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Whats your tax cut savings under Obama


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If you cut spending and stop putting pork in the barrel, you don't have to increase taxes AND you can actually reduce them.


There are tons of government programs that are a waste of $$$. If you eliminate them, you free up a bunch of cash.


Democrats = we need to spend more, so we tax more - poor economic strategy

Republicans = we need to cut spending and reduce taxes so the sheep have more $$ to spend in our businesses, which are also paying less tax - better strategy


ECON 101 - Spend less than you make

USA - Spend it all, then borrow more, spend that, then print more money and spend that too.

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right on....and we as a country need to go back to a place where we actually make the shit we use and stop sending things over seas. We can make things made here more cost effective if we would step up and do things right and keep the cheap China shit out of our world.


if our gov't wants tax increases....tax the shit coming in from outside our borders and make it so we can compete with our own product. right now, we send all of our money over other places and never see a dime in return except for cheap product.


If you cut spending and stop putting pork in the barrel, you don't have to increase taxes AND you can actually reduce them.


There are tons of government programs that are a waste of $$$. If you eliminate them, you free up a bunch of cash.


Democrats = we need to spend more, so we tax more - poor economic strategy

Republicans = we need to cut spending and reduce taxes so the sheep have more $$ to spend in our businesses, which are also paying less tax - better strategy


ECON 101 - Spend less than you make

USA - Spend it all, then borrow more, spend that, then print more money and spend that too.

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Global economics isn't quite so simple. For example, Japan had bailed us out for years by buying our dollars to keep inflation our down. They almost had an economic collapse becasue of us too! You can see it better now that the markets are slipping.


We will never be able to keep jobs in the US becasue our youth are "entitled" and should never have to do menial tasks and work for < $10 an hour.

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