirt and hopped on. Right before busting a nut I grabbed a pencil off her desk and stabbed her through the eye and into her brain, killing her instantly. Then I pulled out the pencil with her eye attached and dropped my load in her eye socket. This is just a test to see if anybody reads these replies, I know I don't, because I don't care what any of you were doing.


I read them, and I do care.

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When I got there it was a female hr girl


this comment has been brought to you by the department of redundancy department.


hey brian, no ones accusing you of being unamerican, but damn man, its not like you didnt know what was going to be in this thread. thorne might not buy into the same shit i do, but he doesnt go into my "merry christmas" threads and tell me hes sick of it all. if i had a girlfried that looked like yours, im pretty sure i could find something to do with the time i spent making up that goofy story. :)

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I will never forget, it must have been about 11:30 am.


I was outside my dorm freshman year at Kent walking towards the student center when i say a 50 year old faculty woman running frantically stopping people telling them about what just had happened. All i can remember from that point on is a few of the more liberal students (hippies) cheering and jumping around in excitement that classes were cancelled for the next two days.


I have NEVER been more dissapointed in my entire life, i wanted to fucking choke those kids.

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It was my Sophmore year in HS and I was supposed to be in Health class but I was actually in the hall because I got kicked out. Yes I was "that guy" in HS. A friend came up the hall to his locker and said a plane just hit the WTC and I also was thinking a little plane and started to laugh and make jokes about it until about 30 mins later I heard a second one hit. Starting our next class and for the rest of the day we watched TV in every class and just talked about the events that happened.
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I was on the phone trying to reach a client when they other person said they were in their conference room watching the TV. I couldn't figure out why, but had to ask and the receptionist said, go turn on the news and I would understand.


When I went into a conference room at our office, others were filing in and we witnessed the 2nd plane hit. We all thought it was a re-run of the first one. When we realized not and that this was a huge, surrealistic event, we about shit.




I was glued to nightly news for weeks afterward s. To this day I am ready to beat the ass of anyone walking to the front of the plane. My phone, blackberry, pens, iPod, chargers and corresponding cords, are all my newly discovered weapons to use. :mad:

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My freshman year of high school I was in Geometry class when they announced it over the P.A system. My Geometry teacher just stopped teaching got on his cell phone to call his Mother who lived 15min from the WTC there was no answer so he started to cry, then about 5min later his mom called and said she was OK.


By lunchtime that day the entire school was in the Auditorium watching it on a big screen. It was a sad day for all

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R.I.P. top everyone who lost their lives

what a sad/tragic day that was 7 YEARS AGO already, seems like yesterday


i was napping in my car, out at the park, by the fairgrounds in Lancaster.

i was waiting on my young ass wife (then girlfriend) to get out of school (senior year)

i just remember waking up to Howard Stern mentioning something about a plane has just hit the WTC, and listening to him the rest of the day as the events unfolded feeling sick as shit

then getting home in Columbus later that day, thinking that i was ready if W reinstated the draft!

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I was driving home from work listening to Howard Stern and heard about the first plane and made it home in time to turn on the news and see the 2nd plane live. I went numb and ended up staying up pretty much all day watching the coverage. It was a day that changed the way that many of us see our country and the way we live. Today is my mother's birthday as well, so there are two emotional sides to this day for me.


Never Forget

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Working at UUNET, someone ran out of the NOC and said that a plane had just hit one of the WTC towers.


I watched in awe and wondered what was going on, thinking it was a horrible accident.


Then the second one hit.


I remember being outside at my house in Hilliard, that evening, and it was quiet. No planes.

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