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Whats odd about yourself


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I guess I'm pretty food-wierd to most people. I suffer from the "have to clear my plate" issue that a few of you mentioned....I really need to break it these days too cause I'm a bit pudgy. I also like to save my favorite part of the meal for last so I can taste it the longest. I'll also many times not drink until the end of the meal...unless I'm drinking alcohol with the meal for some reason.


My biggest one though is that I don't eat condiments. I'll eat BBQ sauce (only dark ones like Sweet Baby Ray's), and A1, but that's pretty much it. Nothing on my fries when I get them, and I usually eat plain burgers (this one grosses a bunch of people out). I also don't eat salad dressings, and therefore salads. Don't eat cottage cheese or sour cream either.

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I guess I'm pretty food-wierd to most people. I suffer from the "have to clear my plate" issue that a few of you mentioned....I really need to break it these days too cause I'm a bit pudgy. I also like to save my favorite part of the meal for last so I can taste it the longest. I'll also many times not drink until the end of the meal...unless I'm drinking alcohol with the meal for some reason.


My biggest one though is that I don't eat condiments. I'll eat BBQ sauce (only dark ones like Sweet Baby Ray's), and A1, but that's pretty much it. Nothing on my fries when I get them, and I usually eat plain burgers (this one grosses a bunch of people out). I also don't eat salad dressings, and therefore salads. Don't eat cottage cheese or sour cream either.




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I know what I am going to eat before I ever go into a restaurant. I am the most pickiest eater you will ever find.


I doubt that you could be much pickier than me. I will just skip eating if I can't get something I like, but most places sell chicken and unless it's some odd way of making it I'll eat it. Chicken must be either BBQ, sweet and sour, breaded, or spicy or I won't eat it. The only plain unbreaded chicken I have found to tolerate is a Subway roasted chicken sub, mind you with only mayo on it. I love the looks I get when I get asked for veggies and say "no thanks just mayo".

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I'm OCD about mixing my food, I eat one thing at a time in a meal before moving on to the next item.


x2 on this one. I still do not understand how anyone can mix-eat.


I hate eating with silverware. If my tooth slightly grinds on it my face scrunches up and I flip out.


Also a x2 for me. I can not be around someone who scrapes the silverware with their teeth. I get cold chills.


I talk to myself.


This applies to everyone I think. Most just fail to admit it.




I cringe when someone scratches denim or any material similar.

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Also a x2 for me. I can not be around someone who scrapes the silverware with their teeth. I get cold chills.



LOL ... my wife flips out at that, literally will get up and leave.


So of course, completely unprovoked, I just start gnawing on any metal around to get a quick laugh. Usually at opportune moments, like when we're out to a nice restaurant and shes about to order.

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my radio presets must be in order also.

My dollar bills have to be in numerical order and head up at all times.

I have to be totally dry before I can step out of the shower(gonna have to try a Shamwow!)

I can not sit down and watch a movie.AADD I think.

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