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Whats odd about yourself


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Last two super weird things:

On my mother's father's side, we have family that were condemned as witches during the trials in Massachusetts.


Last but not lease:

My mother, father, aunt and ex-wife all claimed they've heard me speak what sounds like old latin in my sleep. Very clearly. They've all reported this seperately, on their own, without prior knowledge. My step dad always wanted to get a little recorder to see if he could catch me at it, but never did. It, of course, has freaked out a few people in my life and to be honest, kinda freaks me out a bit, too. I'd love to hear it myself. I dunno.


I'm going to fill a ziplock with holy water, tape it to my hand, and proceed to punch you in the face.

Seriously though, wtf mate?

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I'm extremely sensitive - almost OCD - about cleanliness about some things including cups, silverware, plates, door knobs and handles, most things I touch. I'm also surgically clean when I cook and worry about proper food preparation and cross-contamination. But I have absolutely no problem eating at Mexican taco trailers, dirty ghetto dives, etc. - those are where you get the most delicious and authentic food.
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I'm extremely sensitive - almost OCD - about cleanliness about some things including cups, silverware, plates, door knobs and handles, most things I touch. I'm also surgically clean when I cook and worry about proper food preparation and cross-contamination. But I have absolutely no problem eating at Mexican taco trailers, dirty ghetto dives, etc. - those are where you get the most delicious and authentic food.


you LOVED it when Steve Miller was living with you then! :D

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I'm extremely sensitive - almost OCD - about cleanliness about some things including cups, silverware, plates, door knobs and handles, most things I touch. I'm also surgically clean when I cook and worry about proper food preparation and cross-contamination. But I have absolutely no problem eating at Mexican taco trailers, dirty ghetto dives, etc. - those are where you get the most delicious and authentic food.


True story, ghetto chicken and taco stands are amazazing. Hey, Chris, I got a bunch of dirty dishes I'm too lazy to do if you wanna help a brudda

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you LOVED it when Steve Miller was living with you then! :D


Yea, but I wasn't as bad about it then. I'm getting worse as I get older.


True story, ghetto chicken and taco stands are amazazing. Hey, Chris, I got a bunch of dirty dishes I'm too lazy to do if you wanna help a brudda


I have a dishwasher or I'll use disposable everything. When I had apartments without one, I didn't own dishes. :)

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I sometimes stare at ceiling fans and try to keep my focus on one blade to see if my eyes can keep up. I started doing this as a kid while I tried to fall asleep. Today, I don't have one anywhere in my house but I will still do it once in a while out of habit at a store or friends house. I also do the same with the broken white lines along the freeway when I'm the passenger and get bored.


I also like to look into the sun with my eyes closed.


I will wipe my ass 3 or 4 times more than I prob need too just so I know I'm clean down there. I've prob used half a roll of toilet paper a few times. I also try to only shit before I take a shower for this reason.

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-Everyday I worry someone I love is going to die. It usually last 5-30min of complete panic.


-I hate hearing people chew when it is quite.


-If I'm in a pool alone I freak out and think theres a shark in the pool and swim like a mother fucker to get out.


-I get extremely nervous meeting new people.

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when i said too knowledgeable, you gotta see what i deal with everyday, im in a high school, in WEST VIRGINIA with a graduating class that just reached over 100 last year im told. im used to hearing stories about how "my buddies crown vic 5 speed ran about a 8.6 in the 1/4 last month, up in kentucky, hes gonna supercharge and turbo it soon so it aughta be in the 7s"


x2 on the love for warm soft boobies


i think ive gotten even more afraid of cops now because i just turned 18 about a week ago... so now i can really get in trouble. youll never see someone baby a camaro around town like i do, im afraid to do the speed limit because they harass me so much. i swear to god we have like 1 cop for every ten people in the city, theres so many around here....


also thanks to the wv driving handbook, ive gotten into a habit of timing the distance between me and the car ahead by picking a line or telephone pole and counting the time difference between him passing it and me passing it. ive gotten to the point i can just look at a spot and track it.


and i dont know how to use a spoon. idk why, i cant stand my lips or teeth touching the silverware so i just stay away from them.

thats right, i eat chicken noodle soup and cereal with a fork haha

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When driving, I try to judge the point when I will pass a car or vice-versa. I'll pick a landmark, and "race" to the "finish line". Its gotta be because I bracket race, and judging the finish is an important skill.


I also watch ceiling fan blades.

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When eating things such as cereal or Spaghettios, I have to have 5 of whatever I'm eating on the spoon every time. It used to be to the point where I would keep count of how many Cheerios were in each bowl, but I don't do that as much anymore.


Also, when setting my alarms at night, I have to check them 10 times to make sure they are set to the right time or else I worry about it and can't fall asleep. Sometimes I still worry about it even though I've checked it multiple times.

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I hate being around people who I cannot immediately have fun with (I'm a comic at heart). There are exactly 3 people at my work who I just for whatever reason cannot connect with them. I want to punch in their reproductive organs until they vomit them out of their mouths. true story.
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-If I'm in a pool alone I freak out and think theres a shark in the pool and swim like a mother fucker to get out.


I have a similar feelings, not so much about a shark, but just being in a body of water alone kinda gets to me. Used to bug me when waterskiing or tubing, not so much anymore. Swimming at night still bugs me though...


my radio presets must be in order. I have the urge to set fire to every pair of furry boots I see.


Amen on both counts.


Good thread, would read again :thumbup:

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have issues with new places and not knowing where to go

issues with new people

picky about how clothes feel like i can only wear certain kinds of shirts

cant stand messes and i clean all the time

cant stand to not have socks on

none of my food on a plate can touch and only eat one item at a time

have to have noise when i sleep and can only sleep on my stomach

i check all my sites when i get home in the same order every day

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::::Meg posting::


I too love to chew on ice.


I can move my pinkie toes like thumbs. I can grab and throw things with my feet.


I know where everything is in my house. I have no idea why. Dave call's me at work to ask where his belt or shoes are.


I have no problem what so ever with spiders, snakes, mice, rats, ect. I caught a mouse one night at work that was scampering across the hanger floor. I scooped it up in a disposable coffee cup and put a rubber glove over it. I walked around for a good ten minutes freaking people the hell out and laughing like a crazy person. Same with spiders esp the big harry ones catching and putting them in clear ziplock type bags.


I m just retarded mean when I am hungry.


Farts will always be funny to me.

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I used to buy new socks every week. So, i get the sock thing.


I am deathly affraid of walking down stairs. also do not like to use rotating doors.


I dont trust the goverment.


I hate going to new places.


I dont like to leave my house, unless it is places i feel comfortable at.


Prolly many more.

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This is a hard one to describe. For some reason I do as little as possible in my personal life. At work I will try to be the hardest worker but at home I dont do anything. I use to love doing projects, always with a project. Then I stopped doing anything. I dont know if it was a fear of not being able to do everything so I do nothing, or the fear that everything costs money so I do nothing(even though I have money).



If you ask me to go somewhere, I will almost always tell you no. No matter how bad I really want to go.


I am bi polar(medically diagnosed).


If you ask me to help you with something especially around a house I will always say yes, yet 2 mins before I am to leave I am complaining about having to go help.)even though it really doesnt bother me).


In high school I was an odd man out, having moved in the middle of high school. Girls wouldnt talk to me unless we were alone, then they came on strong. Yet still wouldnt talk to me around anyone else.


I have been told by 7 unrelated people I look like Troy Aikman.

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I cant sleep because spaceghost threatened to ban me earlier and I dont think it was fair. Dont know if he was serious or what, but things not being right or fair or just bug me.


In high school I beat the hell out of a kid in front of everyone for repeatedly messing with a mentally handicapped kid for kicks.


I try to live my life always being fair 50/50 to everyone.


I am meaner to my wife than to anyone in my life but I will love her forever and I cant look at her without realizing how much this is true.

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I do enough weird things that I'm just normal.

Anyone who has ever eaten around me knows that I flat refuse to eat anything green in color

A friend of mine has the same "problem" I just thought it was becasue his parents never made him eat his veggies.

I also have a strict rutine, side dish then main course, dessert if I got any, and after all that I'll drink the drink. In that order and that order only, pisses me off if I go somewhere and they send something out after the main course.

Something similar for me. If I start with the side dish I have to eat all the side dish before I move on to something else. I don't necessarily HAVE to start with the side, but whatever I start with I have to finish before I start eating the next part of the meal.

Anyway point is I hate eating, it's the worst part of life.

Yes, eating and gaining vital nutrients to sustain life IS the worst part of life.

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x2 especially the history channel or something I enjoy watching, it seems the more informative it is to me the faster Ill fall asleep, the more boring the longer I stay up. I hate waking up in the middle of the night because I cant fall back asleep watching infomercials and lifetime movies, I'll watch the whole damn thing.


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