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I got laid off yesterday

Rally Pat

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Ok, so before people start saying "well, you must not have been good enough to keep", let me explain a few things.


I was an intern at Liebert Corporation, working for the Telecommunications dept with a focus on Networking (I did phone stuff too, though). A few weeks ago, they started to let go of all of the interns that were left in the company. My boss, and my boss' boss fought HR up and down to keep me, but they just couldn't let me stay because of the economy. My buddy that works in the HR department said that part was 100% true too.


So, I have till January 30 to somehow come up with a new source of income. As a friend of mine put it, its not trying to find a needle in a haystack, its trying to find a specific needle in a stack of needles.


I am looking for a job, or a paid internship, in the networking or telecom fields. I am CCNA trained, although I do not yet have the certification because I still have some training to go at school. I will also be moving into a CCNP degree soon after that. I also have experience with Cisco CallManager and IP Phones (79XX), as well as NEC PBX's. I have a resume prepared that I could submit right away.


Thank you for your help and time,

Patrick Burke

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Unfortunately, as an intern, you were on the low end of the food chain. With the economy in shambles, and not looking to improve in the next year, many companies are forced to "trim" all non-essential operating expenses. My wife fell victim in October as well.


There are jobs out there. you will most likely have to suck it up and work for less money, or in a job that is "beneath" you. It's unfortunate, but a reality.


My company laid off ALL hourly employees in November. Because we are a seasonal facility, we will be hiring again in late March. But not nearly as many as before this economic cluster-fuck.


My advice to you is get gainful employment as fast as you can. Even if it's a servers job. Then you will have an income, and still be able to find something that you are well-qualified for.


As the adage goes: It's easier to find a job, when you already have a job!


Good luck,


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Unfortunately, as an intern, you were on the low end of the food chain. With the economy in shambles, and not looking to improve in the next year, many companies are forced to "trim" all non-essential operating expenses. My wife fell victim in October as well.


There are jobs out there. you will most likely have to suck it up and work for less money, or in a job that is "beneath" you. It's unfortunate, but a reality.


My company laid off ALL hourly employees in November. Because we are a seasonal facility, we will be hiring again in late March. But not nearly as many as before this economic cluster-fuck.


My advice to you is get gainful employment as fast as you can. Even if it's a servers job. Then you will have an income, and still be able to find something that you are well-qualified for.


As the adage goes: It's easier to find a job, when you already have a job!


Good luck,



The downside to this would be if he is eligible for unemployment benefits they will deduct whatever he earns out of said benefits. So it might be more benefitial to dedicate 100% time and effort to finding a job for you than take something in the meantime just to pay bills.


Then again, are interns eligible for unemployment?

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The downside to this would be if he is eligible for unemployment benefits they will deduct whatever he earns out of said benefits. So it might be more benefitial to dedicate 100% time and effort to finding a job for you than take something in the meantime just to pay bills.


Then again, are interns eligible for unemployment?


It depends on the way in which the company classifies him as an employee ( i.e. contract, seasonal, temporary, etc.) , and the amount of hours he worked in the last calendar year, as to if he is eligible.


My guess is that, as an intern, he was not making more than $15 an hour. Unemployment will only pay half of that. Servers make more than that, most far more. No, it isn't a career position, but it will pay bills. It will also allow him to research and interview during the day.


As an employer and potential boss, it would show me A LOT to see a young person not sit back and compound our unemployment problems, while looking for what would amount to an entry level job.

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Ok, so before people start saying "well, you must not have been good enough to keep", let me explain a few things.


I was an intern at Liebert Corporation, working for the Telecommunications dept with a focus on Networking (I did phone stuff too, though). A few weeks ago, they started to let go of all of the interns that were left in the company. My boss, and my boss' boss fought HR up and down to keep me, but they just couldn't let me stay because of the economy. My buddy that works in the HR department said that part was 100% true too.


So, I have till January 30 to somehow come up with a new source of income. As a friend of mine put it, its not trying to find a needle in a haystack, its trying to find a specific needle in a stack of needles.


I am looking for a job, or a paid internship, in the networking or telecom fields. I am CCNA trained, although I do not yet have the certification because I still have some training to go at school. I will also be moving into a CCNP degree soon after that. I also have experience with Cisco CallManager and IP Phones (79XX), as well as NEC PBX's. I have a resume prepared that I could submit right away.


Thank you for your help and time,

Patrick Burke



1. Get your CCNA, having it and saying you are preparing for it make a world of difference on an app.

2. Take a consulting job for now. If you can walk the walk, you can find a descent (non benefits) consulting job tomorrow to hold you over while you look for a full time gig.

3. Continue to get certs. My company has been nothing but fantastic to me with every new cert I obtain, they are really worth their wait in gold, if you can prove you can do the work as well.



Sorry to hear this, but if you are good and want to work you will find a job. :cool:

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There is potential that I will end up a contractor for TEKsystems, because apparently Liebert has a really good relationship with those guys, and many current Liebert IT people were hired from there after they worked as contractors for a while. As I'm not one to put my eggs in one basket, my resume is getting sent out to all on here who requested it.


Thanks for the offer of the unemployment line, but I think I'll pass on that one. My boss told me that I can just go to any interviews or whatever. Unemployment is an absolute last resort.

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My guess is that, as an intern, he was not making more than $15 an hour. Unemployment will only pay half of that. Servers make more than that, most far more. No, it isn't a career position, but it will pay bills. It will also allow him to research and interview during the day.



you dont get 50% of ur pay on unemployment. you might need to do a little search before you go and say this..... the max is about 430/week and it depends on if ur married, have kids, what ur position was and so on. If he would get 40% i think he would be doing good.......


about 6 year ago i got layed off for about 2 months and was making 14.44/hr and was getting 215 a week...... i'm pretty sure wage hasn't gone up that much.

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you dont get 50% of ur pay on unemployment. you might need to do a little search before you go and say this..... the max is about 430/week and it depends on if ur married, have kids, what ur position was and so on. If he would get 40% i think he would be doing good.......


about 6 year ago i got layed off for about 2 months and was making 14.44/hr and was getting 215 a week...... i'm pretty sure wage hasn't gone up that much.


Maybe you should do a little research before you stick your foot in your pie hole!


See page 11:




My wife is currently laid off and collecting unemployment. I was in the same position 4 years ago!

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I spoke to Ed Potokar recently and he mentioned something about how they were having to possibly start downsizing. Shit sucks.


I'm still working on a settlement from an injury I sustained at Liebert about two years ago, so it was awkward running into him.

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Maybe you should do a little research before you stick your foot in your pie hole!


See page 11:




My wife is currently laid off and collecting unemployment. I was in the same position 4 years ago!


hey jackass. it states that the MAX you may receive is 50% of ur maxium not to excedd the max the state allows. the max is NOT what he will receive b/c you must have dependents AND be married...... Now dont just cut and paste and half read and think ur right.

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I think it has to do more with how much you have made in the last year. I am on unemployment now and Im getting 328 a week and I am single unmarried no kids. Because my old job I was making 13.50 an hour plus overtime working about 60 hours a week quit that job cause I hated it and Picked up a landscaping job to pay the bills making 11 an hour so....
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Sorry to hear that, I also work at Liebert/Emerson, and today they laid off another 100 people here at the Columbus plant. I got lucky this round, but i fear that i will be next on the chopping block if/when there is another round of lay-offs. Good luck in your job search..
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I was a brazer at Liebert back at the turn of the century(wierd saying that) and I got laid off too. Sad thing is I loved that job and I was damn good at it. I almost went back there last summer when I was unemployed but the job I took was 20 miles less driving each day, first shift instead of third and paid the same hourly. Guess I'm glad I passed on Liebert this time. I don't have any job leads for you but I will offer moral support. Some advice though, get a PROFESSIONAL resume made. I thought I had a good one since I spent 15 years interviewing people for jobs. When I got laid off last year, part of my severance package was a month with a career counseling firm who taught me how to make a truly great resume. What they taught me was almost exactly opposite of what the resume books all say.
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Sorry to hear that, I also work at Liebert/Emerson, and today they laid off another 100 people here at the Columbus plant. I got lucky this round, but i fear that i will be next on the chopping block if/when there is another round of lay-offs. Good luck in your job search..


Yeah it sucks to see. I work at all the facilities, but my office is at Dearborn. Its not pretty no matter where you go, Dearborn, Delaware, LGS, its not good.

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