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new taurus SHO 350hp twin turbo?


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MY hostility stems from the fact that US automakers, my HOME COUNTRY, are failing horribly and appear to be doing nothing to fix the issue. They are too hidebound and stubborn to change. They had a GOLDEN opportunity to reset and turn themselves around. Instead of announcements of pricey top-level models in a floundering economy, there should be announcements of new development into Hybrids, Electric cars, and Quality. They should be showing the public that they are changing.


I'm not saying american cars are crap now. What I'm saying is that they have an IMAGE of unreliability and cheap build quality. They need to shed that image to be successful, and so far they've barely even tried.


As for the F-150, it may be the best selling vehicle in the world, but it's not enough to make the company profitable is it? You can point to any singular product of a company and say "this is profitable," but it's the entire company that matters. If the F-150 brings in 10 Billion, but the company spends 20 Billion, it'll go under all the same.


Subaru and Mini were the only two companies that posted growth in 2008. What do they have in common? Companies that sell a limited number of models that specialize in something. Mini has small FWD cars that are easily identifiable and stand out in a crowd. Subaru has reliable cars that all have AWD. I'm not saying the big 3 should copy Mini or Subaru, but having 5 copies of the same car sold under different names while trying to fill every class AND every cross-class doesn't help. It only makes for tons of extra stock in cars and parts and confusion for the buyer.


Do one thing, do it well, and do it better than anyone else. There's a reason why I have trouble seeing myself owning anything other than a Subaru.

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Your Audi is a nice car, but like I said before, its the "Dodge" of German automakers. MB and BMW will always be superior in the minds of the buying public looking at the type of machine.


Maybe you should invest in your own company rather than making snide remarks about other cars. It's about time you bought a new Ford. Driving that old rattle trap around isn't helping your company! Pony up for couple new GT's.


Then again, people would have to buy cars from you in order for that to happen.


My bad.




I'd rather drive the "Dodge Of Germany" than a a ford any day.



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Oh I will own other cars other that Suabru, I really can't think of another Subaru other than my STI I would ever buy. I sure as hell am not buying a new 09 STI. Fuck that.


Well, unless I want to go drag racing, I can't see a reason NOT to have AWD, so that narrows things down. And looking at other AWD offerings, there aren't many that I like or feel comfortable with. Even Audi is starting to slack off with open diffs and using the brakes to emulate a LSD. Many others use FWD biased systems. So a solid AWD system and a reliable car spells Subaru to me. The whole "Subarus are like Legos" thing helps a lot too, but that's not something the average buyer cares about.


As for the 08/09 STI, after seeing it in person, I could live with it. But we'll be seeing the 2010 this year. Maybe it'll look better.

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Well, unless I want to go drag racing, I can't see a reason NOT to have AWD, so that narrows things down. And looking at other AWD offerings, there aren't many that I like or feel comfortable with. Even Audi is starting to slack off with open diffs and using the brakes to emulate a LSD. Many others use FWD biased systems. So a solid AWD system and a reliable car spells Subaru to me. The whole "Subarus are like Legos" thing helps a lot too, but that's not something the average buyer cares about.


As for the 08/09 STI, after seeing it in person, I could live with it. But we'll be seeing the 2010 this year. Maybe it'll look better.


Oh I agree on the AWD, but for putting around town really any AWD system is fine by me. Truthfully I hope the 2010 model is ugly too, I don't want a new car right now. :)

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Maybe you should invest in your own company rather than making snide remarks about other cars. It's about time you bought a new Ford. Driving that old rattle trap around isn't helping your company! Pony up for couple new GT's.


Then again, people would have to buy cars from you in order for that to happen.


My bad.




I'd rather drive the "Dodge Of Germany" than a a ford any day.




Educate me then, Jones. Tell me what's wrong with my statement about Audi? Tell me why the buying public looks at audi in a good light but not the best light behind MB and BMW. 3rd place is 3rd place. Just like dodge. Not a diss...reality.


Are you trying to hurt my feelings? Sorry, bro. We sell plenty of cars, so don't worry about me.


You know what I allow you to know about me. You think my Taurus and Mustang are the only vehicles I own? That's cool...a little shortsighted, but cool.


"Snide remarks?" You Audi boys are the ones throwing out terms like rattle traps, pieces of crap etc...when did I ever belittle your ride. I couldnt care less. They are damn nice rides and for what you boys pay for them, they better be.


What I do care about is Ford, GM and Dodge. No one in their right mind wants to see them fail. We want to see change, but not failure.

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Educate me then, Jones. Tell me what's wrong with my statement about Audi? Tell me why the buying public looks at audi in a good light but not the best light behind MB and BMW. 3rd place is 3rd place. Just like dodge. Not a diss...reality.


Are you trying to hurt my feelings? Sorry, bro. We sell plenty of cars, so don't worry about me.


You know what I allow you to know about me. You think my Taurus and Mustang are the only vehicles I own? That's cool...a little shortsighted, but cool.


"Snide remarks?" You Audi boys are the ones throwing out terms like rattle traps, pieces of crap etc...when did I ever belittle your ride. I couldnt care less. They are damn nice rides and for what you boys pay for them, they better be.


What I do care about is Ford, GM and Dodge. No one in their right mind wants to see them fail. We want to see change, but not failure.



Captain E-Peen cant hear you from his high horse.

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Because everything Subaru makes right now looks like "Lotney Fratelli" from Goonies.


I like the Legacy. But I agree about the Impreza. It's some of Toyota blandness leaking in through the shares they hold I'm sure. That's something Subaru needs to take care of. In the past they may have been "quirky" or ugly, but at least they weren't boring or bland.

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I can leave mine on the street tonight if you want to come by and make it look like that one, when I total it out and buy it back I'll make you and offer you can't refuse. :)


But then you'd have to buy an 09.. Sure you can live with that? ;)


EDIT: I thought this was odd... Reply to the wrong thread?

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I didn't know you speak for public on the whole. Must be a part time job of yours.






9. Audi A4


Audi often finds itself in the shadows of Mercedes and BMW, but not when it comes to getting tickets. The Audi A4 is the ninth most ticketed car in America.


Article from other thread.


Irony defined.


Have a good one, Jonesy:)

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Anyway, my point was....ever seen the top gear where Jeremy tests the f150 lightning? He talks about how its the best selling car in America blablabla and then goes on about what a big piece of crap it is.




As much as I enjoy watching Top Gear, and as much as I'm not really a fan of Ford trucks, I must say that video was trash.


He complained about a squeeky interior - it was a poorly done, third party right hand drive conversion that had nothing to do with Ford.


He complained it didn't do well offroad - it was a sport 2wd, so no shit


He complained that it was too big - well, English roads were established long before vehicles existed. They drive microcars partly because that is all that fits on their roads.


Sorry, I really can't agree with Clarkson on this one.

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As much as I enjoy watching Top Gear, and as much as I'm not really a fan of Ford trucks, I must say that video was trash.


He complained about a squeeky interior - it was a poorly done, third party right hand drive conversion that had nothing to do with Ford.


He complained it didn't do well offroad - it was a sport 2wd, so no shit


He complained that it was too big - well, English roads were established long before vehicles existed. They drive microcars partly because that is all that fits on their roads.


Sorry, I really can't agree with Clarkson on this one.


if i remember that episode correctly, didn't that cheese eating faggot take the f-150 to look at various types of bread?? i can't stand that whiny bitch.

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you referenced "running these companies"....my bad for not seeing where you excluded Ford from your comment.


Newflash....they didn't need to because back in 2006 they mortgaged everything they owned, including the Ford Logo, during their $23 billion borrowing spree...or as it's now known "a restructuring plan" :rolleyes:


So in essence they did took a private sector bailout package 3 years ago vs taking one from the gov't this year. same difference. only they didn't get the press from CNN and others because back then the issues was below the radar. now if they fail, who do you think will be asking the gov't for help.....those very same lenders Ford has on the hook right now. :(


What they did is equivalent to my wife's bankruptcy clients...they take 2nd and 3rd mortgages out until they are completely in debt up to their eyeballs, just prolonging the inevitable with lines of credit. so while GM burned through cash, Ford borrowed against their assets. It's just a race to see who goes broke first. it could end up burning them in the end, because if they don't have any assets worth a shit, and GM and Chrysler don't make this thing work, there's zero chance or reason for the gov't to lend them money in the future.


Hopefully they enjoy the good press and appearance of doing okay...because they aren't really doing okay. in fact they too posted a Record Loss For 2008 to the tune of $14.6B.


Excuse me while I go spend my home equity line of credit and pretend I'm rolling in cash. :rolleyes: Yeah baby!! I'm the "New Ford"

you would have a point if they were in fact using any of said bank money. ford has $18.9B on hand and have been operating off of on hand cash. this cash is rumored to last around a year and a half if the automotive sales climate doesn't change(which "analysts" have recently been saying should recover this summer).


and, what they did(by going to the banks) is no different than you and me walking into a bank and asking for a loan. they put together a plan that was similar to what they sent to congress and asked the banks for some cash.


i'll say it again: ford has been operating on on-hand cash. quit getting your "facts" from CNN, and do some real research on what these companies are really doing. mulally knows his shit, and has turned around ford in no time at all.

bring the euro spec cars ever here and everything will be fine.. every time i watch top gear and see a euro ford, chevy.. it makes me pissed we dont have those models here.

ford will have 9 to 12 european cars here in the states within the next 3 years. this includes the focus, fiesta, mondeo(under the fusion badge, the platforms will be merged), kuga(under the escape badge, merged platforms), and others.

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