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Whats your favorite drink?


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Bacardi Limon mixed with Iced Tea...with fresh lemon squeezed in. Fresh lemon is optional...better for taste.

Hummm that sounds great, I'll have to try it!


Shots- Patron or Jameson but never both in the same night! If I’m trying to get hammered Liquid Coke (151, Goldschlager and Jäger) or anything people offer! Oh and Irish Car Bombs are always good!

Mixed Drinks- Gay…But if I had to say 1 way or another, probably Vodka and Tonic with a lil cranberry juice.

Straight- Grey Goose or Kettle One.

Beer- Guinness, Harp, Heineken or Magic Hat #9. But lets be honest, I'll drink WTF ever. http://smiley.onegreatguy.net/drunk.gifhttp://smiley.onegreatguy.net/drink.gif

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some of you drink like women! washinton apples??? WTF? why not through a couple of wine coolers on top of that and have a pedicure party...


someone else proudly displayed a patron platinum picture...dude that is 30 bucks a shot and i highly doubt you are blasting through 30 dollar shots. i make good money and still cant afford to go out and kill bottles of those...


anyway...patron silver...no salt, no lime, room temp...(best way to go, though i got sick too many times and my body hates patron now, so i am nursing it back to health with more shots)

room temp wild turkey (its a kick in the sac, but does the trick)

capt morgan 100 proof doubleshot with no ice and in a short glass. <---best drink ever

i have recently become a sam adams fan...

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Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse

1 oz Jim Beam (May substitute Jameson

1 oz Johny Walker Red Label

1 oz Jack Daniels

1 oz Jose Cuerzo Gold


Mix and enjoy


NO ONE ENJOYS THE 4 HORSEMAN. If you say you do...your lying through your teeth. That shot is foul. Usually when your at a bar and some punk ass kid who is out celebrating his 21st b-day and foolishly asks the bartender to give them the hardest shot they can...you usually get one of these. Because there is nothing funnier than the look on the face of the poor sap that just took one of these. seriously...why not light 151 on fire and drink it before blowing it out.

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Johnnie Blue...if I'm bumming some off of my father-in-law


If I'm paying, probably more like a MaCallan 12, Jameson Gold Reserve, Jameson 12, Johnnie Gold, or Abelour.


Though my favorite go-to right now is The Glenlivet French Oak Reserve 15....tasty indeed.


All neat of course unless you enjoy ruining something that took almost as long to make as I've been alive.


Mark, I like your tastes.

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NO ONE ENJOYS THE 4 HORSEMAN. If you say you do...your lying through your teeth. That shot is foul. Usually when your at a bar and some punk ass kid who is out celebrating his 21st b-day and foolishly asks the bartender to give them the hardest shot they can...you usually get one of these. Because there is nothing funnier than the look on the face of the poor sap that just took one of these. seriously...why not light 151 on fire and drink it before blowing it out.


LMAO very true. it's the most foul drink I've ever had. But it does it's job very well.


My favorite is simply Budweiser for beer and Jameson's for liquor.

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Guinness Milkshake:


2 cups of vanilla ice cream

1 cup Guinness Extra Stout




Guinness Ice Cream:


1/2 vanilla bean, split lengthwise

1 cup whole milk

1 cup heavy cream

2/3 cup Guinness stout

2 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons molasses

4 egg yolks

1/3 cup sugar

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract


Fado's has the Ice Cream, don't know if they have the milkshake.


It's glorious.

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^^always wanted to try one, but never wanted to pay for it :D


I'm pretty sure it's rare for your shop to even have 2 available. The only other times I've heard of shops getting them, they have to raffle off spots to just buy the damn thing and they only got one. (yes, the deal was if you won the raffle you merely won the ability to pay full price for the Utopia)

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