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Todays Youth Sports= Weak


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Ok so wife went to her sons soccer game. He is 6 years old. First off they dont keep score. What kind of weak shit is that. Second if anyone other then the goalie blocks the ball other team gets the ball.


Are they seriously trying to make our youth a bunch of pansies. What is this everyone wins bullshit. At 6 years old he understands what winning and losing is. Who ever thought this crap must have had there asses kicked at some sport cause they sucked.


Sorry random rant

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My 7 year old hated t-ball because the kids were not put out.He was kicking them off the base telling them to go sit down cause they were out.They just let the kids stay on base and run around.Plus he got bored cause they bat around all players EVERY time at bat.When he played soccer I would say "If we were keeping score" we would be up 2-1 and parents would look at me like they were mad.
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i really feel bad for kids today. has anyone watched recent cartoons? its like watching a bunch of emos learning life lessons, and the difference between right and wrong. whatever happened to cartoons filled with slapstick comedy? i hope these next generations don't continue on this path :nono:
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i really feel bad for kids today. has anyone watched recent cartoons? its like watching a bunch of emos learning life lessons, and the difference between right and wrong. whatever happened to cartoons filled with slapstick comedy? i hope these next generations don't continue on this path :nono:


I bought my kid nephew a "Tom and Jerry" box set.

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The kids know what the score is !

I coached my kids soccer team when he was 5 years old. I know nothing about soccer and was the only person that was willing to be a coach. Kids are smarter than we give them credit for . The kids kept score themselves .

They knew who won !

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Myself I hate serious sports and think that 5 is a little young to care anyway. Might be better to just let them have fun and if they want to keep playing later in life they can.

Besides don't we get enough asshole's killing each other over their kids sports, cheer leading, what ever anyway?


From my own experience as a kid I would have prefered we just play for fun. I gave up in t-ball because I had a dad that was concerned that I be the best, win, and kill the other guy. Not trying to rag on dad here, later he did learn that he had to let me do what I want and help encourage me with my hobbies. Just giving another viewpoint.



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Myself I hate serious sports and think that 5 is a little young to care anyway. Might be better to just let them have fun and if they want to keep playing later in life they can.

Besides don't we get enough asshole's killing each other over their kids sports, cheer leading, what ever anyway?


From my own experience as a kid I would have prefered we just play for fun. I gave up in t-ball because I had a dad that was concerned that I be the best, win, and kill the other guy. Not trying to rag on dad here, later he did learn that he had to let me do what I want and help encourage me with my hobbies. Just giving another viewpoint.




Good viewpoint. And yes the kids do know who won the game. I am by no stretch psycho dad but I do believe kids need to learn early on that you do need to try hard to get what you want. If a kid becomes content on losing and just accepting it I dont believe that is a good thing. If they tried there absolute best and still lost that is another story.


He can be whatever he wants to be. I will always push him a little bit cause kids sometimes need someone to give them the extra shove.

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I think what you're seeing is a backlash of when my generation was playing childhood sports and the PARENTS were taking things WAY too seriously.


When you're a kid playing soccer and your parent is full force yelling at the coach, ref, and other parents what are you to think? Parents cussing and fighting with each other over a call in the game....seriously people get a f'n life.


I supppose there's a happy medium somewhere between. I myself would not want my kid to be in a league where they didn't keep score, it defeats the purpose of playing. However, I wouldn't want them to be in a completely negative environment either. If they like the competition aspect of it and want to push harder then I'll support that.

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My son is playing Pee-Wee football this year. We're almost 2/3 of the way through the season, and in the 3rd grade, we're (the coaches) not only keeping score, we're keeping team records, practicing numerous different plays, and keeping individual player stats. 3rd grade youth football is serious business down here in Southwest Ohio.


My daughter (will turn 6 in two weeks) is playing soccer. The team she's playing on is a K-2nd grade team, and it shows. They don't formally keep score, but all the kids know when they've been whipped. At this level though, it really is more about the exposure to the game, and developing the basic fundamentals of how to play. I will say though that there is more emphasis on wins vs. losses down here than when my son played soccer at the same age in Columbus.

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