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Scary stuff; Awesome ending.


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My wife was induced this morning for our 2nd son. Things progressed quickly with no pitocin or epidural, and my son was born after 4 or 5 pushes. He cried briefly and then stopped breathing. They called a code on him as he had no heart beat and was not breathing.


Around 25 people rushed to our room, performed chest compressions on him, and after ~4 minutes of impossible-to-describe Hell, brought him back around.


That was about 8 hours ago.




Ethan Lucas Adams

8lb 3oz

19 5/8"

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Why did he stop breathing? Shits crazy, man. Very glad to hear he's ok!


Oh and CONGRATS! :cool:


Hospital fold out chair/bed FTW. :(


We have a 'meeting' with a Doc this morning to discuss everything from yesterday, but it appears that he took a deep breath of 'gunk' too early and it blocked his airways.


I found out since I posted last night that he didn't lose a heartbeat altogether, but it was dropping extremely low and was < 60 (right before birth was 150).


Thanks for the replies, guys. Everybody goes through their own rough times, but that's 100x worse than anything I have been through in person.


Ethan = Strong.

Lucas = Bringer of Light.


Fitting I thought. :)

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and get away from the computer, you've got more important shit going on :D


no triple


Ha. Wife is eating fake eggs, fatty ham, and juice. Boy #2 is getting his sight and hearing tested. Nothing else left to do but read CR and watch the flurries fly. If anyone is heading down Broad infront of Mt Carmel, lay on your horn or do a smokey burnout.



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He cried briefly and then stopped breathing. They called a code on him as he had no heart beat and was not breathing.


Around 25 people rushed to our room, performed chest compressions on him, and after ~4 minutes of impossible-to-describe Hell, brought him back around


Wow sounds exactly like how I was born, except I came out via Caesarian. Congratulations and I hope your son ends up as OK as I did afterwards.

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