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"Blood in my urine?", OR, My Trip To The ER


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Hi guys! Posting from my bed at St. Ann's Mt. Carmel! As it turns out, jumping into a new years resolution to exercise should not be done without some amount of caution. :)


I was admitted Wednesday night, and hopefully I will be out soon, and jumping right back into things. :)


For those who wish to know, the diagnosis is rhabdomyolysis. My muscles feel as if they were damaged beyond what they would normally see.

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I was going to say you should've remember to take your protein but it doesnt sound like that would've helped at all. I actually didnt think it was possible to work out "too hard" but get better man. and dont give up.


They are monitoring my levels of creatine here in the hospital and they seem to have gone up. The cafeteria read my food instructions wrong yesterday and instead of recommending that I drink a lot of liquids, they sent a liquid diet, which IMHO may make things worse by starving me of protein. I'll have to look it up.

Edited by Mensan
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They are monitoring my levels of creatine here in the hospital and they seem to have gone up. The cafeteria read my food instructions wrong yesterday and instead of recommending that I drink a lot of liquids, they sent a liquid diet[/i], which IMHO may make things worse by starving me of protein. I'll have to look it up.


By chance are you on cholesterol meds?

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hopefully you don't need dialysis. when i was at OSU, prisoners used to do this to themselves all the time---they considered it a right of passage to get rhabdo. they would just work out non-stop, and restrict their fluid intake--next thing you know, they'd be admitted getting dialysis.
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hopefully you don't need dialysis. when i was at OSU, prisoners used to do this to themselves all the time---they considered it a right of passage to get rhabdo. they would just work out non-stop, and restrict their fluid intake--next thing you know, they'd be admitted getting dialysis.


Not many smart people in jail huh?

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By chance are you on cholesterol meds?


Nope. I have always been the picture of (close to) perfect health. My cholesterol is spot on. I do not drink or smoke, and I have never done any drugs (I try and stay away from prescription drugs as well).


hopefully you don't need dialysis. when i was at OSU, prisoners used to do this to themselves all the time---they considered it a right of passage to get rhabdo. they would just work out non-stop, and restrict their fluid intake--next thing you know, they'd be admitted getting dialysis.



That's idiotic. I know a lot of guys wouldn't even have come in, but we just watched "House" the night before and I knew that brown urine could mean renal failure. :)


My kidney numbers are all perfect and they are keeping me flushed, so dialysis is most likely not necessary.

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Not many smart people in jail huh?




you could imagine some of the stupid shit these guys would pull. faking chest pain was a big one. we couldn't ignore it, they knew exactly what to say, and it bought them a complete workup every time. hospital days don't count towards their sentence, but they consider it a vacation. complaining of blood in their stool was another one.

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you could imagine some of the stupid shit these guys would pull. faking chest pain was a big one. we couldn't ignore it, they knew exactly what to say, and it bought them a complete workup every time. hospital days don't count towards their sentence, but they consider it a vacation. complaining of blood in their stool was another one.


I have a friend that is a surgical tech in the Navy.

They had a guy that wanted to get a section 8. He put three pin ball sized ball bearings up the urethra. They cut them out. 8 weeks later he is back with the same issue.

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