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How did Hamas get elected?

Science Abuse

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SO sad, I can't fathom US military personnel having to shoot a child as they approach in war time, you never know. Christ I would be fucked for life if something like that would happen to me. Truthfully I don't think I could pull the trigger and most likely would endanger the people around me or I would end up dead. Props to anyone that has served and has faced any type of this situation whether it be a child or adult. I would never make it home alive if there was a draft and had to serve. The only situation I could function in this manner is on my home soil defending my family. Then I would be a maniac....


I cannot condemn or praise the actions because I have never been put in this situation and will not take a side. Because I have no idea what it is like there. I live in Westerville Ohio where a Bad thing that happens is my electricity or cable goes out for a half an hour or I get a speeding ticket.

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I cannot condemn or praise the actions....


Did you read the radio transcript? There was no intication of a threat, quite the opposite. Go down the whole article, it's some sick shit:



'It's a little girl. She's running defensively eastward'

Operations room:

'Are we talking about a girl under the age of 10?'


'A girl of about 10, she's behind the embankment, scared to death'

A few minutes later, Iman is shot in the leg from one of the army posts.

The watchtower:

"I think that one of the positions took her out."

The company commander then moves in as Iman lies wounded.

Captain R:

"I and another soldier are going in a little nearer, forward, to confirm the kill ... Receive a situation report...... We fired and killed her ... I also confirmed the kill. Over."

Captain R (after killing the girl)

'Anything moving in the zone, even a three-year-old, needs to be killed'


Confimed kill: Witnesses described how the captain shot Iman twice in the head, walked away, turned back and fired a stream of bullets into her body. Doctors at Rafah's hospital said she had been shot at least 17 times.

Edited by Science Abuse
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So Eric finds nothing wrong with Hamas firing rockets at CIVILIAN CITIES, but one retard going off the deep end and killing a girl justifies hatred against Israel?



BINGO. I think through history the Israelis have some justification.

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So Eric finds nothing wrong with Hamas firing rockets at CIVILIAN CITIES, but one retard going off the deep end and killing a girl justifies hatred against Israel?




Did Eric say that he finds nothing wrong with firing rockets at civilian cities? Maybe it's from another thread and I missed it.


Also, using that example... How many civilians have we killed in the middle east in the last 8 years? Big wonder why everyone hates us.


Ewhystell, thats the kind of backwards-ass thinking that still has the world killing itself unecessarily. Why does there NEED to be war? Why do people NEED to kill others?

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