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Whats your tax cut savings under Obama


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Know what else happens? Always? The poor kill the rich. It's like the weather or a geological cycle. Once it gets really tough to get by at the bottom and opulence above is apparent, the people revolt.

"Socialist undertones" now delays the angry socialist revolution of the future. America has to meet half way if it wants to survive.


I wouldn't call sitting in a warm/cool house, being very very fat, and having a few kids all with the latest toys and cell phones for everyone, "really tough."



Usually people revolt against the rich (read that leaders.) No ones ever revolted against business owners. Well mostly because eventually government ends up owning the businesses and basically rationing out survival to the poor helpless citizens. Your right, but so far its only happened when government was involved from the start or took over. Kings, emperors, gods whatever...

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I dont see why it should be a big deal for the multi-million and billionares to pay a little more, yes they may have worked hard for it but there aint no way that they NEED all that money to survive and if a little of it could help someone else then why not?


Ill update with the account number. lol



That is something a lot of people think about rich people.


The way I think about poor americans is that they don't need to much at all to survive either. Hell give them less and they will work to get what they need.

A lot of them will probably lose weight in the process.

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So...you basically think they should be paid to behave?


No, but it works since religion has taken a sabbatical.


Hell, I'll start threatening to commit crimes if that's how this works.


We'd just shoot you so that won't work.

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I agree, but I dont want to be the one who tries that is court. I look at taxes as a stay out of jail fee. Pay the fee stay out of jail.


Correct... There are already people who have tried and failed... The more people that find this out the better

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Here's a McCain statement on the Bush tax cuts in 2001 in which McCain said, "I cannot in good conscience support a tax cut in which so many of the benefits go to the most fortunate among us at the expense of middle class Americans who most need tax relief."


Here's another McCain statement from the 2000 campaign.... "I really believe, that when you are -- reach a certain level of comfort, there's nothing wrong with paying somewhat more."

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That is something a lot of people think about rich people.


The way I think about poor americans is that they don't need to much at all to survive either. Hell give them less and they will work to get what they need.

A lot of them will probably lose weight in the process.

Thats probably the dumbest thing I have ever read. I didnt say that rich people need less to survive, I said that they have more than they need to survive. And us poor people will just continue to work our asses off for what little we have. Well not ALL poor people, just the good ones like me.

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Thats probably the dumbest thing I have ever read. I didnt say that rich people need less to survive, I said that they have more than they need to survive. And us poor people will just continue to work our asses off for what little we have. Well not ALL poor people, just the good ones like me.

Since your a "poor" person I hope you don't have a cell phone, cable, internet, and a car payment. Or do you choose to be poor by miss handling to money you have.


Even a person that makes $10/ hour should retire a millionaire. As long as you are not dumb about your money.

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Since your a "poor" person I hope you don't have a cell phone, cable, internet, and a car payment. Or do you choose to be poor by miss handling to money you have.


Even a person that makes $10/ hour should retire a millionaire. As long as you are not dumb about your money.

+1. It looks like he has aftermarket wheels as well. :rolleyes:

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I have all of those things that you listed because I do manage my money well. By poor I meant making LESS than 40k a year which by todays standards, I figure thats poor. Plus, I work my ass of for all those things.


You're ONLY 21 fucking years old!!!!! You haven't even completely opened your eyes yet. hahahhahahahahah! :D

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I have all of those things that you listed because I do manage my money well. By poor I meant making LESS than 40k a year which by todays standards, I figure thats poor. Plus, I work my ass of for all those things.

Only in America are you poor and have a nice car, cell phone, internet, cable tv, and a plasma screen.


This is how poor people live.


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Well people that live like that probably dont have jobs and will not be recieving any tax credit anyways, in which case they have nothing to do with this thread about tax credits.



How about this, Im poor in the terms of people that make a taxable income.Is that a little more specific? lol. Iknow that Im not really "poor" but I am in the tax bracket that they typically refer to when they speak about lower/middle class and that seems to be the ones that they feel the need to help because we apparently can not help ourselves.


And yes I do have aftermarket wheels... and? It was actually cheaperfor me to buy those than itwas to replace my one damaged factory wheel. I do believe that means that I was smart with my money.

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Well people that live like that probably dont have jobs and will not be recieving any tax credit anyways, in which case they have nothing to do with this thread about tax credits.


OPEN YOUR EYES DUDE!!! People without jobs do in fact file for tax credits.

I know I have 3 cousins, a father inlaw, and various other people I'm around at family events that do it every year.


My brother makes so little that he has no taxable income per the tax tables yet he gets back over 5K.


Amazing how well you can really live in America without a job or any attempt at getting one. You wouldn't know my relatives from any other middle class families by looking at their cloths, homes, toys, or cars.



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So true....and what's funny is even the dirt bags that my wife deals with in bankruptcy and divorces, they always seem to pay their cable bill....cell phones, they push it, but seem to make payments there too. However, fuck the kids clothing and needs and car payments....they don't even try to make those...they spend more time ducking repo's than working. :(:rolleyes::mad:


What I get a kick out of is those same folks are always so excited to learn about tax refunds and kickbacks....until she tells them the funds will go to pay their debts :D Then they get all pissy and whine about how that's their money.


I fixed your post too....


Only in America are you poor and have a nice car, cell phone, internet, cable tv, endless supply of beer and smokes and a plasma screen.
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Well people that live like that probably dont have jobs and will not be recieving any tax credit anyways, in which case they have nothing to do with this thread about tax credits.



How about this, Im poor in the terms of people that make a taxable income.Is that a little more specific? lol. Iknow that Im not really "poor" but I am in the tax bracket that they typically refer to when they speak about lower/middle class and that seems to be the ones that they feel the need to help because we apparently can not help ourselves.


And yes I do have aftermarket wheels... and? It was actually cheaperfor me to buy those than itwas to replace my one damaged factory wheel. I do believe that means that I was smart with my money.


You need to be patient in life. You are 21 years old and your income should increase as the years go by. When I was 21, I drove a 1979 ford pinto station wagon. As long as you remain debt free you should be able to do well in life.


I have worked hard in life to get what I have. I started with NOTHING. It is not right for you or anyone else to have dibs on my hard work. I spent 8 years in college busting my hump, delivering pizzas, fixing cars, and hanging drywall. People are too willing to take from people like me because they are not patient enough to do the work them self.

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Everyone needs to realize, regradless of which side you're on, that each candidate has a lot of ideas that are going to cost a lot of money. It seems like everyone wants to vote for the person that is going to save them the most money. How does McCain expect to pay for the war by cutting taxes? How does Obama expect to pay for his healthcare plan by cutting taxes? This stuff costs money and I'm not sure how cutting taxes is going to pay for either. As it's been said on here over and over, the majority of Americans (rich down to poor) are selfish as hell and want something for nothing. Nobody wants to sacrifice anything anymore, and everytone thinks THEY deserve the tax break. I'd love to see a flat tax, where there was no question about fairness and who's getting screwed. I'd also be for no tax cut, or even slightly higher taxes if, at the end of the day, my dollar was worth more and our country was in better shape. Also, try going to http://www.taxpolicycenter.org. Supposedly a non-partisan website that breaks down each candidates tax proposals.
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