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Whats odd about yourself


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I like you Doug, because you're a dick.




Did I just say I like dick?




You're a dick too though, so you understand.




Oh and I guess another thing is when I'm drinking out of a can or bottle I never finish the while thing. I'll usually leave a little bit in it. I think it's because the pop is usually warm by then and I hate warm drinks(that are supposed to be cold).

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I hate riding in a car and someone has there windows locked

or have the child safty lock on.Or I have to have my socks just perfect on my feet before I put my shoes on. Any pimple or blimish red dot or anything I can see I will pick at. I hate when people open a can of pop and turn the tap a certain direction..Like others I have to mod everything even my kids power wheels And have a faster car then my buddys

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It really bothers me when I just have the windows cracked on my car and they're not even.


I'm reallllly bad about this one.. I'll sit in the car for almost 15 minutes adjusting windows before I move anywhere. I've taken measurements with my fingers a couple times.

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I'm reallllly bad about this one.. I'll sit in the car for almost 15 minutes adjusting windows before I move anywhere. I've taken measurements with my fingers a couple times.


What. The. Fuck.


It's a god damn window. Drive, you fucking renob.

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What. The. Fuck.


It's a god damn window. Drive, you fucking renob.


It's hard to explain, honestly.. and like I said, I can be completely OCD about somethings and others I'm not so bad.


The car windows is one of the worse ones. What sucks even more is the passenger side window switch of my VW acts up and makes it hard to move it in small increments so i'll just let it go down maybe an inch or wherever I can get it to stop and then move my drivers side accordingly.

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I'm reallllly bad about this one.. I'll sit in the car for almost 15 minutes adjusting windows before I move anywhere. I've taken measurements with my fingers a couple times.


haha! I'm not the only one! I really have no idea why this bothers me, I'm pretty much one of the most laid back people ever.

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haha! I'm not the only one! I really have no idea why this bothers me, I'm pretty much one of the most laid back people ever.


It's terrible isn't it? All of my friends are like WTF are you doing.. Just go!

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After i clean the kitchen and someone throws a dish on the counter instead of the dishwasher i have to wash it off and put it in there. If someone leaves the bread or bagels open it bugs the shit outta me, or not putting the cap on the milk or juice drinks back on correctly.

I hate it when driving and people do not put on their turn signals, it really heats me up.

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OH, this is a really funny/weird one.


I have a habit of putting my hand down my pants while I'm brushing my teeth?


Same it is odd, Or if i am just sitting there.


Also when people dont wash their hands after using the bathroom and touch shit in the house i have to clean it. After getting the norwalk virus from someone doing this i was pissed and now clean a lot.

I hate people who chew with their mouth open, and people who talk grammatically incorrect.

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When riding, I like to talk to myself. Not your normal small talk, either. Full on, psychotic conversations about whatever is in my range of vision. It's glorious and none of you will ever hear it.


wow same here, plus i shit talk to everyone i see with noone around in the car. if someone looks at me while im driving, especially an attractive woman, ill be going off for at least 5-10 minutes. ricers are even worse lol


i always have my windows cracked evenly


and im an absolute freak about ants, i cannot stand those little bastards, words cannot describe my hatred for them. however i want an ant farm, it always looked interesting.... idk what the deal is haha.

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When I have corn and mashed potatoes they HAVE to be mixed together.

When I have a cold or the flu I dont do anything for myself the wife does it.

When I poop i have the fear that i may push so hard intestine may come out.

People that are flamboyantly gay creep me out,not because they are gay but just because.

I wish I was a ShamWow.

I will yell and scream at people on the road for simple things,like being on a cell phone.

I fucking HATE people with bluetooth in a small setting where you think they are talking to you and there not.


And i only poop about twice a week due to a fear that im not getting all the nutrients from the food.

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When eating M&Ms or similar candies, I always organize them into groups by color, then eat whichever color I have most of until I have the same number of every color. However, any defective candies get immediately eaten.


I'm pretty sure a lot of people do that though.

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Same it is odd, Or if i am just sitting there.


Also when people dont wash their hands after using the bathroom and touch shit in the house i have to clean it. After getting the norwalk virus from someone doing this i was pissed and now clean a lot.

I hate people who chew with their mouth open, and people who talk grammatically incorrect.


not washing ones hands after using the shitter is one that I hate too. We have this guy at work who went to the bathroom and didn't wash. Then went into our doughnuts and fingered a few (OMG). We call him "The Contaminator" now :).


People who chew with their mouths open drives me up the fucking wall.


I also yell at people while driving whether it be using a cell phone and not paying attention, running red lights, and not using their turn signal.

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I use more Q-Tips than anyone you know. Seriously, I have this weird thing about keeping my ears clean.


I read more than anyone I've ever met except my Mother. Between us, we own at least 2,000 books, no exaggeration, and have sold at least half that many to Half-Price Books. Almost all scifi, too.


Volume, temperature, whatever, have to be even numbers. If I eat M&Ms or other similar candy, it is by 2's. And they have to be matching colors.


I hate wearing shoes that aren't steel-toe. I even have slip-on type shoes that are steel-toes. But I also love sandals.


I will scream at other people on the road. With my windows rolled up...I mean, I'll totally curse at someone, spittle flying, knowing they can't possibly hear me. It's not a thing where I wouldn't do it to their face, because I often do. It's just that I'll have conniptions whether they can hear me or not.

But I won't get aggressive while I'm screaming. I do that stone silent...


I HATE beets. I won't eat them, I hate the taste, smell, and even the sight of them. I won't even buy white sugar made from sugar-beets. The reason for that one is because I LOVE cranberry sauce, the jello-like kind that comes in a can. When I was five or six, Mom put some beets on my plate at Thanksgiving dinner, and convinced me they were cranberry sauce long enough to get me to bite into one. Ever since, I hate even eating at a table that has beets on the spread. I'm also leery of any kind of new food if my Mother cooks it...


I hate taking pills, to the point I can barely force myself to take Aleve if I have a splitting headache. Prescriptions? Forget it. If it comes in a prescription bottle, I won't even handle it. I also can't use any kind of ointment. I HATE the feel of ointments, creams, moisturizers, et al. So, yeah, I jack dry.

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Must have the radio on to sleep. Also some constant background noise. Fan, humidifier, engine idling. I can not sleep with the TV on. If the wife turns off the radio and turns on the TV, I wake up.


I am a control freak in a car. Cant stand being the passenger. Must be in drivers seat, disengage the traction control, feel the car responding to exactly what I am telling it to do.


No radio in car is fine with me if I can hear the exhaust. Love to hear the engine purring.


I hate straws. I prefer to drink directly from the glass. if it is cold pop, I love the ice against my upper lip. Makes it more refreshing.


Stock is never good enough. It must be re-engineered. I void waranties. Alot.

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Ok some more for me


-If I get an e-mail, facebook, or myspace message I get extremely worried that it's going to be something bad.


-I get aggitated with simple things like building a desk and I'll throw shit and break it after I'm angry for like 5 seconds.


-I think I have acid reflux pretty bad because I throw up acid about once every 2 days....and if I'm drinking when it happens I end up throwing up everything. I also gag about 3-5 times if I get really hungry.

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I compulsively switch cell phones to the latest and greatest(currently the storm),I feel that im always under tipping waitresses even though its usually anywhere from 25 to 35%,I am deathly afraid of doctors i think they are out to get me.
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