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People that think it's cute to mess with your desk...


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put a small piece of tape over the mouth piece on his desk phone.


Tape the wheels of his chair so they don't move.


if you have admin rights to his PC, PM me, I have a few apps that will allow you to send remote commands to his monitor to flip it upside down while he's working. :-)


I did this to a co-worker about a year ago and he snapped and had to go home for the day :D


Put a piece of doublesided tape under his mouse so when he goes to move it, it doesn't move.


Or just pretend like he didn't do anything... that would probably piss him off worse than anything else.

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Find out where he gets coffee or whatever drink in the morning and go to the same place and get an empty cup or get a full one drink it but leave a little bit in there for maranation purposes and take a huge shit in the cup put the lid back on it and let the magic happen.....
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I figured out who did it - it wasn't the guy I sit next to, it's someone I'd like to choke slam. This guy comes to work an hour early (at LEAST) every day.


That glitter trick is the worst thing to do to a coworker. Ever try to get glitter off your clothes, face, and hair? Yeah I have and it is not fun. You think you have it all off and then driving home from work, I CAN'T SEE BURNING EYE WTF!!! Yeah you missed a piece of glitter on your face. Have fun driving.

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Who saw "The Office" tonight? It was funny shit tonight.....they fucking wrapped Dwights desk and every item on it up in Christmas wrap. Only his desk wasn't really there....you had to see it to laugh but it was good.


I did this to v3rs3 when I worked with him at Saturn. I wrapped his tool box with 400 yards of saran wrap and then wrapped it like a gift with wrapping paper.. Even put a nice ornament on top of it.

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He's the type that lets little things bother him. Gets all pissy and starts slamming his mouse/keyboard around over the dumbest shit. It's awesome.


Just get creative with a few of these....






The Stealth Switch is probably the best, if only it didn't have that incriminating cord...Hide it under your desk and set it to blank his work window...



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