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Whats odd about yourself


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I have no respect/remorse for strippers/pornstars, but in a way still really like them.

I absolutly hate when the presets of the radio aren't in order.

I can't stand/understand people who don't take care of their/others belongings.

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LOL ... my wife flips out at that, literally will get up and leave.


So of course, completely unprovoked, I just start gnawing on any metal around to get a quick laugh. Usually at opportune moments, like when we're out to a nice restaurant and shes about to order.


OH GOD...just the thought of someone chewing on a fork.

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European beer is not on the same level. It's like putting Michael Phelps in the special olympics.


Im actually more of a Sam Adams, Deadguy, beer drinker.


Though Newcastle, Stella FTMFW.


OH GOD...just the thought of someone chewing on a fork.


I'll have to remember that if we ever meet.

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Nothing ticks me off more than when someone calls me, I miss the call at the last second, then call them RIGHT back, and they dont answer. Like in that one second they got busy.


Or they're in the process of leaving you a message and don't have call waiting?

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Is there anything that is surprising or weird about you others may not know?


I will start. I absolutely hate talking on the phone. If phones were banned tomorrow, I would be thrilled.


I really need people to accept me. Status or at least its appearance is very important.


I have always been better at most things that I try than anyone else who is with me doing them. I dont know if it is because of a fear of looking worse than someone else and I try harder or what.


There is an episode of tom and jerry that sexually scarred me for life.


I dont like confrontations with strangers but there is a point I reach where I truley feel I am in control. My rage gets to the point where nothing matters absolutely nothing, right wrong, going to jail for the rest of my life nothing.


There are things about myself I will never share with anyone. Things that would make a book a best seller.


I am jealous of people that know more basic shit than me. Like computer stuff. I definately feel I am far behind when it comes to things like this. I want to go back to school but I have no idea where to even begin. I wouldnt know who the first call would be to.


Touching the bottom of a lake freaks me out as well. Although I can swim in them, I do whatever possible to not touch the bottom.


Up until recently, I wanted to be a mod on cr because it seemed that mods were automatically accepted on here. Thats a lie, I still want to be a mod.


This is a hard one to describe. For some reason I do as little as possible in my personal life. At work I will try to be the hardest worker but at home I dont do anything. I use to love doing projects, always with a project. Then I stopped doing anything. I dont know if it was a fear of not being able to do everything so I do nothing, or the fear that everything costs money so I do nothing(even though I have money).



If you ask me to go somewhere, I will almost always tell you no. No matter how bad I really want to go.


I am bi polar(medically diagnosed).


If you ask me to help you with something especially around a house I will always say yes, yet 2 mins before I am to leave I am complaining about having to go help.)even though it really doesnt bother me).


In high school I was an odd man out, having moved in the middle of high school. Girls wouldnt talk to me unless we were alone, then they came on strong. Yet still wouldnt talk to me around anyone else.


I have been told by 7 unrelated people I look like Troy Aikman.


I cant sleep because spaceghost threatened to ban me earlier and I dont think it was fair. Dont know if he was serious or what, but things not being right or fair or just bug me.


In high school I beat the hell out of a kid in front of everyone for repeatedly messing with a mentally handicapped kid for kicks.


I try to live my life always being fair 50/50 to everyone.


I am meaner to my wife than to anyone in my life but I will love her forever and I cant look at her without realizing how much this is true.


I know what I am going to eat before I ever go into a restaurant. I am the most pickiest eater you will ever find.


I have never cooked on a barbeque


I refuse to touch raw meat


I cant touch bolgna


all beer tastes the same to me


It bugs the living piss out of me to wait for a response on an email.




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I hate shaking hands. I constantly think about washing my hands until I can, after I shake someones hand. I think about all the germs and nasty stuff their hand may have touched.


I also hate talking on the phone, I want to get to the point and get it over with.

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I hate shaking hands. I obessively think about washing my hands until I can, after I shake someones hand. I think about all the germs and nasty stuff their hand may have touched.


I also hate talking on the phone, I want to get to the point and get it over with.


I also obsess about other folks dirty handshakes. Which is why I always rub my balls, and taint before I shake someone elses hands. To prove myself right.

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Everything I own with a digital volume control has to be set on an even number and turned up/down in increments of 2. I round everything off, whether it's the amount at the pump, my tab, or if I'm using numbers for a reference.


And now Im going to call you BinaryTim.

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I can be really OCD about some things, but nothing in particular.


I really hate when people have to always touch my stuff, especially when in my car. It drives me nuts for people to touch every button, move vents, recline my seats and roll my window up and down unless they're actually using it because I actually have a specific way I put everything


A lot of times if someone does something for me, most commonly when working on my car, I have to re-do it anyways because I won't be satisfied until I personally do it.. otherwise I won't stop thinking about it and I will continue to assume it was done wrong, or not how I want.


really weird, but I only go in my shower through the right door, and come out through the right door from the inside.

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Guest tbutera2112
i cant have people walking behind me if im with them... random stangers behind me is fine like if im walking through a store, but if im hanging out with friends i freak out and panic if theyre behind me...i always walk in the back, it drives my gf nuts
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I order food by pictures. If I see something that looks good to me in a picture, no matter what it is, I'll order it. I paid $50 for a fucking swordfish in California, and I don't like sea food. It was horrible.


You'd probably freak if you went to Aki-Hana on Old Henderson. I think there's a picture of EVERY dish and some of the Sushi.


Great food btw. The sushi is excellent.

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No fucking shit dude. I am a mess. Managed to get by without drugs so far. Always look for the bright side.


Good for you bro for staying drug free. I have no sympathy for ppl who take drugs outside of medicinal purposes. Keep on livin man and take it easy and let shit fall where they may.:thumbup:

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I order food by pictures. If I see something that looks good to me in a picture, no matter what it is, I'll order it. I paid $50 for a fucking swordfish in California, and I don't like sea food. It was horrible.



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I can't stand cutting my fingernails. It absolutely creeps me out. I don't cut them until one breaks b/c it creeps me out having a broken nail too.


I have a phobia of Q-tips. When I was younger I had one in my ear and my brother pushed me into a wall causing the entire thing to go through my ear drum. I'm partially deaf in my right ear.

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I can't stand cutting my fingernails. It absolutely creeps me out. I don't cut them until one breaks b/c it creeps me out having a broken nail too.


I have a phobia of Q-tips. When I was younger I had one in my ear and my brother pushed me into a wall causing the entire thing to go through my ear drum. I'm partially deaf in my right ear.


Did you kick his ass?

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