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Ohio State vs. Texas WHO YA GOT??

El Karacho1647545492

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can somebody please explain why we don't move our season back a week to start later, with a lot of these other big conferences? other than "tradition" of some sort, it fucking kills us every year, in the opinion polls and our layoff time. why not fix that?


and somebody get fucking Notre Dame in the Big 10 already, so we CAN have a conference title game, making our season end at the same time as the rest of the big conferences. yeah yeah, i know they won't, but their glory days of being an "independent" are long gone, along with that NBC contract. it could shore up our conference, once they do get back to being pretty good


I'm far from a Big 10 historian, but I imagine that weather has something (a lot?) to do with the season ending when it does. I think, were it not for the inclement weather, the Big 10 would be inclined to play later in the year.


I'd like to see Notre Dame join the Big 10. If they keep losing badly like they have been, that may (read: MAY) become more of a possibility.

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not sure if you know this or not, but USC plays in the pac-10. And there is no conference championship in the pac10 because they all play eachother. If washington and washington state aren't nobodies, then well...I dont know...you need to stop watching espn.

I won't even bring up the citadels, troys, and UL-monroes that the SEC uses to pad their schedules every year.

Everyone schedules nobodies, its called the BCS and wins matter


USC beat Washington 56-0 this year. They beat Washington State 69-0.


Oh and by the way, calling out the SEC padding their schedule with Troy is pretty funny because if you paid attention to OSU you'd have seen that they played Troy this year. And won 28-10.


Thanks for proving my point better than I could have by myself.


USC doesn't just win lots of games, they give the BCS the kind of scores it expects to see out of a top 10 team going against bottom feeders. Ohio State cruises along winning 27-10 against nobodies
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^^^ Band wagon fucking people. Tressel was a god when cooper left. Everyone was masturbating to him and his sweater vest. He's won a National Championship, and gone to 2 others but all of a sudden the buckeyes aren’t unbeaten and now he’s a crappy coach and play caller that needs to go? Tell me…Who should coach them then? Let’s fire him for making it to 2 BSC national championship games and loosing. WTF people, He HAS WON CHAMIPONSHIPS, and BIG GAMES. There are other coaches on the side line, and players on the field. It’s a god damn team sport. Now people say “We’ll I always thought he was just an okay coach”…Funny I didn’t here that when they were kicking the crap outta everyone in 06!? Just get off it already. He’s the coach. Rant/


BTW…They’ll probably loose

Texas 34- OSU 12


I may be a bandwagon fan (I only moved to OH in 2001 but pretty instantly absorbed Buckeye fever), but I've never liked Tressel. So I can't say I was ever here in the Cooper era but opinion is and has always been that he's a genius 6 days a week when it comes to recruiting and planning, but as a playcaller and game manager he's abominable.

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^^^ Band wagon fucking people. Tressel was a god when cooper left. Everyone was masturbating to him and his sweater vest. He's won a National Championship, and gone to 2 others but all of a sudden the buckeyes aren’t unbeaten and now he’s a crappy coach and play caller that needs to go? Tell me…Who should coach them then? Let’s fire him for making it to 2 BSC national championship games and loosing. WTF people, He HAS WON CHAMIPONSHIPS, and BIG GAMES. There are other coaches on the side line, and players on the field. It’s a god damn team sport. Now people say “We’ll I always thought he was just an okay coach”…Funny I didn’t here that when they were kicking the crap outta everyone in 06!? Just get off it already. He’s the coach. Rant/


BTW…They’ll probably loose

Texas 34- OSU 12


Yikes, someone get this guy a Valium. :)


For the record, I'm with you on Tressel: no, he doesn't need to go, he just needs to develop a couple of extra wrinkles in his coaching repertoire.


And, WTF, you're only giving OSU four field goals in the game? Dude, Texas isn't exactly a defensive juggernaut - plenty of teams have put points up on them.

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Yikes, someone get this guy a Valium. :)


For the record, I'm with you on Tressel: no, he doesn't need to go, he just needs to develop a couple of extra wrinkles in his coaching repertoire.


And, WTF, you're only giving OSU four field goals in the game? Dude, Texas isn't exactly a defensive juggernaut - plenty of teams have put points up on them.


I say 2 FGs and a TD with a botched 2-pt attempt.

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One touchdown and a point after, a field goal, and a safety?


I personally think that if on a kickoff, a kicker is close enough and accurate enough (whether by pure strength or idiotic defensive penalties) to kick it between the uprights it should be 1 point to the kicking team and ball placed on the 20yd line like a touchback. It just bothers me that there's no 1-point play in football.



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tOSU is 4-2 in BCS games people!! The only other school with that record or better is USC. tOSU also brings in tons of money via fans who travel well.


Texas Tech is left out because no conference can have 3 teams in BCS games. Kinda like Missouri last year who got left out, while Illinois went in with 3 losses.


I think the matchup against Texas is the best one for the Bucks. We could not compete with Bama, Oklahoma, Florida or USC. Plus wining against a team like Utah, Cincy or Va Tech wouldn't help the image of the Bucks to voters. Texas has a good offense but no D, they are ranked 66th in Defense. Give me a healthy Beanie plus Pryor and i'll take tOSU in this one.


My BCS predictions are this:


NCG: Florida over Oklahoma

Orange: Cincy over Va Tech

Rose: USC over Penn State

Fiesta: tOSU over Texas

Sugar: Alabama over Utah

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It's gonna be a great game for sure, I believe Ohio State will pull out a win but I think it's not going be with just Pryor - I'm looking for Boeckman to get a little redemption.


Personally, I'm more excited about Penn State vs USC, and Georgia vs Sparty in the Capital One bowl. Those are going to be great games. My dark horse fun game is Boise State vs TCU at the Poinsettia bowl.

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It's gonna be a great game for sure, I believe Ohio State will pull out a win but I think it's not going be with just Pryor - I'm looking for Boeckman to get a little redemption.


Personally, I'm more excited about Penn State vs USC, and Georgia vs Sparty in the Capital One bowl. Those are going to be great games. My dark horse fun game is Boise State vs TCU at the Poinsettia bowl.


I think TTU vs Ole Miss will be pretty good. Everyone forgets that Ole Miss beat the almighty Florida this year.

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Ole Miss beat Florida on a blocked extra point. They are gonna get steamrolled by Texas Tech!!



USC is gonna hammer Penn State. Penn State could only put up 13points against the Bucks, the bucks could only put up 3 against USC...I dont see Penn State putting up more then 10 in this game


Florida is gonna give Oklahoma all they can handle, they have yet to face a qb like Tebow. Not to mention all the speedsters Florida will have running around all over the field.


BTW tOSU is historically good against the Big12, not to mention they own the Fiesta Bowl. The 06 NCG was not played in the Fiesta Bowl before anyone trys to throw that out there. Not to mention tOSU beat Texas in 06. I will take tOSU in this one by 7

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^^^ Band wagon fucking people. Tressel was a god when cooper left. Everyone was masturbating to him and his sweater vest. He's won a National Championship, and gone to 2 others but all of a sudden the buckeyes aren’t unbeaten and now he’s a crappy coach and play caller that needs to go? Tell me…Who should coach them then? Let’s fire him for making it to 2 BSC national championship games and loosing. WTF people, He HAS WON CHAMIPONSHIPS, and BIG GAMES. There are other coaches on the side line, and players on the field. It’s a god damn team sport. Now people say “We’ll I always thought he was just an okay coach”…Funny I didn’t here that when they were kicking the crap outta everyone in 06!? Just get off it already. He’s the coach. Rant/


BTW…They’ll probably loose

Texas 34- OSU 12


Your right he is proven and he has won National Championship's before. I think alot of doubter's are simply pointing out that the '02 championship was won with a recruiting class that was originally Cooper's AND Tressel has a bad habit of choking on big games. I dont think he should go but maybe reconsider his assistant coaches?


I think this is the best matchup we could've hoped for when comparing OSU vs some of the other powerhouses in the hunt.

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It'll be damn close just like the last 2 games we played against them. I think we'll take the game. I know way too many Texas folk to be humiliated again. I think it maybe a special teams game, but as long as our offense can put #'s up, I think we'll come out on top. If there is anything in life I hate more than hippies, it's that hook em' horns bullshit.
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I don't think Tressel needs to go, but if we receive a third beating, it might be time to start thinking about other options...


I really hope the last two years have taught him to change up his game plan. Only the Texas game will tell.

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I think some of the pussy play calling has something to do with a freshman QB and not wanting to put him in position to make bad plays. I think Tressel is smart enough to see the flaws in his game and switch it up. Predictable or not, if the plays are executed properly, 9 times out of 10 they should work.

Also on the whole Cooper’s recruits…How long did John Cooper recruit and coach…What 9 years? And how many Championships did he win with his own recruits? Riiight. Tressel has taken the Buckeyes to a BSC title game all but maybe 1 year since he’s been coach. Just because the buckeyes don’t win the National Championship every year doesn’t mean they have a crappy coach or team. Sure it’s disappointing to get there 2 straight years and lose but at least for 2 straight years he had them in a position to win a National Championship.

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I would feel differently if those two games were close games. We didn't just lose, we got utterly destroyed.


I don't agree with you on the freshmen QB being the reason for the soft calls. Tressel has always been soft, he wants to please the other team too much and win gracefully. This isn't figure skating, it's football, run the ball down their throat.


Also, his play calling makes it hard for a freshman QB to throw - everyone is quick to jump on Proyor saying he can't throw. Of course he makes bad decisions when every chance he gets to throw is 3rd and long. Give him a chance to throw on 1st and 2nd when he isn't under pressure to get the 1st down and he'd probably improve far quicker.


Plays working 9 out of 10 times vs who? Surely you're not talking about our games vs UF and LSU...

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One more thought - I don't think you can say we were really in good position to win a NC, we pretty much lucked into it, the whole season was shenanigans. I will say, though, that even getting there in a so called rebuilding year is pretty awesome. I don't dislike Tressel, I just wish he'd work on a new game plan.
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USC beat Washington 56-0 this year. They beat Washington State 69-0.


Oh and by the way, calling out the SEC padding their schedule with Troy is pretty funny because if you paid attention to OSU you'd have seen that they played Troy this year. And won 28-10.


Thanks for proving my point better than I could have by myself.


That was my exact point, how can you say we play nobody when they play the exact same teams as us.

And the reason USC games go high up is because Tressel has something Carroll and Meyer don't have, class. Yeah they may be nice guys, but I've seen them go for it on 4th and 2 in the 4th quarter with 2 mintues left and a 48pt lead. Tressel doesn't do that, we had 4 TDs on Troy, we won, lets just end the game.

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I think some of the pussy play calling has something to do with a freshman QB and not wanting to put him in position to make bad plays. I think Tressel is smart enough to see the flaws in his game and switch it up. Predictable or not, if the plays are executed properly, 9 times out of 10 they should work.

Also on the whole Cooper’s recruits…How long did John Cooper recruit and coach…What 9 years? And how many Championships did he win with his own recruits? Riiight. Tressel has taken the Buckeyes to a BSC title game all but maybe 1 year since he’s been coach. Just because the buckeyes don’t win the National Championship every year doesn’t mean they have a crappy coach or team. Sure it’s disappointing to get there 2 straight years and lose but at least for 2 straight years he had them in a position to win a National Championship.


Agreed with you on Cooper - he was the very essence of a coach that was a master recruiter but was horrible at winning big games (e.g., Michigan and bowls).


Tressel has only taken OSU to three NCG's - in 2002 against Miami, in 2006 against Florida, and last year against LSU. Off of the top of my head, when he got there in 2001, he went to the Outback Bowl (or Capital One?) and lost to South Carolina, in 2003 he went to the Fiesta Bowl and beat Kansas State (that had just routed Oklahoma), in 2004 they went to the Alamo and smoked Oklahoma State, and in 2005 they went to the Fiesta Bowl and murdered Notre Dame.

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if Pryor shows up and doesn't disappoint, this will be a great game. if our defense can keep us in it and our offense moving the ball, i don't see why we couldn't win this game. plus.. we are the underdog here... we always play better like that.


i can't wait!!

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