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So my mom got car jacked last night........


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Well I guess not car jacked as she was standing out side the car, But they did use a gun and take her purse as well.

THEN today her car became the featured vidio on 10tv.com


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Joe we asked the same thing I have been wanting to buy her a new car anyway, I just planed of doing it at my speed. At the same time they robbed her there where 2 young girls sitting in a mustang 100 ft from my mom and many newer nicer cars in the lot. Oh well. I told my mom that at least now she has a story to tell
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  79mopar said:
Thats theft coverage correct?



That would be comprehensive insurance, with a car that old, she probably only carried liability insurance on it. No reason to pay premiums for comprehensive and collision coverage on an old car that's worth less than $3k or so.


Glad you mom's ok Scott.

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