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what do you guys think


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This shit right here is what I think:


Jay-Z is awesome. That said, for the love of god he need to stop fucking rapping and stick to producing.


I can't agree more.. Jay-Z fucking sucks at rapping, yet can produce some great stuff.

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My wife took my 13 yo daughter to get peirced down below...?


I`m sure all the parents out there will be able to help me with this question, My daughter wanted a peircing on her hot pocket lip so, We went to the tattoo place where they do that sort of thing and got a price and the guy checked out to see if she had enough room on her stuff we all agreed that it would look sexy and after all she will probably start having sex in a year or so.


I talked to a friend and his daughter had hers done a age 11 and it looks hot!


I was thinking if this is apropreiate for kids today? Everyone is doing it she said and her classmate showed me hers a few days ago and it does look sexy on a young woman.


The peircing guy said it will take awhile but, She will be feeling very sexy due to the stimulation it gives so she took her today and I can`t wait to see it!


Do you think I`m doing the right thing by letting her get this done? she`s very grown up for her age.

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